hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Thanks, corn woman.
Talked to mom for her birthday. That was nice.
Got a good amount of stuff done. Finished cleaning upstairs, only other thing i can do is clean the window sulla of dirt and stink bug poop. I hate those brown drips!
Downstairs i got a few things done, not as much as i wanted. I made a marinade for the chicken for dinner and accidentally blew the lid off the blender while cleaning it with soapy water, so everything on the counter got cleaned, including moving the microwave. It was that bad.
I got the bathroom rigs shaken, then vacuumed all the floors. That made me feel better.
Today I am going to declutter all the crap that's sitting around down stairs. Then i am going to didst everything. I have a plant that needs repotting, and i think I'm going to fill in some more dirt in the corn plant that i have. When i repotted it after my friend gave it to me i didn't put enough back in, so the pot is low. all the plants in the house need to be watered too. I'm hoping that the bf gets home early enough to clean the chin cage tonight so that will be done.
I also need to feed the horses, tale the dogs for a walk, brush the dogs (again), and hopefully work Othello again. It's supposed to be windy and only 44 out there, which sucks! At least it's sunny, too.
alright, I'd better hop to it if I'm going to get all that done!
Oh, crap, i should throw a grocery trip in there somewhere...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Happy first day of spring! 3-5" of snow! ugh!
I've got a lot to do today... snow be da****.
i need to get dressed and take care of the horses, head to yoga (assuming it doesn't get canceled), come back and get to cleaning.
Let me see....
decluttler the living room, dining room and kitchen
Vacuum everything again
mop all hard floors
dust bar, coffee table, and clean kitchen table
Declutter bedroom
folds load of dry clothes, maybe do more laundry?
Make bed
clean the chinchilla cage
soak in the bath (my Friday ritual; that has to happen early enough that my hair will be dry before i have to go outside again)
Take trash to the dumpster
brush dogs (again....)
Figure out dinner around taking care of the chickens
wheee i better get rolling!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
It did run pretty well, i got most everything done so that was a good thing.
The house was nice and neat, which made me feel good.
Spent most of the weekend cold with JS. Froze our butts off! That does not make me happy!
Today is my only "free" day this week. So I've got lots to catch up on. I need to get down to my friends farm to feed her horses, then come back and feed storm and Othello, work both of them, hopefully. Then come back in the house and see what I can get accomplished here. There isn't anything major, so maybe i can work on some small things and get caught up before my instructor comes this weekend. We'll see how it goes anyway.
I'd best get moving, and head out in the cold :-(

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Does anyone have a way to contact hqueen 13? I'm hoping she's OK, and just doesn't have internet for now.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
hey yall!
Yup, I'm alive, just buried half alive trying to stay afloat with all the stuff going on. Summer gets busy, and I just don't have time to think straight, which doesn't make me very happy.
I've been busting butt on my farm, as well as working over on the veggie farm this summer, plus 2 days a week in the office, and a ton of farm sitting in between all of that. Here's new in a nut shell...
My grandmother passed at the end of June, which was a blessing since she was almost 97 and had Alzheimers bad enough to not really know who anyone was anymore or be able to perform basic daily functions. It was good to see the family, even if the occasion wasn't so great. It was probably the most joyful memorial ever, which was nice. It really was a celebration of her life.
While we were away the boarders that run a little lesson program at the barn had a little horse show which upset the landlord. Then come to find out they'd allowed the insurance coverage to lapse. So they got told they had to leave within 30 days. Lovely bit of drama I could have done without. Then after they were told to leave she decides that she needs a tax form signed so that she can submit her taxes for a refund. Last year's taxes. In August. If I'm getting a refund you'd better believe my taxes are gonna be done PRONTO, and not 8 months into the year. So I kept some of her deposit. Hrumph. The frustration that she's caused me was more than enough to warrant it.
So then I had to fill the 4 empty stalls, which happened almost overnight via a friend that is moving to FL and needed to board her horses until she gets herself figured out in FL. So now I have 3 ponies and a mini (he's so STINKING CUTE!!!!). So that took care of that, with more money to boot considering these guys are full care and the other gal was only paying me for self care.
Mom and Dad came for a visit, which was great to have them, but it came while the new horses were arriving, which made for a fair amount of chaos. It also meant we were busting butt on the farm for most of the week. I was glad to have Mom's company while I was feeding daily just to make sure nobody did anything stupid. I think I'm more confident when someone of a lesser skill level is around anyway, strange as that is. They've settled in just fine now, so that's good. And the week also turned into hay prep week. We got a load of 126 bales, and then got 42 more, so we should be good through the winter. I don't want to have to afford it in the middle of winter because we won't be able to afford it that's for sure! I've been making payments for the past 2 months, so at least that's a start. I still owe quite a bit and it'll be another several months before I can pay it off. I'm waiting to arrange my order of big bales, which should be 24 coming as soon as the weather and the schedule cooperate at the same time.
And then this week I found out that my boss on the veggie farm is going back onto the radio. He's closing down the farm early, though I'll keep my schedule through September, which is good to not lose that money at least. Winter was coming anyway, so I knew it was going to drop off, but now I am thinking he's probably not going to run the farm next year at all. At least right now, I am really doubtful. If he gets inspired somewhere along the way, then maybe we'll do something, but I'm going to be surprised if that happens. I doubt he can handle working full time on the radio in the mornings and then running the farm the rest of the time. He got burned out this year when several things happened, particularly revolving around agreements with people, that made life really really hard, and cut into the profits. I'm very saddened that he's throwing in the towel instead of keeping the bigger picture in mind, but its his decision and I can understand where he's coming from.
So that's life in a nut shell. Too much to do and not enough time. But yall knew that :p
I've missed yall and hope that I can keep up a little better soon!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Glad to hear you got rid of a bad tenant and were able to fill those empty stalls so quickly.
Maybe this winter would be a good time to sit down and figure another way to get some income if you aren't able to work at the veggie farm next year. They say when God closes a door he opens a window-- hope that happens for you.

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