Forum Ideas, Feedback, Suggestions



i still can't log in I deleted cookies and as see I can post just will not show me as logged in :barnie
what do I need to do


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hanson, MA Zone 6a
My thoughts on various topics:

I don't think we should duplicate what's already going on in BYC and TEG.

We have an excellent The Harvest forum on TEG that covers all things like canning, preserving, etc. Perhaps a hotlink to TEG could be listed down in the subforum listing that would refer you to that forum. These three forums should refer back and forth to each other seamlessly, IMHO, if that's possible.

Chicken stuff should stay on BYC. Garden/Growing/Harvesting/Preserving stuff should stay on TEG. I don't think we should reinvent the wheel on these three sister forums. This forum should be for sustainable living, housing, housekeeping, etc. I like the forums Beekissed has come up with with the exceptions noted above.

Beekeeping as a subforum? There are two fantastic forums out there for all things beekeeping, I prefer the Beemaster forums, they replicate the friendly exchange of info we've created in BYC and are building in TEG and here. Beesource is another great source of beekeeping information, although things are a bit less congenial there sometimes. You will find many authors/experts posting there that write for American Bee Journal and Bee Culture. I don't think we should try to duplicate beekeeping stuff here as a subforum, but that's just me.

I've referred many people in Beemaster over to BYC and now to TEC, I don't see this as competition, but a focusing of our energies where they will do the most good.

I hope I haven't stepped on too many peoples' feelings/toes here. Just want to keep things moving in a positive direction for all of us!


Power Conserver
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I understand not duplicating things that are on byc or teg, but as for not making subforums because others forums already exist on that subject won't work. I cant think of one forum on this site (or byc or teg for that matter) that there isnt already a forum about. TheCoop, FrugalLiving, HillybillyHousewife, HomesteadingToday,,,


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Yea, that's a good point. It's just that beekeeping is such a huge subject with all the same kinds of issues as raising anything else, the subject will either get short shrift here or grow out of control.....that's where my thoughts were headed.


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Very good and valid points. There are definitely some areas that won't have an easy answer / fix, but we'll work things out and will continue to build something beautiful. Remember, BYC already had 8 years of experience behind it, so I think the strides we've taken here and at TEG are pretty impressive.

I'm working on a strategy to creative easier navigation between the sister sites and have a few ideas.

Yes there will be some duplication, but that's okay and we'll try to keep things in the right places and manage through it. As the forums grow there will be people who visit all of them and there will be people who only visit one of them. So far the duplication between BYC and TEG has been minimal and I think the relationship between the two has been very clean and helpful. I expect the same here.

Now, as it relates specifically to beekeeping... I tend to agree with reinbeau that, at least for now, the very specific needs related to beekeeping can be found at other great sites. That said, feel free to discuss the topic here if you want, especially as it relates to general self sufficient living.

Remember, a forum is a living thing, and this one is only a few weeks old... we're still changing diapers and cleaning spit-up from the carpet! :D Just wait until it hits puberty!!! :pop


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Nifty said:
Very good and valid points. There are definitely some areas that won't have an easy answer / fix, but we'll work things out and will continue to build something beautiful. Remember, BYC already had 8 years of experience behind it, so I think the strides we've taken here and at TEG are pretty impressive.

I'm working on a strategy to creative easier navigation between the sister sites and have a few ideas.

Yes there will be some duplication, but that's okay and we'll try to keep things in the right places and manage through it. As the forums grow there will be people who visit all of them and there will be people who only visit one of them. So far the duplication between BYC and TEG has been minimal and I think the relationship between the two has been very clean and helpful. I expect the same here.

Now, as it relates specifically to beekeeping... I tend to agree with reinbeau that, at least for now, the very specific needs related to beekeeping can be found at other great sites. That said, feel free to discuss the topic here if you want, especially as it relates to general self sufficient living.

Remember, a forum is a living thing, and this one is only a few weeks old... we're still changing diapers and cleaning spit-up from the carpet! :D Just wait until it hits puberty!!! :pop
Don't worry! I just posted my homemade cloth baby wipes solution in the homemade products sub-forum! I'm ON the dirty diapers! :lol:

Well, I for one am glad that you released this baby into the "wild", ready or not! I think it's wonderful. I personally visit BYC and TEG (and, of course, now SS!) and I don't think that there will be too much trouble, if any, with duplication. I think a bit of duplication is fine and probably helpful, but the way the sub-forums are set up I don't see it as being too much of an issue. There are a few things about the way that the sub-forums are set up that don't quite flow for me....but I can't quite put my finger on why. Not very helpful, I know! :p If I can think of anything actually productive to explain what I'm thinking, I'll chime back in. :lol: I do think that the Solar, Wind, and "Other" energy sub-forums could probably be rolled into on--those are all pretty narrow topics and I wonder if they will each need their own forum? But I guess these are the kinds of things that only time will tell, as the site grows.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Reinbeau, as ever, you are wise and thoughtful! I agree the real info on beekeeping should be left to the experts.

Maybe a subcategory in the area of homemade products for profit type of thing, for general talk about where and how to sell your honey, sugar to honey exchange ratios for recipes, beeswax candle crafting, beeswax and honey for balms, etc. The beekeeping forums are largely guys and they don't seem to get into that portion of the game.

The site is so new, maybe all of those things will just naturally slide into the proper categories as time goes on. Can't blame us for being anxious.... a lot of people are really looking for a way to become more independent and this forum may just be the ticket!

Nifty, great job, BTW!!! Kudos on all the hard work and the great forum idea!

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Really Northern California
Hello out there. I had signed up but couldn't get the log in to work.
I had forgot when I originallyy looked at this site that I had blocked the cookies from it. I finally thought of it, unblocked them and voila- everythings OK now.
Thought I'd mention it for those as computerly slow as I am.
This is a great and iformative site already- I've read some interesting things and look forward to much more.

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