Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We got some snow, but not much. And, I wear layers at this time of year! That way, I can take clothes off or put them on as needed.

Y'all want oatmeal, and I want chocolate! Anybody want to trade? :D

Had another good day. I'm making real progress not only on the housework, but also on the wood. I have a pile of wood cut and split. I think I have enough to not only fill up the wood holder in the basement, but also put some in the wood shed! Tomorrow, I'll be putting it all away.

I was able to get my hair cut today. It's nice not having it in my eyes.

Not only did I get my list all done, but I also had some time to practice the piano! That's a plus.

They're calling for rain on Sunday, then it's not supposed to go below freezing until late Monday night. I'm hoping that I'll be able to do some work in the garden on Monday. It's going to depend on whether or not the ground thaws!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
LOL Deb! I forgot about oatmeal and ate brownies for breakfast. Kinda regretting that because I would have enjoyed oatmeal more! You want the rest of the brownies?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks, but I made some yesterday. I've already eaten some this morning. :hide

I am so looking forward to spring. It is supposed to be warmer, but still below freezing at night. All of the bowls that I had water for my bunny broke. So I put the food in the one that's the least broken and am using the other one for water. I just dump it for overnight. When I go out to give the goats and chickens water, I put the bowl back in and refill it.

I brought in a bunch of wood yesterday. Only problem being, w/all the rain then cold weather we've had, the wood is wet. It's making it hard to burn. I'll be doing more wood today. I'll be leaving it scattered in the hope that it will dry out some overnight. We're supposed to get more rain on Sunday, so I want to fill up the wood holder tomorrow. If I can do enough wood, I can hopefully also put some in the wood shed and use that once I need to fill it again.

Yesterday, I almost got my mower stuck in my field. It had warmed up enough so the poop wasn't completely frozen in my field. So, I filled up the cart. But, when I went to drive out, my tires were spinning! I had to unhook the cart. I was then able to drive the mower to a spot where the ground was still frozen, then I was able to wrestle the cart back over to the mower and hook it back up. I want to do more today, but think I need to get done what I can early enough so the ground is still basically frozen! I lost some of what I had in the cart since as soon as I unhooked it and pulled the mower away, the cart tipped up.

I also did some cleaning of the parking area. There wasn't anything else I could do. It looks so much better now-for the most part. Much of what's been cleaned up in the one area has now been put near my fence. I might move it today so it looks better around there! The area that I cleaned up yesterday is where I used to park my truck-until stuff was put there. B4 I park there again, though, I'm thinking I need to take a large magnet and run it over the area just in case there's any nails that could give me a flat. I also want to do it because I don't need the horses stepping on a nail.

I'm supposed to have my lesson today, just not sure what time. EH has a lot going on in her life right now, and we didn't set a definite time. I think I'm going to shoot her an e-mail and tell her to call me so I know what time to be there. I had been going to open a savings account today, but I don't have any more clean jeans and the ones I had on yesterday got a bit muddy.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I hate it when I run out of clean jeans, lol
I've been eating a lot of oatmeal lately.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I washed them, but didn't hang them out. I threw them in the dryer. While it was warmer today, there was a cold wind, which made it feel really cold! So, I had no lesson, and didn't do much of anything.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
You may not see me much for now. My laptop died so I'm on my tablet. It's hard to type on it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby set me up on the regular computer. I hate it. I'd rather sit in my comfortable chair in the living room. Plus, I couldn't remember passwords and had to have them reset. And I can't recall the "address" for my one forum, so I can't even get on it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
Oh no! I'm hoping your computer troubles will be fixed soon!! Just had that problem with the computer I use for writing. I got lucky and dad found out it was a wiring problem (he frankensteined the one I was using from old computer parts) hopefully its something easy like that! :fl

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby said it's my hard drive. I'm on his computer in the den and am hating it. I had to wait all afternoon to get on. And, the only reason I'm able to get on now is because they cancelled church. Today was not a very nice day. It's rained most of the day here, and in other areas there was rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, or whatever. The ground is frozen, so that meant there was black ice in places as well as fog and flooding. It was actually bad enough that most, if not all of the bridges from Philly to NJ were closed this morning. So, while we had church this morning, they cancelled it for tonight.

KN didn't make it out to the farm this morning, so that meant my guys didn't get fed until after church this morning. CL never made it out. I would have fed her guys when I was out, but it was pouring rain and her one horse is a slow eater. I just wanted to get done and go home. I had to go back out later on and give Stormy his 2nd feeding. If they had come up then, I would have fed them, but they didn't. At least tomorrow is supposed to be a better day.