starting over - a little background


Enjoys Recycling
Jan 16, 2012
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01. Name? My friends call me Erin, my kids call me mom and those I take care of at work call me lots of different names "Mary, Earl, Penny, Shirley, girl, that man, honey, stupid son of a bleep" - gotta love the dementia patients. :D

02. Gender? I'm a girly girl that doesn't mind getting dirty.

03. Disneyworld or Disneyland? Eh. Either or. I'm not one for crowds.

04. What is your favorite color? I don't have just one. I love deep dark colors. Forest green, ruby red, sapphire blue, and black.

05. What is your favorite kind of gum? Trident. We weren't allowed to have 'sugar gum' when I was growing up so most things around here are sugar free.

06. How much do you weigh? I don't even want to know. Sheesh.

07. How tall are you? I'm 5'6" and quickly becoming the shortest person in my house.

08. Can you swim? Oh yes!

09. Do you like to swim? As long as the water is clear. I have an irrational fear of sharks and gators. My brother used to scare the crap outta me by humming the Jaws theme when we swam in Lake Erie. I know it's freshwater AND Ohio but I'd still run for shore every time. :rolleyes:

10. Living arrangement? Four kids two adults and a multitude of animals.

11. What's on your mouse pad? Usually my cup of coffee or iced tea

12. Favorite board game? I like playing Sequence and Life with the kids and Monopoly and Scrabble on Pogo.

13. Favorite magazine? I really don't read magazines. I NEVER buy them but will flip through People if there's one at work.

14. Favorite Actor? Good lord...There are too many to name. My list of actors/actresses I don't like is much shorter.

15. Favorite Actress? See above

16. Do you have an accent? Well, I'm from Ohio. Some say we (collectively speaking) have accents here. Though, after a few drinks my tongue tends to loosen and I sound like a southern belle. Go figure.

17. Favorite smells? Cut grass, fall leaves, dogs coming in from playing in the snow, wood smoke, earthy tones.

18. Least favorite smells? I have an intensely sensitive sense of smell so anything too strong, too perfume like, too chemically, too anything I guess...just kills me.

19. Favorite sound? Sighs of contentment, baby's laughter, crackle of wood burning, surf pounding against the beach, guinea pigs chatter, big church bells chiming the hour.

20. Do you prefer pools or oceans? Pools to swim in and oceans to sit by and think.

21. Do you watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer? Nope

22. Pencil or pen? Pens. They have to be black ink. No idea why.

23. Who's better - boys or girls? :hu Neither. Both. What kinda question is that?

24. Would you like to own a motorcycle? I have a hard enough time with a bicycle.

25. Do you sing in the shower? No way. I'd have every dog in the house squeezed into the bathroom to see what in the world the crazy human was doing again.

26. Who's the best looking Disney character? Best looking? I don't think I ever thought of them that way.

27. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? I hate school, can't wait for summer break.

28. How many rings before you answer the phone? I usually don't answer the phone. That's what voice mail is for.

29. How do you want to die? With fair warning and little pain.

30. Have you ever called a 900 number? Eeek! NO!

31. Gold or silver? Silver with lotsa sparkles!

32. Would you ever go bungee-jumping? I tend to have awkward luck so it isn't in my best interest to do that kind of thing.

33. Do you like dressing up? Oh yes. Skirts, heels, make up, hair done and ready for a night out!

34. Would you rather be short or tall? Short is cute but I gotta be able to reach things so I'll have to go for tall.

35. Do you enjoy reading? Love it!

36. What book are you reading now? In the middle of Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon. Chickens for Dummies. Horses of the Plains (i think thats the name of it). One of Nora Roberts, the name has escaped me and Im not getting up to look. And innumerable blogs.

37. Favorite books? Too many to name. Enjoy Diana Gabaldon, James Patterson, Nora Roberts, Lady who wrote the Clan of the Cave Bear Series, Forensic Medical thrillers, Anthropology geared books, and on and on. I'm all over the place.

38. What was the last movie you saw? Analyze That

39. Favorite movies? Love happy movies, romantic comedies, fantasy, sci-fi, christmas movies...

40. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? I have plenty of live animals to sleep with. Stuffed ones creep me out. They don't blink.

41. What is your sign? Gemini

42. What are your personality traits? Happy, flighty, imaginative, creative, quirky, stubborn, quiet, innovative, ferociously protective.

