Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I still didn't get it all done. I need to change how I do things. I've come to the conclusion that I cannot do any canning in the afternoon. I don't get home early enough to do it B4 hubby gets home, and once he gets home, I can't do it. So, on the days I don't have to leave early for the farm, I'll be doing my canning. That means, I'll be making my zucchini pickles tomorrow.

I also cannot trust hubby to actually use the stuff that I pick for him and tell him to use. It doesn't get used, and by the time I find it, it's no good. So, I'll be having to freeze or can some stuff that I hadn't planned on.

I worked on my little chicken house today, but didn't get it all done. I was using my battery operated tools and learned real quick that cutting 3/4" plywood wears the battery out real quick. So, I had to keep waiting for the battery to charge. Then I found that the one board I had cut was actually shorter than the others. So, I had to get another board, and cut it. I should be able to use this piece for the roof or something.

While I was waiting for the battery to charge, I weeded around the fall stuff I had planted. The seeds were old, and not everything came up, but I did get some stuff up. Then I got my pruners, and did a bit of pruning. The goats were happy w/that since I threw the clippings to them.

I didn't finish cleaning the kitchen, but will get it done in the morning. I have my order all made up for my fruit trees and am just waiting for hubby to look at it. He wants to see it. Once he's looked at it, I'm submitting it.

And, he's drunk again. I'm hoping that his idea of seeing about buying the woods next door is only drunk talk. I don't really want to stay here. It would be a lot of work to turn part of the woods into pasture for the horses. Plus, I'd love to get out of this township. The taxes are high. I'd rather live some place where the taxes are lower, and where it's more rural.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I have another busy day planned for today, but at the same time, it should be quite productive. I should be able to get most of the goat pen and chicken house done so that I'll be able to bring them home on Saturday! That will help to relieve the overcrowding of my coop. I really need to do that since I now have a pullet laying! I'm not sure which one it is, but yesterday I found a little brown egg. And, since the only one of my adult hens that lays brown eggs is in her own section w/5 chicks, it has to be one of my young ones!

My laundry bin is getting closer and closer all the time to having just regular laundry. One thing it has in it is a bunch of baseball caps. They haven't been washed cuz I wasn't sure how to do it w/out destroying them. I've learned that since I have a front load washer, I can put them in there, then place them flat to dry. So, they'll be getting washed today. I'll be glad to have them done cuz hubby keeps asking about them. I have some laundry to put away, but I think I'm going to wait until Saturday. They're calling for rain, so other than normal, outside chores, I'll be spending the day inside. I just hope I'm not tripping over hubby all day. I'm hoping I can get a lot of sorting done so I can have a yard sale next week.

I'd better get busy. I have a lot to do today. So, my list for today is:

1. Make zucchini pickles
2. Dishes
3. Laundry
4. Finish cleaning kitchen
5. Dehydrate more peaches
6. Normal farm chores
7. Do some work w/the tractor
8. Clean bedroom
9. Work on little chicken house
10. Feed goats and bunny

I feel like I'm missing something, but don't know what.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
When we first met, DH had a camo hat that he wore everywhere. Since he's a bus mechanic, it got to the point where it was just shiny black from grease and such. Without telling him, I threw it in the wash. We found a few shreds of it.... apparently the grease was the only thing holding it together, lol.

... he's never let me forget that....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And that's why I don't wash my truck! :lol:

Doing the pickles this morning was definitely a good idea. I still didn't get the kitchen all cleaned, but got more of it done. And while I didn't get all of the bedroom cleaned, I did do some-including changing the sheets.

RU was using the tractor today, so I couldn't do any work w/it. But, the work that I'd planned on doing was for her, so I'm not overly upset. I found other stuff to do. For one thing, I "helped" her clean up her yard today. In other words, I picked up a bunch of chestnuts from their front yard and a bag of walnuts. I don't know what to do w/the chestnuts. I can't eat that many B4 they'd go bad.

