Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I'm eager to hear how the rice does for you. I saw that upland rice also and was very interested in it.

Hope you can find a dentist you trust!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Same here! I won't let him drill another of my teeth. I wasn't happy w/the filling when he did it. There's no way I'm going to let him do another tooth.

As for the rice, some I started inside, some I direct planted. I want to see if there's a difference. They say to soak the seeds first. I didn't do that, but when I started it, I tried soaking some and just planting some. It both came up. I have a little bit left, so I might try soaking it and finding a place in the orchard to try it.

It started raining again last night! I wasn't expecting that and left the mower uncovered as well as the manure. It's so much harder to dump it if it's wet, and almost impossible to spread! :barnie Oh well. But I do think I'll be covering it today.

I have to go to the farm and feed this morning, then head to a volunteer meeting at the Nature Center. Then I'm heading home. DD and I are going out to lunch, then going to do some shopping. Originally we were going to meet up, but she has a chiropractor's appointment at 11:00.

My sister is flying in from Florida and she and I are going food shopping later. Yesterday was our parents 60th wedding anniversary. So, she and I are making a nice family dinner tomorrow. Other than chicken and mashed potatoes, I'm not sure of what all we're having. I'm glad she's coming up. Otherwise, I would have been doing it all. I don't mind so much, but since my mom doesn't really go out, I have to cook at their house, or cook at mine and it makes it tough.

So, I don't think I'm going to get much done today. I'm going to be too busy shopping to do much of anything!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
DD and I had a nice time together. I was able to get some clothes I needed and I got 2 more varieties of corn. I'll be planting them tomorrow. They both have different days for maturity, so I'm going to see how this works. Then in just a couple of weeks I'll be able to plant my beans. I also want to plant some okra. I read someplace that you can plant it next to your peppers to help support them, so I want to try that. My vine crops are started. So, I should have everything in by mid July at the latest! I may even be able to try planting some stuff for fall crops!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well they've changed the forecast from dry to wet. Good thing we didn't plan a BBQ for my parents! I am hoping to get out and plant the rest of my corn. Other than that, all I'm planning on is some housework. I don't wanna, but I also don't want to sit around and do nothing.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm tired! I was able to get my corn in, then weeded a bucket of stuff out of the orchard. The goats were quite happy w/me for that.

I also did some housework, then headed over to my parents. Hubby threw his back out, so he didn't go. Neither of my kids could make it, but my sister and 1 brother both made it as well as my brother's 2 daughters. My other brother lives in Germany, so I wasn't really expecting him. We had a good dinner. Sis roasted a chicken, and hubby smoked one. So, we had 2 chickens (I liked hubby's better), mashed potatoes and gravy, flaky biscuits, asparagus, corn and cake. Then Sis and I did something we haven't done in years-we did dishes together. And, we didn't fight.

After that, I headed over to the farm. I have 4 new chicks! There's still 2 eggs that haven't hatched, so I didn't move them. I'll let her go another night. I have the one side of the broody pen all set up for her, so it will be easy to move them tomorrow.

Since I didn't want 11 birds in the other half of my broody pen, I decided to leave the older chicks out. Of course they wanted in w/the others, but I wouldn't let them. Only problem being, I wasn't sure the rest of the chickens would let them in anyplace. Then I realized something. Even though I have the new house built, other than for laying eggs, none of the chickens are using it. I don't have the fence completely moved, so I was able to put some food and water in there, and lock the chicks in there.

Of course by the time I got done all this, it was almost dark. So I headed for home. Stopped and got gas first, then fed animals and watered the seeds I planted the other day. Some are already coming up!

Now I'm relaxing for a bit and hope to go to bed soon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was a very busy, tiring day. I did some work in the basement. I needed to find my water shoes, so I had to clean some of the basement. I found them.

I wasn't going to go to church this morning cuz I had Water Fest today at the Nature Center. Well, they needed me to teach the ladies SS class. So, I went to church, taught, played the piano for the kids then went to the Nature Center. I helped w/the free canoeing/kayaking they had going on for a few hours, then helped w/the clean up.

Once Water Fest was over, I ran out to the farm and got all my chores done there, then came home and got everything done here. I am now relaxing and thinking of going to bed soon. I'm tired.