Staying home now...what ways can I save money over working?


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
framing fowl said:
What about being your own boss? What I mean by that is rather than trying to do everything at once, set assignments for yourself and prioritize. For example, maybe do all of the one-time adjustments this week such as calling your insurance agent, checking on phone plans, etc. Then set aside time to plan the garden, set aside time to plan your menus, set aside time for animal planning. That way it won't be all hodge-podge.

Another thing that may or may not help is planning structure for your day. For example, maybe after breakfast is animal time. Then after lunch is food prep/planning time. Then evening is ________. Or you could do the old-fashioned thing where Monday is wash day, Tuesday is ironing, Wednesday is bread baking, etc. Find a new rhythm that works for you. Something consistent but where you're not getting overly tired.

It will be an adjustment for sure but how exciting!
I used (and still use) to set this up. I use a binder to keep everything in order. I have a to-do list / routine that I do ... almost ... everyday. And I'm working on a routine for days of the week. So far I got folding laundry on Monday and fertilizing plants on Tueday. Everything else is a "project" and I keep track of them with my binder.

I've found time to do some little things. I've applied for disability also so I'm careful that I'm not doing anything that could be construed as business or income. Bartering goes a long ways! You know those Craigslist stories where "I started with a dirty sock and got a Mercedes"? They use whatever they have and barter, always swapping up.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I think a daily routine is just what I need. I do have a pattern that is somewhat dictated by what I need to do. Maybe I should make it more like a workday, with a certain time I start things by.

So far I've been reorganizing cupboards and getting myself better arranged, caught up on laundry, etc.

I can't make any phone calls, my disability is deafness and vertigo, but I will remind my husband to make those changes. We don't have a cell phone for me to cancel.....I have no need for one. But I don't spend a dime on phone calls is the upside. :idunno


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Pretty good, I think. They had to peck and scratch through the snow. I had not been letting them out in the snow but I see I was wrong, they enjoyed it. There was grass and stuff poking through. They were funny to watch waddling about in the cold snow, though! The pullets were especially funny as this was their first real snow that they got out into.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I had mine separated today so they didnt go out, but tommorow they will be going out. I think they are miserable in that house all day.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
savingdogs said:
I think a daily routine is just what I need. I do have a pattern that is somewhat dictated by what I need to do. Maybe I should make it more like a workday, with a certain time I start things by.
I am OFF after dinner, and if you don't like dinner dishes sitting on the counter, then wash them yourself! I start at 9ish and am done about 6ish. I take an hour-ish break at lunchtime too.

I go over to Flylady on Facebook and play "bingo." Very motivating and surprising how much you can get done!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I have been "unemployed" for 5 years now. I have managed to live off of savings and seriously need to get a job of some sort again. I have been looking, but there just isn't that much out here.

I have been tightening my belt more and more. I barely ever use toilet paper any more. I really got used to using fabric wipes. That turned out to be a big money saver. I also try to take advantage of free energy whenever I can. If the wood stove is on, I will use it to dry herbs, seeds, and vegetable bits. I harvested a big basket of carrots. I eneded up with lots of trimmings. Too much to feed the critters all at once. So I decided to dry a bunch of it. I don't know if the critters will want it dried, but it didn't cost me anything to try it out. I do this with other bits of produce also. Most of the time the trimmings go straight to the critters, but when I have an abundance of something, I dry it and give it to them later.

You might also look for outlet stores in your area. I am lucky in that we even have a Goodwill Outlet store. But we have several bakery outlets and other stores that will sell seconds. Even a grocery store that sells "seconds". These are often foods that for some reason or other would not sell at regular grocery chains. Sometimes the cans are in mexican or french. Or they are things manufacturers tried out and didn't sell. Or from a store or warehouse that went out of business. You have to watch what you buy, but most of the time we got great food at good prices.

We connected with several neighbors and friends, with whom we share our bounty and they share theirs. We don't barter as such, we just help each other out. I think the best part about that is that we feel connected and cared about. We look out for each other.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I should probably get to know my neighbors better. We live pretty far from most of our friends now. I'd love to barter eggs for other products, that would be awesome. One of our neighbors already sells eggs to this neighborhood so that market is already cornered though.
We have a widower that lives next door though and he grows a garden and such. I should make an effort to get to know him better, he is probably the type you are referring to, FD. I should take him a dozen eggs just for Christmas so I have an excuse to drop in I think.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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South/Central Georgia
savingdogs said:
I should probably get to know my neighbors better. We live pretty far from most of our friends now. I'd love to barter eggs for other products, that would be awesome. One of our neighbors already sells eggs to this neighborhood so that market is already cornered though.
We have a widower that lives next door though and he grows a garden and such. I should make an effort to get to know him better, he is probably the type you are referring to, FD. I should take him a dozen eggs just for Christmas so I have an excuse to drop in I think.
Make sure that the neighbor really has the market cornered. Maybe there is more demand than s/he can meet? Keep prices the same, I'd think, so you're not undercutting the market, but try anyway. Can't hurt. Might even let the neighbor know and even ask if there is more demand than they can meet if they would refer to you. Just a thought...


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
That is a good idea, to let my egg selling neighbor know....they are one of the few families that we know here and we knew they were selling eggs prior to getting chickens so it wouldn't really be nice to steal his customers. But you are right, with supply and demand being what it is, maybe I could have his overload business.

I get so many good ideas here!