I got more done on my little chicken house. Out of all the ones I've made, I like this one the best. It's easier using the plywood than the chipboard. Plus, I've been using 2x2s for the frame. The only reason I'm not done is because I ran out of 2x2s, and screws. When I went to get the 2x2s the other day, they only had 2 that weren't so warped I could use them. I didn't think it would be enough, and I was right. I need another 2 at least. But, it's looking good! Only problem being, they're calling for some rain tomorrow night into Saturday. So, I'm not quite sure when I'm going to get it done. I'm hoping I can get what I need early enough tomorrow so that I can finish it and get it painted.

Hubby and I are getting along better for the most part. He actually listened to me abut the lights, and we've been able to come up w/something in the kitchen so those lights are bothering me, but we still need to do the living room. And, I told him I want both a smaller pressure canner and smaller water bather and he's all for it. Most of what we can is in pints and half pints. I won't get rid of my big ones, I'll hold on to them for just in case either of my kids decide they want to start putting food up.

I have a volunteer meeting in the morning, and I have stuff I need to do B4 I leave, so I got started tonight. I washed a load of clothes, and will be hanging them out tomorrow. And I have the cukes and peppers picked for making my relish. So, I'll be starting that first thing in the morning so I can get it all done B4 I leave.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
From EHow...
  • Remove the green fuzzy shell around the nut and place them in a bowl. This outer shell should pull off easily. Look at each chestnut to make sure the nut has a shiny, blemish-free exterior.
  • Place the chestnuts on a tray so that they get good air circulation. Allow the chestnuts to dry at room temperature between 65 and 75 degrees for two days. Throw away any nuts that develop mold.
  • Store dried chestnuts in sealed containers and leave the inner shell intact until you eat the nuts. The nuts should keep at room temperature for several months.
  • Roast the chestnuts until they are golden brown after drying if you plan on freezing the nuts for long periods of time. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and use a sharp knife to make a small slit in each inner shell. Place the chestnuts on a baking tray and roast for 20 minutes. Allow the chestnuts cool down completely, then remove the inner shell. Place the chestnuts in sealed containers and store them in the freezer.
  • Give some of your chestnuts away as gifts and store the rest for yourself, family and friends.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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@Britesea that's what i was going to suggest, use to roast them when i lived in west Virginia and loved them. so DenimDeb, there you go, one problem solved. or you could just box them up and send them to me and i'll take care of them, lol. yea on the chicken house. hope you don't get the rain/storms that rolled thru here last night. lots of hail, 50-60 mile an hour winds and lots of rain. still have no cell service, i guess a tower somewhere got zapped. can honestly say that i am enjoying the fact that its not ringing all the time. headed to town to have lunch with an old friend. youall have a blessed day

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They're not in the outer shell-I don't like to mess w/all those prickles! I'll have to try this and see how it works.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Wanted to get on here this morning, and didn't have the time. But, I got my relish made, the dehydrator loaded, dishes washed, and clothes out on the line B4 going to my meeting. After my meeting, I went out to the farm, did everything I had to do and had time to spare! So, I saddled up Misty and rode her. And boy did she give me trouble! I was riding in my field and she spooked so badly I almost came off. I was more off than on. And I could tell w/how she was acting that she was getting ready to buck. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to get her head around, get back in the saddle, and get her under control. Then I rode her for a bit longer to be sure that she was listening to me.

Once I got home, I relaxed for a bit, then ran out to Lowes and got the rest of the stuff I need for my chicken house. But I didn't have time to work on it any. By the time I got home, I had basically enough time to feed animals and get clothes off the line B4 it started getting dark.

Now I'm relaxing for a bit B4 going to bed. Tomorrow they're calling for rain in the morning. Hubby won't be home, so I'm going to make banana bread, regular bread and stewed tomatoes. I also have a bunch of laundry to put away and dishes to do. Then once I'm done all of that, I'll go back to doing my chicken house. Even if the tree isn't down, I have to get those girls home tomorrow. It will help the chicken situation at the farm a lot! Next week, I'll be making another coop for out at the farm. So, slowly but surely, things are getting done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yep. The easiest way to deal w/this would be to just not ride her in the field. But, if I want to ride, this is the easiest place for me to ride. So, I'll continue to work w/her in there and hope that one day she decides NOT to spook!

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