Story about new Organic Farming laws


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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Our government and especially THIS administration needs to be reigned in and brought back under OUR control. I think a severe "thinning of the herd" is in order............
Perhaps THAT would get their attention and make them realize that it is OUR money they are screwing with and OUR lives they are screwing up.

:somad :somad :somad :somad :somad


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
As an organic CSA farmer, I'm not sure what organic versus conventional has to do with this article, unless you're talking about conventional trying to drive out smaller organics with difficult regulations.

As for this quote, it simply makes no sense: "But when food comes from our neighbors or from farmers who we know, we don't need all of those rules." Huh? I guess animal can crap on my food as easily as they can crap on produce in Mexico.

Yes, going local helps a person build relationships with the people who grow their food. It's my favorite part of being a CSA farmer, but it seems to be in the news quite a bit that food in America is contaminated too often. I guess you could look at it as government trying to control things, but in my eyes tracking allows health officials to pinpoint and stop the spread of foodborne illnesses, epidemiology 101.

I am definitely concerned about more regulation. It COULD drive out the little guys. On the other hand, I don't see it as a conspiracy when unclean food actually kills people.

The article has some good points in the beginning but then goes downhill from there. I mean...."The government is terrified of the tax loss. Imagine all the tax dollars lost if people actually grew their own vegetables!" What?? Since when is food taxed? Never has been here in WI during my lifetime.

And...."Don't waste your time calling the criminals in D.C. and begging them to act like humans. This will end with a bloody revolt." Yikes! Nothing like completely circumventing the whole political process, but I guess if you KNOW WHAT THEY ARE REALLY UP TO!!! there's not much of a point, huh?

I wouldn't get too worried. If guns can thrive in the black market, carrots will probably find a way, too.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
SKR8PN said:
Our government and especially THIS administration needs to be reigned in and brought back under OUR control. I think a severe "thinning of the herd" is in order............
Perhaps THAT would get their attention and make them realize that it is OUR money they are screwing with and OUR lives they are screwing up.

:somad :somad :somad :somad :somad
Would you care to clarify what you mean by "thinning of the herd"?

And, just out of curiosity, were you this outraged when you heard about American citizens and others being tossed into Guantanamo without being accused of a crime, allowed access outside of the prison or having legal representation? Just wondering.

Besides, self-sufficient folks would seemingly have the least to worry about with cellars, greenhouses and seed-saving skills.
Jan 24, 2009
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I started reading the article. Then I saw a picture of Ann Coulter advertising one of her hate books. At that point it was obvious which way all the info was spinning. I would rather read the real bills and make my own determinations vs reading spin. Good try though.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Laws like NAIS appear to be for the consumer's protection, but are really about money. There is a movement in MA towards outlawing free-ranging my dozen hens who roam in my 2-acre pasture. They are a big danger of spreading disease!!! Eeeek! So get out the microchipper and the gps to make sure I don't let my girls out of the coop. They actually prefer that the chickens be in their poop rather than out in the clean grass and sunshine. Idiots.

I actually asked a guy with a clipboard to leave, yes, I would be declining answering his survey questions unless and until he could provide me with proof that I legally had to. I told him that my understanding was that at this time, NAIS participation is voluntary, and I am declining participation. Good day. After much arguing, he left.

The next day, my neighbor, not knowing about my conversation with him, found him trespassing and kicked him off his property. He was in the back yard, writing on his clipboard, as he counted my animals over the fence.

I will never buy through a hatchery again. That must be how I was "identified," to use the clipboard man's word.

eta: I didn't read the article either. I read the bills, too.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Money I can see as a perfectly good reason.

A conspiracy by our government to suffocate every right we have? Not so much.

I really think it would be interesting to have a conversation, though, on how you begin to keep the food supply safe WITHOUT oversight and regulation. I think food safety is a legitimate concern. I also think growing one's own food and selling or giving it to friends, neighbors and community is an actual right.


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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me&thegals said:
SKR8PN said:
Our government and especially THIS administration needs to be reigned in and brought back under OUR control. I think a severe "thinning of the herd" is in order............
Perhaps THAT would get their attention and make them realize that it is OUR money they are screwing with and OUR lives they are screwing up.

:somad :somad :somad :somad :somad
Would you care to clarify what you mean by "thinning of the herd"?

And, just out of curiosity, were you this outraged when you heard about American citizens and others being tossed into Guantanamo without being accused of a crime, allowed access outside of the prison or having legal representation? Just wondering.

Besides, self-sufficient folks would seemingly have the least to worry about with cellars, greenhouses and seed-saving skills.
By "thinning of the herd" I was referring to getting any member of congress or the senate, that votes for any legislation that is basically nothing more than a "money grab" OUT of office and replaced with someone who has more respect of of our constitutional rights. Some one who will uphold our rights instead of blatantly trying to gut the constitution.
And as far as American's actually in Gitmo? "IF" there are any there, it is because they have been declared enemy combatants and as such are enemies of the state. Do I like the fact that ANY citizen can be declared an enemy combatant? Nope. Not one bit.

Being self sufficient is made very difficult when they tax our greenhouses and livestock to the point of bankrupting you.......


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
me&thegals said:
Money I can see as a perfectly good reason.

A conspiracy by our government to suffocate every right we have? Not so much.

I really think it would be interesting to have a conversation, though, on how you begin to keep the food supply safe WITHOUT oversight and regulation. I think food safety is a legitimate concern. I also think growing one's own food and selling or giving it to friends, neighbors and community is an actual right.
Money is a good reason? At the risk of true food safety? The government is in place now to help business. Big business. They aren't here to help the little guy. Food safety is a legitimate concern. So why do they allow huge agribusiness to produce food in less than ideal conditions? Why is NAIS written in such a way to let the big businesses group and lump huge quantities together, yet the small holder has to ID and track every single animal? If any of this had true concern for food safety at its roots I'd be impressed, all signs point to the suppression of the small holder for the benefit of Big Ag.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
I do not need the government to protect me from mine or my neighbors garden. What I do need is for them to make sure that the fruits and veggies they allow to flow freely into this county from around the world be safe. I also need to them to actually go out and check the "Big Boys" who are causing most of the problems due to greed then add in a total disregard for "Consumer Safety" at the big level.

For those of you who did not like the first link due to advertising maybe this one will be less biased.

As of this morning there is lots of info posted on the internet about this issue. Just do a search for "The Food Safety Modernization Act".

Thanks to the OP for bringing this to my attention. Its letter writing time.