Wild Hare
The breeder has many breeds and keeps the breeding stock all separated by breed. They're known for show quality stock. But they incubate and raise chicks all mixed together, which is probably why my first orps ended up being blue.Also, you wrote “Americauna”. That’s hatchery code for Easter Egger. If they spell it incorrectly, then they aren’t claiming to be selling pure Ameraucanas, are they?Some hatcheries will just come right out and call them Easter Eggers. I don’t know why other hatcheries persist in trying to trick people. I guess because it works. You said you paid too much for yours. Did you get him from a breeder?
The fact that he’s frizzled means he was mixed with something somewhere along the line. Hopefully he has at least one blue gene to pass on.
They sell fertile eggs or older birds - I can try that to reduce the chances of mistakes in the future.
I want pure lavender orps that breed true. For selling hatching eggs and chicks. So I'm unlikely to keep my splash rooster.