I am going to get an extraction (tooth pulled) by an oral surgeon on 11/13, I have already been waiting for 5 weeks, I was taking naproxen sodium but now I am not and I have no pain.
I did some research on "oil pulling", and have been using virgin coconut oil to "rinse" with every morning for 20 minutes. I can now drink hot or cold without pain, I am not taking the penicillin either.
I have a molar with a crown that has decay under the crown and it will break off when the dentist pulls it and then each root (4) will have to be removed individually.
I opted to be sedated in addition to the novacaine, because novacaine does not always work on me. I once had a root canal and the novacaine did not work , I was sobbing thru the root canal. I never want to go thru that again so it is a small price to pay for me. I have dental PTSD.
I will have to pay up front for pulling the molar $410.00, but I do not want another crown or root canal, I don't believe in keeping dead teeth at all cost ( a replacement crown with root canals would cost about $1200.00), it isn't healthy, you could have infection in dead tooth for years and no pain so you wouldn't know it. Just like the decay under the crown was probably there for many years even though I go for check -ups and cleaning every 6 months.
that's so weird--- i was reading about oil pulling last week. Tried it, can't do it, (makes me gag) but what i am doing is putting a small amount of coconut oil on my toothbrush along with my baking soda. I used to have sensitivity in one area of my gums, and now it is gone.
And, being as frugal as I am, I hardly use any CO, jsut a smidgeon, where as for oil pulling you need more.
Also remember when spitting the oil out, to put it in a tissue or it will clog up your drain pipes eventually.
I survived. It actually was NOT a horrible experience. started a root canal and have a temporary filling. I have to have the rest of my teeth checked out and cavity free before my ins will pay to finish the root canal.