Recent content by Liz Demag

  1. L

    Please help me if you can to figure out what just killed my 2 week old

    Thanks for the responses. I really just wanted confirmation that it was just that one bird and to make sure the rest of them weren't in danger thanks. It is sad but thats life all you can do is try your best.
  2. L

    Please help me if you can to figure out what just killed my 2 week old

    I have a mixture of ladies that are 2 weeks old. Just today I had one girl die. I noticed two days ago that she was breathing funny and it looked like her little heart was jumping out of her body. She didn't move much (only a small amount when another girl jumped on her. She did eat and drink...
  3. L

    Gardeners: How have your crops done this year?

    This year has been absolutely amazing for cucumbers Zucchini, summer squash and tomatoes, our corn is gigantic, the only things that didn't do well were our onions and our brocolli got attacked by insects but i think we have fixed that and it is on the mend.
  4. L

    Can't explain sudden death of 2-month-old rabbits

    I have a lot of experience raising rabbits. It sounds like blockage. Also make sure that there is plenty of shade in their pens. We lost 30 babies last year during a flood and mom got very scared and trampled them as the water rose we moved them to higher cages and did absolutely everything in...
  5. L

    trying to save a grape vine

    I have a grape vine that I am trying to save. It looks like a couple of sticks in a root ball. I have high hopes that I can save it and that it isnt completely dead. does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about bringing her back to life. Liz
  6. L

    Manual Laundry

    puberty... he would have done anything I asked of him a few years ago but he hit 13 /14 and that was all gone! I have faith that he will quickly grow out of this, as a few of you have said I have already stopped doing some of the things i used to for him and i think he is getting the point...
  7. L

    Plastic 2 liter bottles cut in half to start plants.

    we use milk jugs for the same green house effect. It works so well!
  8. L

    The Bread Thread!

    I make my own bread, I do it because it tastes amazing, I make it in large quantities and freeze what i don't need right away. I will make it because it is cheaper for us and i will add things like cheddar and jalepeno peppers that we grow oursleves because its a treat.
  9. L

    DIY 100 hour candle

    thats a great project!
  10. L

    Any know if you can dehydrate radishes??? freeze???

    great recipe! I didn't know what to do with my radishes either! Thanks for posting that!
  11. L

    kitchen thingy WTF is it?

    It is for canning. you can put tomatoes and other things in there it takes out the pulp and seeds for things like sauces and juices. Very cool we have one, makes life easy !
  12. L

    Using cloth diapers as feminine hygiene products

    This is a wonderful Idea, so much money wasted on disposable pads. Cloth diapers inserts would work perfect and the snaps would be even better than the poorly sticking store bought disposables!
  13. L

    Manual Laundry

    Manula laundry can stink to do sometimes especially with a teenage boy aorund that changes his clothes 5 times a day and throws them in the hamper even though he's worn themfor grand total of 20 mins... if that... but it is really rewarding and when you don't have a bill for electricity for the...
  14. L


    you can use it with yellow squash to make an amazing squash casserole! or put it in a tin foil packet with other veggies and onions and some teragon with some olive oil and slap it on the grill. I have made really great cold coucous salads with zuchinni and other fresh garden veggies... the sky...
  15. L

    The New and Improved Questions List-The official thread

    01. Name? Elizabeth 02. Gender? Female 03. Where Do You Live? Vermont 04. What is your favorite colors? Greens, blues, yellows... 05. What is your favorite kind of gum? do not chew gum 06. How Many In Your Immediate Family? 3 07. How tall are you? 5'2 08. Can you swim? Yes 09. Do you like to...