Recent content by HEChicken

  1. HEChicken

    Choosing a tractor.

    :caf I will also be very interested in the answers - I'm not quite at purchase point but in the future will likely need to get one.
  2. HEChicken

    How much of your grocery budget is on non-food items?

    I've been reading the other threads about how long one could survive on food stores, how much we spend on food etc., and while doing dishes just now, got to thinking about the portion of the grocery budget that is "not food". So I thought I'd start a thread to discuss ways we might reduce just...
  3. HEChicken

    Making your groceries last longer

    We waste almost nothing here. I figure if I have to toss food in the trash, why bother spending time and money purchasing it and hauling it home - I may as well have just taken some cash and tossed THAT in the trash. We favor casserole type dishes because we like to have leftovers in the...
  4. HEChicken

    Uses for green tomatoes?

    I know this is old but…..I never let a single tomato go to waste. They stay on the plant until the first frost and then I harvest all the green ones. In my experience, they can sit for months and never ripen if they're truly still green. Nevertheless, I have made some wonderful green tomato...
  5. HEChicken

    Labels for canned (or bottled) goods

    Not low-tech, no. But last year I found a template online that I can customize with as much info as I want - the date canned, what is in it etc - and then print out as many as I want to. Usually, one batch in the canner contains multiples of the same thing, so I print a whole page of labels...
  6. HEChicken

    Let's talk about Goats and how we keep them!

    We don't have a goat enclosure per se. We have a 7-acre pasture that is fenced with field fence. I haven't had any issues with the goats going over the fence but they are Boers and I got them specifically because I'd heard they don't climb like some other breeds. The pasture already contained...
  7. HEChicken


    I don't use rainwater for our family's drinking water but I do collect as much as I can and use it for other things for the same reason you stated - to reduce dependence on city water. I collect it for use in watering both the garden and the animals. Every little bit helps, right. Of course...
  8. HEChicken

    What did you do to save $ today?

    This one bothers me a little. It is not really a money saving idea, just a saving-YOU-money idea. Someone still has to pay for it. Yeah, I could plug an extension cord into my neighbor's outdoor socket and run a bunch of appliances off it, but it would be stealing his power, and I'd consider...
  9. HEChicken

    What did you do to save $ today?

    I found a source of free greens for the chooks! The house across the street from me is in foreclosure and currently vacant. Both the front and back yards are full of dandelions, and since no one is living there, they haven't been sprayed with any kind of herbicide. All I have to do is go over...
  10. HEChicken

    Credit card fraud, again!!! grrrrr

    I have a friend whose husband's sister has the same first name and middle initial she does. Her sister-in-law's birthday is two days after hers, they worked at the same company and were both attending college in the evenings at the same college. As you can imagine, they got mixed up. The...
  11. HEChicken

    What did you do to save $ today?

    I bought something at a home improvement store a couple of weeks ago and only 4 days later their new catalog came out and that exact item was on sale for $30 less. I called the store and learned they have a 14-day price protection guarantee so I was able to go in and get a credit back to my...
  12. HEChicken

    Credit card fraud, again!!! grrrrr

    Actually, that's not true. I discovered this when my purse was stolen a month ago and I had to cancel all of my cards (after the thieves had clocked up almost $3K in charges). The credit card companies are not about to lose a single dime to theft or fraud. What happens is that the retailer...
  13. HEChicken


    I too, used one as a seed starting pot. The rest of my pots are made from newspaper and since I switched to using cloth for #1, we have far fewer TP rolls than we used to so I could only find one :( but it is working great so far. I expected it to hold up to being filled with damp soil because...
  14. HEChicken

    New Chooks! And a Question.

    Yeah, I hate to say it but.....last Spring I bought one Cornish X to raise with my layer chicks. We planned on it being eaten but I was curious to see what the growth rate would be if they were raised just like the layers. "It" turned out to be a he but I didn't know that until I was...
  15. HEChicken

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    If you have a juicer, the stems of broccoli mixed with a little apple and/or carrot are delicious and very nutritious.