wanting to love wind power


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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bornthrifty said:
want to love it, but I keep hearing stories like this,

I am sharing this article just in case it is true...
if it is, then someday we may need to regulate just where the windmills go,
perhaps they need to be many miles from where people live?

just a question;)

here is the article for those who are curious

I went the other way. Bought a Whisper 500 and built a tower for it. Had only one problem...too much wind. broke the bolts that held the blades to the turbine. Prop fell to the ground in a blizzard wind last Friday. Waiting to repair it as the snow is too deep to get to it.

In all, the issue is one person who doesn't like it...(the guy owned a solar energy business so his opinion is possibly tainted with emotions involved over that.)

Wind turbines such as built by a town will power the town in an emergency and eventually it will support the town when the cost of energy is so excessive that no one can afford it.

My take is Go For it. There's no place that should run out of wind but coal, oil and other fossil type fuels are definitely on the downward trend because regardless of their efficiency and utility, they are FINITE commodities and will run out eventually. When is anyone's guess because the folks who own them are NOT going to tell you. That leaves you holding the bag when they come up short.

For my money, a little (or even a lot) of noise of a wind turbine beats the blazes out of the constant and NEVER ceasing noise of traffic, sirens and whatever in the area of the city where I once lived. Let that guy live on a busy street in a big city (in a town house) and check his "sanity calendar" at the end of 6 months. He'll be on prozac for certain.

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