Where did everyone go?

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Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
BarredBuff said:
Wannabefree said:
Didja snort? THAT always makes people look at ya weird :hu
No not then but I did do my low giggle that melts into the backgrounf it was funny I got tickled :lol:


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Mojave Desert
Toulle said:
Both in line with the original post as well as directions it has drifted......

I'm a newbie here, although this ain't my first rodeo. Before I joined this forum I spent a lot of time lurking. I read posts looking for something that I found value in and wanted to participate in, as well as looking out for certain types of posts that I see no value in or to be more frank want nothing to do with. I saw some of the first, and almost none of the second, so I joined.

That changed.

There has been a dramatic increase in most all of the types of posts I hoped to avoid - to the point that they seem to be taking over this forum

Most of the people that did post interesting or informative things seem to have moved on.

Coincidence? Probably not.

Back to lurking for me
I just joined today and I must say I have received nothing but warm welcomes from the few members who took the time to welcome me. I was somewhat concerned after I began to browse around the posts to see this particular thread, as I clearly live a different lifestyle than most of the members here. (read my 1st post for clarification if you wish) There will be no bible verses in my signature and I hope that will not be an issue.

I am a "live and let live" kind of guy and not one to get into debates about my personal life. I am here strictly for information on becoming self-sufficient. Isn't that why y'all are here too?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
CheerioLounge said:
Toulle said:
Both in line with the original post as well as directions it has drifted......

I'm a newbie here, although this ain't my first rodeo. Before I joined this forum I spent a lot of time lurking. I read posts looking for something that I found value in and wanted to participate in, as well as looking out for certain types of posts that I see no value in or to be more frank want nothing to do with. I saw some of the first, and almost none of the second, so I joined.

That changed.

There has been a dramatic increase in most all of the types of posts I hoped to avoid - to the point that they seem to be taking over this forum

Most of the people that did post interesting or informative things seem to have moved on.

Coincidence? Probably not.

Back to lurking for me
I just joined today and I must say I have received nothing but warm welcomes from the few members who took the time to welcome me. I was somewhat concerned after I began to browse around the posts to see this particular thread, as I clearly live a different lifestyle than most of the members here. (read my 1st post for clarification if you wish) There will be no bible verses in my signature and I hope that will not be an issue.

I am a "live and let live" kind of guy and not one to get into debates about my personal life. I am here strictly for information on becoming self-sufficient. Isn't that why y'all are here too?
:welcome No worries we like everybody ;) Even the ones who don't like us so much :hide


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I am here strictly for information on becoming self-sufficient. Isn't that why y'all are here too?
Yeah...that's why we are here too.

But, since SS living is more a life-style than a hobby, one gets their philosphies, beliefs, values, etc. all mixed up in it like a tangled web...particularly us womenfolks. It becomes a passion and like all passions, it affects how you feel, think, work, believe. It becomes hard to then separate it from the other things over which you feel passion.

A lot of the really useful information about SS living has been posted, hashed and rehashed, and is buried somewhere in the past postings...we who were here first have the info tucked away or are currently using it. Newcomers need only ask the questions to get some really good answers. If all you do is lurk and just read what is currently posted, you won't get to the meat of the forum~meats we've already eaten, digested and stored on our theoretical hips forever.

Stop lurking, folks, and start the discussion you want to have and you won't have any trouble getting the exchange of information you seek. ;) :)


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Just like Wannabefree for me, I like everyone even the ones who dont like me or what I have to say. :)

ETA: Lurkers, its imperative you join. This forum is at an intermission of some sorts, we have lost some members lately and its important that you come and revive us self relaint livin' people. I remember when I asked the questions now I can answer some. And like Bee said this far encompasses any other fourm that is a sister here. THis involves our daily rythymns and beats and yeah the religious and political part gets here too. But none of us want to discourage new members........


