The Grumpy Patch

Grumpy Pumpkin

Enjoys Recycling
Oct 7, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Virginia, USA
Hi :p I just discovered this wonderful website the other day and am so interested in it. I have now posted a new topic (with many replies), and commented on a few by others. What an awesome place to be!! Well, I thought since I am home sick today, I would work on setting up my journal for a glimpse of craziness.

A name says it all....I got the nickname from my husband on a road trip. We were trying to use a CB radio to keep in contact with others in our caravan of cars. We were arguing about something stupid and when they asked what name to use, the name was born. I am usually not grumpy, I swear. Although I am alittle more punkin shaped than I would like. Oh well, if food would stop being so daggone tasty....nothing says that thin equals being happy. I have never been the smallest girl and never will be but I am so over that when I left high school.

I belong to all the usual socializing websites, MySpace, Facebook and honestly, am burned out. I do like the games and the whole keeping in touch thing but there is so many people on there trying so hard to be something that they are, pretty, liked, desireable....I made the mistake of accepting every friend request I ever received on MySpace. FB is merely to keep in touch with a few close friends. Any kind of socializing website without a common theme or goal is subject to a bunch of garbage being put out there. THen there are the predators....Anyway, I am just burnt out on it.

I am burnt out on alot right now. I turned 30 this year. I am having a real problem with that. I know I shouldn't. It is just another year. But I feel like direction and focus are needed in my life. Before it was just a sense of holding on and enjoying the ride. Well, when things became unenjoyable, I knew changes had to be made. In retrospect, I think I have learned that you can really only be happy when you are not having to try to be. 30 years and finally figured that out. You can work and shop every day but you will never have everything you want if your mind is wrapped around brands and things. There is always something just can't keep up. So I have decided to let go. Simplifying....

Over the last year we have suffered like most Americans, I guess. We did not renew the lease on the family business because the rent was just too high. It was heartbreaking. But I learned that things can always get worse. Time to suck it up and stiffen that upper lip. Learning to be frugal....and that is a challenge. But I really have had medium success with all I have tried so far. I am enjoying gardening the most being that this is my second year at it. Am going to the farmer's market this weekend and will try some canning. I got some great tips on here about canning and am looking forward to trying. Next year I will not only be expanding the garden, I will be planting based on my end of the year canning efforts. Hopefully by then, my canning will be medium also and I will have to go to the farmers market because of the variety of things I will be canning - ha ha....I'll enjoy that dream for a minute.

I clean houses while the kids are occupied with school or Grandpa in the middle of the day. I started that out of needing a job around kids. I have a son that is 8 and a daughter that is about to be 3. Everyone on here seems to have nicknames for family so I guess I will use my family's on here. My husband is called CJ. My son is Spud or Spudford. And my daughter is TG (tiny and grumpy). CJ and I started out like any other family, two newlyweds in a small townhouse, then came Spud, then came bills, then came business, then came new house, daughter, more bills, BMW's and even more bills. And then with the economy and like most other average people, it all came crashing down when the work dried up. We are paying the bills but barely and only after calls negotiating with creditors. I guess they are struggling, too. Too bad average joes like you and me can't get a bailout.

Then the other day I got a wild hair up my behind and enrolled in college. Why, who knows. But I really do feel inspired to make a difference in my family's life. I feel like the days of living the dream as the stay at home mom are over and like I said before....time to stiffen that upper lip.

So here I am....working hard at keeping it simple. It is an adjustment to say the least. But I am trying just the same. I even make my own bread about domesticated. So as the saga continues, I will keep up my fun blog of nothing. I love to talk so refill those coffee cups before you sit down to read. Oh, and you may want to stop by the restroom, too!!


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
Grumpy Pumpkin said:
There is always something just can't keep up. So I have decided to let go. Simplifying....
Exactly how I feel about it.

:welcome Grumpy! :D

Good luck with school. I hope you find something you love to do!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score

Few things I'd like to comment on....

I'm burnt out, too. Mostly on the internet in general. There's not much online that holds my interest anymore, especially not when God's finally blessed me with real friends close to home. Such an answer to prayer and true blessing, too.

Turning 30. Well, I will be 31 before the end of the year, and when I turned 30 I was so happy to see my 20's behind me. It was aggravating to an adult, married and with a family, and to have people constantly referring to me as a baby. I really felt that turning 30 would change all that. I saw 30 as a passage of rites of sort.

Didn't do me any good. People still refer to me as a baby. :rolleyes:


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Welcome to the group!
I know what you mean about being burnt out. It seems like all the people around me are more interested in style & what's cool than they are about health, independance and real life in general. I've learned more new things this past year than I did over my entire high school career. And had my eyes opened wider than ever. So much I didn't see before, being wrapped up in myself & the latest greatest. This is a great place for learning.

BTW, I'm 30 too!


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
Oh yeah, the 30 thing. I meant to comment on that too. 30 is young. I think after I turned 30 I actually started to "get a life." I just decided to focus on the things I enjoyed doing . . . somehow it has lead me down a very interesting path. And like you Quail . . . suddenly, being in this space of doing what I enjoy, I have found the friends that are REAL friends. :) So, I'm more content in my mid 30's than I ever was in my 20's (although I think I had more fun in my 20's ;) ) and certainly more content than when I was younger than that. I have heard this from older people too . . . that you sort of start living (building a life for yourself) when you get to be about 30. :)


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
noobiechickenlady said:
Welcome to the group!
I know what you mean about being burnt out. It seems like all the people around me are more interested in style & what's cool than they are about health, independance and real life in general. I've learned more new things this past year than I did over my entire high school career. And had my eyes opened wider than ever. So much I didn't see before, being wrapped up in myself & the latest greatest. This is a great place for learning.

BTW, I'm 30 too!
Noob, you said it for me, too. For so long I tried to keep up with what everyone else was keeping up with. Tiring and completely unfullfilling. Now, even though most of the family and most of my friends raise their brows at me, I do what I want to do. I get such encouragement here. Never, "Why do you want to make that when you can buy it?" question.

Except, it took me till I was 40. :rolleyes:


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
:welcome again! I find journaling a great place to keep track of everyday life. Please tell us more about your schooling when you get an opportunity.

My dh just cancelled his FB account after two months. He said it was like being back in high school (I won't say how many years ago that was :p ) He was amazed at all the folks from his senior class who were still into the "look at me - I'm a success" game, which he is not interested in playing anymore.

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