Stocking Up, Putting Back, Prepping = Paranoia?


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
valmom said:
...Unfortunately, I doubt very much that many communities in the US are liable to actually pull together into a cohesive whole since the mantra in our country is prey on the weak until only the wolves (or zombies) are left. ...
Valmom, I felt as you do, for a long time. However, there are things that have given me hope, especially for rural America. With all of the flooding, tornadoes, and other disasters this year, the big story has been how communities have pulled together, and how neighboring communities (and some very from far away) have rushed to the aid of those in need. Even in New York after 9/11, the city and the country for that matter, pulled together to help and to comfort. I gives me hope that when things really get bad, people will be there for each other. There will always be examples of "mans' inhumanity to man", but I have come to believe that overall that those example, even though they may get more attention, are in the minority. With what I see heading our way, I hope and pray that I am right.


Apr 4, 2009
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I think I was thinking of my own neighborhood and the people in it. *This* neighborhood is not likely to pull together at all, rural as it is. Too many druggies on our dirt road. I have to say, since my mare broke her neck running from the gunfire, we have been re-thinking this particular rural location. I'm thinking how far away we can get from people more than we are now.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I was getting ready to say the same.

At our recent garage sale I met quite a few of my "neighbors" as well. We have TWO halfway houses within walking distance and many other ... shall I say it as nicely as possible ... colorful characters. We have a few repeat offenders (various crimes) a burglary ring (arrested slapped on the wrist and back home) and have had several meth labs closed within a few blocks. Last week a dead man was found in a ditch three blocks from my house.

If a TRUE TSHTF incident ever takes place around here - no doubts - I will end up dead. If a major shortage happens - I probably have a 50/50 chance. I would not turn away a person that ASKS me for food, but I doubt most of them will be ASKING. :/

Again .. for the record ... I save up for short term disasters or personal shortages. And yes, I am paranoid.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Still, I have found that probably 90% (don't you just hate people that use percentages? lol ) of people have a good heart and will help each other out. The rest are what I've started to refer to as "feral humans" - un-socialized and dangerous. Farmfresh, it sounds like you definitely need to find another place to live; that place sounds like it's just waiting for a touch-stick. You too Valmom- if you don't feel comfortable in your community now, it will only get worse.

The best thing you can do to prepare for bad times is to get to know your neighbors. Anonymity allows people to be callous toward each other (that's the part I dislike the most about the Internet).


Power Conserver
Jun 24, 2011
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I think i would move also, if i were in Farmfresh and Valmon situation.However, if they own where they live , that may be tough in this housing market.If they are renters, that a different story.It's a tough choice to make.I love my place, but don't like where it is, it's not easy to part from a place sometimes.


Sustainable Newbie
Aug 7, 2011
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Coming from fl this time of year it is called hurricane preparedness to "put up" extra canned goods and dry goods. We know that waitin til the last moment means you do not get anything. As for being paranoid the young lady you referred to are the same people who showed up at my door wanting food and water when we had 2 hurricanes come thru a few years ago. I did not turn anyone away as we had plenty but a young girl had the same attitude but i think she might have learned something. If not she is in trouble. With the market today and the government we have, you better be puttin up or you gonna go hungry. I might not be so generous next time. I know a lot of others wont be.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I TOTALLY agree with you! I need a new place to live.

So which one of you is going to buy me that 20 acres in the Flint Hills that I have been dreaming of? :lol:

Actually we never intended on staying in this house this long. Then life (and three kids) sorta happened. When we moved here it was a nice historical neighborhood and if you drive past it still LOOKS that way. It is just the heart of the people that has changed. We do still have some good neighbors. I am just afraid that most of them would not last very long in a situation.

At least it IS paid for, which with the economy going belly up is a total blessing.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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k0xxx said:
Why do you suppose it is that some people equate stocking up food and other needed supplies with being paranoid? Were our grandparents paranoid when they understood that sometimes life throws you a curve ball and you better be prepared when it does?

Today I went to a local store that advertised name brand canned vegetables for almost half off, and while checking out, a pleasant young woman (twenty something) with a couple of kids in tow, engaged me in conversation. I was buying a case of each vegetable type, and she asked why I was buying such a large amount. Not wanting to get too deeply into it with her, I told her that prices were starting to rise faster and since my income was fixed and that it could be reduced at some point, I thought that I would buy extra to keep on hand. Her response was, "Oh, your one of those paranoid people who hoard food. Don't you know that if there is an emergency, others people won't have any food because you bought so much?".

I asked her if "If for any reason the stores didn't open, how long could you and your children live on the food that you have in your home?", and her reply was a day or two. I noticed that she was buying several videos and soft drinks. I reminded her about two recent local events that kept store closed for a couple of weeks, and suggested that she might consider keeping a little bit extra on hand for her children and herself. Her reply was "Because I'm not paranoid".


It doesn't matter if you call it stocking up, putting back, prepping for a SHTF situation, or just common sense, there are some people who have been conditioned to look at you as crazy or even evil for doing so. I believe that a large portion of the first world public has been so insulated and spoiled, that they have no comprehension of how rare and fragile our "on demand" lifestyle is, or how easily we can lose it. I'm afraid that a lot of people are in for a rude awakening. YMMV
20 something year olds are getting farther and farther away from the Depression times. The last 'real tough' times that was a monster impact was the depression (and dust bowl) and the younger you are, the more one does not understand the reason behind true hardships on a country scale. Maybe there are no older grandparents to explain the hard times etc.

but I can see a 20 year old saying you are paranoid. 20 yr olds don't fear much. I never did at that age you usually aren't in serious debt just yet...but that will come maybe a 20 year old will truly understand LIKE WE DO as we are older now and incur more bills and tougher times.

I was invincible in my 20 and into my 30s...but when I hit my 40s with my bigger debt, yea I woke up :p
my parents told me about the depression times etc. but at that age, phfft, it didn't apply to me much.

DO I THINK you are because a few cases sure isn't out of the ordinary. a 20 yr old might not know how to save money to stock a pantry just to eat anyway....they will learn mostly I hope..:D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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I think that I must be one of the older members here at 68. So maybe my views and thoughts probably differ from some of the others here. But my sincere feeling about being thought of as paranoid is this . . . kiss my backside. They can do their thing and I'll do mine. I don't care much about other's opinions. My life experiences tell me that someone who worries about other's opinions too much probably IS paranoid.