43. What's your biggest fear? Aortic aneurysm. Second biggest - Sharks and crocs. I'm okay with being a weirdo.:rolleyes:

44. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery? If I had the money I'd love to get rid of the 'budda' (the belly).

45. Future child's name? Either Immaculate Conception or Malpractice Suit. I'm done having kids. Four is enough for me.

46. Favorite foods? Chicken wings, pizza, mexican food, chinese food, steak...jeeze. Now I'm hungry.

47. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. The darker the better.

48. Do you like to drive fast? When I am alone and it's relatively safe.

49. Storms - cool or scary? Breathtaking, amazing, beautiful, energizing, uplifting.

50. Do you like to dance? Maybe, after a drink or two in a dark area with very few other people. Hate to scare them away.

51. Do you do drugs? I've never touched an illegal drug.

52. Do you smoke? Nope

53. What do you think of people who smoke? Boggles my mind that they have the extra cash to spend on their smokes.

54. Do you drink? Yep.

55. Favorite drink? Long Island Iced Tea

56. Do you think men and women could ever be just friends without wanting each other? I think they can as long as they are on the same page.

57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yes

58. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? Child Care Provider.

59. What's your "type"? Type of what? Dogs? Quiet ones are best. Land? Rolling hills with mountains in the backdrop. Clothing? Soft and comfortable. Men? Strong, driven, protective, hard working. Cars? At this point anything that has four wheels and runs without being pushed. Drink cups? The bigger the better. I'm always thirsty. :D

60. Do you bite your nails? Blech! You have any idea what kinda gunk is under your nails?

61. Any siblings? An older brother and younger sister.

62. What movies have you cried in? I avoid movies/tv shows that make me cry. I HATE to cry.

63. Do you believe in God? Deep down I believe but there are days when I question said belief.

64. Did you ever cry over a guy/girl? Both. Human relationships are hard.

65. Have you ever stolen anything? I'm ashamed to say that yes I have. A couple of times by mistake (items left in cart) and I didn't notice till I was at the car and I didn't return them.

66. Do you procrastinate? All the time. Drives me crazy.

67. Do you believe in fate? Sometimes no and other times it just seems to be the only explanation.

68. Who's your favorite Sesame Street character? I was going to say Count Chocula but that isn't his name. The vampirish guy that's forever counting things. My memory is horrible.

69. Do you organize your CD's? I don't organize many things. Definitely not my cds

70. What is your favorite kind of music? Enya, Christmas, Rob Zombie, Evanescence, some industrial rock, oldies, all kinds I guess.

71. What are your favorite bands/artists? I really should read the question ahead before I answer. See above

72. What was the last CD you got? Flyleaf?

73. MTV or VH1? I don't have cable.

74. Who do you admire the most? Those who live life to the fullest, love passionately, and have boundless energy.

75. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends? What is the point.

76. Are you single? That is a complicated question.

77. Favorite TV show? I love Lucy, Big Love, Little House on the Prairie, Waltons

78. Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads? ????

79. Glasses or contacts? Neither

80. What color are your eyes? Blue

81. What is your natural hair color? Mouse brown

82. But what color is it now? Deep mahogany brown

83. Have you ever been in love? I honestly don't think so...but I love my kids more than life itself.

84. Any pets? 7 dogs, 2 cats, one snake, one ferret and hopefully a bunch of chicks here as soon as they hatch.

85. Good, decent, or poor grades? In high school I floated by. In college I got very good grades.

86. Is the glass half empty or half full? half full...always

87. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? I think so...except for the number keys. Can't train the fingers to cooperate to reach them.

88. What's under your bed? Two tubs, dog toys, a sock, metal poles and rope.

89. What is your favorite number? 2 and 5

90. Favorite sport to watch? I love watching baseball IF I know someone on the team. Otherwise I'd rather watch paint dry or grass grow.


Enjoys Recycling
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks for the welcome BarredBuff, Denim Deb, Big White, and CheerioLounge!

I love this site. There's so much information to be gotten from here. This place is bursting with ideas that I would've never even thought about trying. It's reassuring to find so many people with similar ideals. It's like finally coming home.


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That's how I felt when I stumbled onto this site. I felt like I finally found a place I fit in.


Jun 27, 2011
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Welcome from Mississippi! Great job on your list! That's a lot of questions.