Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I couldn't plant peas as early as I wanted to because the ground was frozen. This is the first I picked them. I just hope I get enough.

Rhonda, maybe my journal is haunted!

I'm tired, but not going back to bed today. But I'm seriously thinking of sleeping in tomorrow morning. I have a very busy week. RU is away, so I have her animals to do. I have my motorcycle run tonight. Thursday I have an officer's meeting. Saturday is the monthly breakfast meeting. I'm actually hoping we do get some T storms for the evening. Then instead of the run, we'll just go to Friendly's, which is closer. Bible study is switched to Thursday for this week, so that means 2 days that I need to leave the farm instead of 1. Plus I'm still trying to get stuff done both here and at the farm.

I think 1 thing I'm going to do is some work in the parking area. There's stuff there that RU said she was taking to the burn pile and never did. If I do that, I can move her trailer, then I can move mine. They're not where they belong. If I can get them moved, it will be easier for me to get hay into the hay shelter. And it will also open up the parking area some.

I didn't get to my check book yesterday. I need to do that. Plus I have to go to the bank. I have money that needs to go in my account. I can't buy hay if I don't. And as much as I hate to, I think I'd better get gas as well. I'm using my truck more than I want to right now, so I'm using more gas than I want to.

I need to get busy, so here's my list:

1. Dishes
2. Checkbook
3. Housework
4. Normal farm chores
5. Parking area
6. Hay auction
7. Yard/garden/orchard
8. Normal animal chores
9. Motorcycle run

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I got wet! I was able to get 20 bales of hay for $3.50/bale and was just about able to get them all put away B4 the skies opened up and it started to pour! Honestly, I didn't really mind. It was so hot and humid today that it felt good. The only problem is, my boots also got wet. They're now sitting on my landing stuffed full of newspaper. The rain has pretty much stopped so I may be able to pull out some tall weeds, but that would be about it. And since it looks like it's clearing up, we'll probably still do the motorcycle run. At this point in time, I'm thinking that might not be so bad. I don't know that all of my chickens are in. Plus I couldn't get RU's dog to go out and go potty. W/this run, I can swing by the farm on my way home, check on my chickens and let the dog out.

Oh, and since I was so wet, I threw some of those clothes in the washer. It means I'll need to dry them in the dryer, but that's OK. I really needed them dry for tonight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is suppose to be a much nicer day. It's in the lower 60s right now and is only supposed to go up to 82! I'm hoping I'm able to get a lot done outside. I did stop at the farm last night and got 3 chickens in my pen. I'm still not sure they're all in, but at least that's more than when I left. And I had some very upset horses. They thought I had come to feed them.

I'm finally sleeping better and didn't want to get up this morning. But, I had to. And I need to get moving. I need to wash a load of clothes and put them out on the line B4 I leave. So my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Housework
3. Normal farm chores
4. Work w/horses
5. Work in chicken area
6. Work around tack shed
7. Garden/yard/orchard
8. Normal animal chores
9. Dishes

That's enough for today and I need to get busy.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm quite happy w/all that I got done. I'm able to see where I did some housework. I did dishes. I got some weeding done in the yard. I got part of the woodshed cleaned out. I got rid of some weeds by my tack shed. I worked in the chicken area and I worked w/horses! Misty gave me some trouble today, but I didn't stop working w/her until she was listening to me. Then I groomed her. When I've been working w/her a lot, I don't have to tie her to groom her. I also got her to follow me around the RP w/out a lead rope. It's been awhile since I've done that w/her, so it felt good.

Then I worked w/Licorice. And she had attitude, but was still listening to me. I was able to get her to do what I asked, then I groomed her. She doesn't stand still as well as Misty, but I didn't feel like tying her up.

Once I finished grooming her, I left her in the RP while I took all my grooming stuff out and put it away. Then I got a saddle pad and took that over. It took just a few minutes B4 I was able to put it on her. And no matter what I did w/it, she wasn't bother at all. So I put her halter and lead on her and led her around. Still no problem, so I led her back to her field and took the pad off.

She was doing so well that I got daring. I went in my tack shed, found her bit and tried to get it in her mouth. By this time, I didn't even have a halter on her. It took a bit, but I was able to do it! If I have time to work w/her on Friday, I'm going to try to get a saddle on her. Once I do that, I'll spend time making sure she's OK w/that, messing w/the stirrups, etc B4 I actually try to ride her. And I won't get on until KN is able to be there. She's the only person on the farm I trust to help w/that.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It is. I'm slowly but surely making my way to the end of the tunnel. I can almost see light! Now as long as no one moves the end again, I might actually get out of it at some point in time!

Another night when I had trouble sleeping. I didn't really want to be up now. But hubby has left for work early, so I might go back to bed. But at least it's raining. We still need the rain, so I'm not complaining. And Bible study was postponed until this morning, so I'm thinking that's a good thing. It may dry up by the time we're done. So what I get done is going to depend on the weather. I'm either going to clean and mow my field or clean my tack shed. I doubt I can do both. So my list for today is:

1. Dishes
2. Laundry
3. Housework
4. Normal farm chores
5. Bible study
6. Errands
7. Normal animal chores
8. Garden/yard/orchard
9. Officer's meeting for CMA

I either need to get busy or go back to bed. Not sure which I'm going to do. Maybe both.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I got everything on my list done, just didn't do as much as I wanted on some stuff. I dragged this morning, so all I had done B4 I left was laundry. And my errands took longer than I was expecting. I planned on doing them all between Bible study and Stormy's 2nd feeding. But when I went to feed the chickens, I realized that I'm almost out of feed so I had to run to TSC and get another bag of it.

Then when I got home, I had trouble getting going again. I finally managed to get started on stuff around here, but wasn't able to do as much as I wanted to. I'm tired and am heading to bed soon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I did not want to get up this morning. But at least I can sleep in a bit in the morning. I have my monthly CMA breakfast then a lot to do tomorrow. We're supposed to get the remnants of Bill on Sunday so I'm hoping to do a lot outside B4 then. I am seriously thinking of heading to the farm super early on Sunday and getting the horses set up w/hay in their stalls so they don't have to come out while it's really bad. And I'll have their trough scrubbed and filled as well as their water buckets. I already called and left a message for CL that if it's really bad on Sunday to not worry about the horses. KN normally feeds on weekends, but she'll be away. CL lives in Philly. If we get really nasty weather, I'd rather she stay home than risk trying to drive in it. I want to wash rain sheets. I don't know if I'm going to put them on the horses or not. But both Misty's and Licorice's need to be fixed. Stormy has been shivering when it rains, so I at least want them clean. I might wait to make that decision on Sunday, but at least I'll have them. So my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Housework (I'm going to do more in the basement)
3. Normal farm chores
4. Clean field, spread manure
5. Mow
6. Work around shed, in parking area
7. Work on chicken house-it's still leaking in the nesting boxes. I need to figure something out to stop it.
8. Dishes
9. Yard/garden/orchard
10. Normal home chores

I need to get off of here and get busy.

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