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Mojave Desert
Beekissed said:
I am here strictly for information on becoming self-sufficient. Isn't that why y'all are here too?
Yeah...that's why we are here too.

But, since SS living is more a life-style than a hobby, one gets their philosphies, beliefs, values, etc. all mixed up in it like a tangled web...particularly us womenfolks. It becomes a passion and like all passions, it affects how you feel, think, work, believe. It becomes hard to then separate it from the other things over which you feel passion.

A lot of the really useful information about SS living has been posted, hashed and rehashed, and is buried somewhere in the past postings...we who were here first have the info tucked away or are currently using it. Newcomers need only ask the questions to get some really good answers. If all you do is lurk and just read what is currently posted, you won't get to the meat of the forum~meats we've already eaten, digested and stored on our theoretical hips forever.

Stop lurking, folks, and start the discussion you want to have and you won't have any trouble getting the exchange of information you seek. ;) :)
I actually joined before I read any posts based on the fantastic time I have had being a member of BYC & BYH. I was happy to read that Elevan is a moderator on this forum. She has been very helpful at BYH.

I learned a long time ago to start at the earliest post to find the info I really need. Like you said, it's buried in the past posts. I also am not afraid to ask questions. My Dad always said "there are no stupid questions."

Thanks Y'all for being passionate in your beliefs. I am passionate in mine as well.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 9, 2011
Reaction score
North Texas
Where did everybody go? can't answer for anyone else, but my computer turns ON after I come in from outdoor work. At least today. Before earth oven comes yard cleanup, chicken coop repairs, bulk trash to curb, digging for fall wildflower planting (to bloom next spring), second firewood stand building, and stocking styrofoam to inside of metal garage door with Loctite All purpose adhesive (stinks much less than the goop I tried the last time.)

So where did I go? OUTSIDE


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Urban Idaho.
Toulle said:
Both in line with the original post as well as directions it has drifted......

I'm a newbie here, although this ain't my first rodeo. Before I joined this forum I spent a lot of time lurking. I read posts looking for something that I found value in and wanted to participate in, as well as looking out for certain types of posts that I see no value in or to be more frank want nothing to do with. I saw some of the first, and almost none of the second, so I joined.

That changed.

There has been a dramatic increase in most all of the types of posts I hoped to avoid - to the point that they seem to be taking over this forum

Most of the people that did post interesting or informative things seem to have moved on.

Coincidence? Probably not.

Back to lurking for me
It goes in cycles. For a while we had a rash of highly charged political threads. We have had spurts of threads with a survivalist bent. We have had modern medicine is bad. Hang around, whatever your flavor is it will probably come back.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
BC, Washington border
Contrary to earlier commentary I'm not closing this thread. Why? Because it hasn't turned into the battle ground and background nasti-gram fest that has happened in the more recent history. Personally, I think with the shake up that is going to become a rarity now.

BYH went through a big shake up some time ago. It happens on every forum and usually is for the better. It was for BYH.

Early on with BYC there was a major blow out. These self-culls always end up giving a forum a fresh face and new perspective. It was the pivotal point that started the real growth on BYC.

As to SS: Some left and will come back as the dust settles, some left and will not be back (may or may not be a good thing as the case may be), some who have been absent for some time have come back or are posting more often because of this shake up. Some saw this shake up coming for some time and ducked out before it blew. They'll be back when the dust settles.

An earlier comment said " You can't please everyone" That is all too true and more likely to be encountered as this forum grows. Agree to disagree and get on with life and your own SS goals is where this forum started, what gave it its strength, and allowed a group with very diverse backgrounds and interests to form a community.

So in the end whether this is a new cycle of growth, sharing, new members, old members returning to contribute and an end bonus for this forum or a stagnation point where people dwell on a few tense days will be up to the membership at large.

From what I have seen of this group I bet on the former rather than the later.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Perfectly said.

Myself and others keep saying that we still have good people here! Some of those that left will come back as new members with different names, too.
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