Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Maybe hubby will feel guilty when he sees you doing the things he promised to do (yeah, I know, but we can still hope!)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Go Deb!! :thumbsup I've learned how to do so many cool things out of necessity. Do they have a learning annex by you? If so, they usually have welding classes - and it's cheap to go (around here any way).
I want to get apple crates for feeders for our horses. Our friends have them, and there is zero waste with them!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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My guys don't really waste the hay when I put it out like I do since I only put out one day's worth of hay at a time-normally. When the weather's really nasty, I'll put out extra hay as a precaution. And right now, it may look like I'm not putting out much since I'm only sticking out 1 bale a day. But, it's warmer out, Stormy eats at the hay-I don't know how much he's actually able to eat of it, and since my guys are smaller, 1 bale is plenty.

Had another good day today. Even though I had a volunteer meeting this morning, I still got a lot done!

1. Got more of the jimson weed seed pods cut off. When I worked on it the other day, I didn't have either my hand pruners at the farm, or a leather glove. Today I had both, so it was much easier to do. I got most of it done, and should finish it on Monday!

2. Got more of the dishes done. I'm almost caught up on them.

3. Vacuumed more of the living room. I had to unclog the hose B4 I could use it though.

4. Moved half of my rhubarb. I know it's not really the right time, but I needed it moved. I just hope it makes it. I gave it a good watering after I had it transplanted.

5. Cleaned up some of the yard. Some stuff went in the trash can. The wood I had left from the shrub I cut down last weekend went up by the rest of my wood so I get it cut up and stacked. And the stuff that I didn't know what to do w/got stuck in a pile that's already there.

6. Mowed as much of the yard as I could.

While it doesn't look like a lot, it took me quite some time to do it. And of course, I did normal stuff like feed horses, pick the field, etc.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Another busy day. I didn't feel like doing anything, but did it anyway. If I'm going to have free time this summer, I can't afford to take time off now. So instead, I did the following:

1. Practiced both the piano and clarinet. I haven't been practicing much lately, this is the longest I've practiced in awhile.

2. Ironed a bunch of shirts and folded them up to put away since they're winter shirts.

3. Washed 3 horse blankets and hung them over the deck rail. I have 3 more to do, then I need to fix them, waterproof them, and put away the good ones. The other ones will be sold.

4. Finished getting rid of all the jimson weed seed pods in w/my chickens. I also pruned a mulberry that has come up along the fence. Then I raked up the chicken pen. I need to do that more often. I'm thinking I should also go in there w/the spading fork. Some areas could really use being broke up a bit.

5. Raked up some hay that was left over after I moved the RB feeder last time. The horses had eaten everything from it that was still good, so this went into the pile of stuff I'm going to be bringing home.
6. Worked some more on getting that fencing down. I have most of it done. I would have had it all done, but when it was put up, they wrapped the ends of the wires around the fence itself. I need pliers to get it off, and I didn't have them w/me. Plus, there are some staples I cannot get out because stuff that's in front of them. RU and I are supposed to go and pick up all the stuff on Wednesday, so we'll get it done then. It won't take long.

7. Worked in the garden. I'll spend more time working in it tomorrow. I should be able to get done all of what we had fenced in as well as move the raspberries. I also have a bunch of wild strawberries coming up. I need to find a place to move them to.

Now I'm relaxing and thinking about how good bed would feel right about now!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby's going to the Phillies game tonight, so I'll be able to get even more done. I do have to run over to my parents for a bit. My sister is up from Florida, so I want to see her.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It was nice. I don't see my sister often enough. She's a snowbird, so she's migrating north for the summer. I doubt I'll get to her house in Florida, but I'm hoping to get to her place on Lake George this year.

Had another productive day today. And it feels good to sit back and relax.

1. Practiced the piano and clarinet. One song that I'm practicing is out of an old hymnal I have. One of the older ladies in the church wishes we had this hymn in our hymnal, so I'm planning on playing and singing for special music. I have to find out from our tech guy how to get the words up on the screen. Then, everyone can join me in singing it. We have someone else who does this for special music, so I figure, why not?

2. Dishes. Other than a frying pan hubby really messed up, one he had hiding in the oven and dishes from today, I'm caught up on the dishes. Hubby went to the Phillies game straight from work, and I had leftovers, so I didn't really make a lot of dishes today. I'll get them done in the morning.

3. Horse blankets. Got the last of them washed. I had a total of 6 I had to do. 4 of them were the blankets I used during the winter. Misty has 2. She lost the strap on the one years ago, and I hadn't had the time to fix it then, so I just bought her a new one. And it was a good thing since the one she was wearing got ripped-probably by Licorice. The other 2 are ones I no longer use. The one was from when I did pony rides. It looked clean, but since I'm planning on selling it, I wanted to make sure. The other one is from a horse I used to have. I let KN borrow it for her horse. But, after her horse died, she neither washed it, nor repaired it. In fact, she basically just threw it on top of something and left it. I've never had the chance to wash it since then, but figured since I was doing all the others, I'd do this one as well. It doesn't fit any of my guys, so it will get repaired and sold as well. Licky's blanket will also be repaired and sold-it's too small.

4. Laundry. Got a load of whites washed and hung out on the line. I'll have to bring them in tomorrow. I got home later than I'd planned, so the went out later than I'd planned which meant they weren't quite dry. I also have a load of towels and wash clothes that belong at the farm in the washer right now. I'll take them to the farm w/me in the morning and hang them on my fence to dry.

5. I cleaned out the chicken house. I didn't clean everything out. I use shavings and still had quite a bit that was good. So, I just took out the majority of the poop. I have an old small muck bucket I put this in. When it's full, I'll bring it home.

6. I cleaned up all around my hay shelter. I had some stuff that I've never really come up w/a good place to store it. But, I didn't want it where it was. It was getting overgrown w/grass and buttercups. Some of it I put in the back of my truck, some I threw out and some I stuck in my feed stall.

7. Since I'm going to be doing all square bales this year, I need to put up a bigger hay shelter. I have the framework, and have found out I can buy the replacement cover. But, I'm going to need to move my fence in order to get it set up. So, I spent some time measuring and figuring where it's going to go, and where I'm going to have to move the fence to. Next week, I'm going to be moving the fence. I'll be ordering the cover tomorrow, and hope to have it next week. I'm hoping hubby can come out w/me and help me get it up.

8. I cleaned my bathroom. Other than putting out the trash and recyclables (and the dishes), I didn't really get any other housework done today.

9. I worked in the garden more. I had hoped to get all of the one section done. And, I almost did. But, this is the section that hubby did last year. And he basically didn't weed the one area. That would be fine-except for one thing. Last year was the first year that part of this section was used and it had a lot of grass growing in it. Since hubby didn't keep up on the weeding, when I got to the "new" section, the grass was horrible! I have one very small section of that to do, then I can get done the last area. I get that done, I can finally get the fence up how it belongs.

I think I'm going to sleep good tonight.