Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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The roof is about 2/3s done, and 3 sides are done. They're just tarp. I will be putting some wood along both the top and bottom of the tarp for just in case it's real windy out. Haven't decided yet if I'm going to use 2x4s, or furring strips.

They changed the forecast and it rained this morning! So, hubby didn't go out and work on the hay shelter. He was talking the other night about stopping on his way home and working on stuff I want done. But, he was also drunk at the time, so I don't know if he remembers it or not. If he does not work on it tomorrow night and if I'm not able to, I have a way to rig a tarp that will work to cover the rest of the roof and front.

I didn't do anything really today. I needed a break. I'm going to be super busy the next 2 weeks. I'm hoping to have a yard sale at the end of the month. If I can get the whole upstairs cleaned, and get rid of a bunch of stuff, that will hopefully give me more room to sort more stuff out. I'm hoping to have a yard sale once a month until it gets too cold out to do so. Then if I still have stuff to get rid of, that will happen next year.

I might be getting the rest of my garden back. Hubby planted a ton of tomatoes, and now he doesn't know what to do w/them. They're not sauce tomatoes, and while I can make sauce w/them-I've done it in the past, it takes a lot longer. So he's talking about not planting anything next year. Is it wrong of me to hope that he doesn't? It would actually make my life easier


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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are the screws in wood or metal? are they just stuck or are the heads stripped out. can you get a hack saw blade in to cut them off?
hope you get the hay shelter finished. it drives me nuts to worry about winter food supply. i still need to get some sb and I'm fretting over that
do you have room in the freezer for tomatoes? i know i don't but its such an easy way to put them away till you need them. and no its not bad to want your garden back. I've kind of been going thru that and yes it would be so much easier if i could just do it myself, just want 'em to get out of my way and let me do it
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I tried freezing tomatoes last year because I worked all summer. Then when I went to try and make sauce they were super bitter. I ended up tossing them.

The screw are in metal. And, most of them won't budge. I don't have time to mess w/it for now, so I'm just going to bring my bunny home on Wednesday. I don't know if this bunny is a little boy or a little girl, but it's super cute. The dad is a Jersey wooly, and the mom is some type of lop. The baby looks like a wild bunny. I think it's going to be a lop. Right now, it has what I call airplane ears. One is up, one is down. If it ends up being a lop and if it's a doe, I'm planning on calling it Flopsy. If it's a boy, it will be Thumper.

I have another full day planned. And, I don't know if hubby is going to stop on his way home or not. But as a precaution, I'm going to leave for the farm a bit later. That way, I can get some stuff done around here B4 I leave. So, my list for today:

1. Dishes
2. Put away a load of laundry
3. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
4. Work on cleaning living room
5. Normal farm chores
6. Clean field and spread manure
7. Finish removing nails from wood in parking area
8. Work w/Licorice
9. Work w/and ride Misty
10. Groom Stormy
11. Work on hay shelter?
12. Work in garden
13. Clean goat pen and feed them
14. Work in front yard
15. Work on tomatoes

I think that's enough for today. If we don't get any rain later in the week, I'm thinking I'm going to have to have hubby show me how to start up the chipper/shredder. I want to start shredding and chipping leaves and branches in the yard.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I didn't get everything done today. I was beat. Plus, it got hot again. I was enjoying the cooler weather. And hubby worked late, so we didn't do anything w/the hay shelter. So by the time I got to the farm, it was getting too hot to mess w/the horses. I had been going to at least groom them, but I was dragging, so I didn't. But, unless there's an odd board that I'm not seeing the nails are all out of the pile! After we're done w/the hay shelter roof, RU and I will take a day, and get all the panels put out of the way as well as all this wood. Then, we'll get all cleaned up in that area.

Once hubby got home, we went to Wally World, so I didn't work in the garden and I didn't clean the goat pen, nor work in the front yard. And, I didn't clean the living room. I'm hoping to work some on it tomorrow.

I think I have another broody hen! I only got 3 eggs today, so I have her sitting on them. But if she is, and is able to hatch these out, I think I'd probably be able to add the chicks I'm hoping to hatch out in my incubator. They'd be close to the same age, so hopefully, it will work.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I named one of our rabbits Thumper - not because he looks like the Bambi character (he's a jet black rex), but because, every time I put a treat in his cage, he gets all happy and starts thumping his feet! It's so cute!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I always thought Thumper was cute in the movie. And when I had my other 2 bunnies, they'd wake me up thumping since their cage was right outside my window!

Today is supposed to be hot again. I think I'm glad I have Bible study. That way, I don't have to be out in the hot sun all day B4 heading to my allergist. And tonight I'll be going out w/CMA for ice cream. So, I'm not sure how much I'll be getting done. So my list for today is:

1. Clean bathroom
2. Fold and put away a load of clothes
3. Dishes
4. Go to feed store
5. Normal farm chores
6. Bible study
7. Allergist and chiropractor
8. Run some errands
9. Feed goats
10. Go out for ice cream

If I get anything else done, that will be a bonus. I may not really do anything in my garden until Saturday. I don't really have weeds in my section. Hubby does, so I might just weed a bunch in there. And, he has a section he never did anything with, so I'll probably plant that w/fall crops. I really think he's done w/gardening. So next year, I should have a much better garden. I've been wanting to try and go rice. They have some in Baker's Creek that you don't need to grow in water. I think I'll try some next year.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I'm gonna check Baker Creek for those! Sounds like an interesting 'weird' thing for me to try (my niece asks me every year -"What weird thing did you plant this year?" She considers peanuts and brussel sprouts weird though :p ). My garden this year got away from me for the most part. Rabbits ate my beans, lettuce and beets, voles ate 90% of my potatoes, which were over-run with potato bugs anyway, and the rest of it doesn't want to grow/looks like I should just pull it and put it out of it's misery :( cream :drool

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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The bad thing about getting the ice cream cone is that it would be so much cheaper to buy a container in the store, and I'd get a whole lot more.

Here's a link for the rice. I don't know if it will work or not, but I wanna try it out and see.

I didn't do the laundry and I didn't do dishes. But I did wash another load of junk and hang it out. It's amazing. I have washed several loads of junk. Plus, I've been keeping up on normal laundry, and my laundry bin is still overflowing. But at least it's not as bad.

Hubby's not home. So after I got home from my motorcycle ride, I got a shower. Then, I took my laptop in the bedroom. That way I don't have to deal w/him once he gets home. I can throw something over my laptop and pretend to be asleep if he gets home B4 I go to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Is it bedtime yet? I would have really have liked to have slept for another hour, but since I have a lot to do, I can't go back to bed. In fact, I've already gotten started, and am now sitting down taking a break. I had a whole load of shirts to iron, and since hubby needed one for work, after I was done ironing it, I did the rest of the basket. And since it's Wednesday, I had to get the trash and recyclables out. Sometimes they get here real early. I'm going to have to talk to the neighbors, though. Since we're on a dead end street, w/just a few houses, everyone puts their trash on one side of the street-my side. After they've been here, I have a spot where I pull my cans back to. If I have the time, I try to put them out to the edge of the road Tuesday night. Didn't do it last night. So, when the neighbor brought their cans over, they just put them even w/mine. So that meant I not only had to put mine out, but move theirs as well.

I'll be doing one more load of laundry this week. Today I got some jackets washed! Never did it in the spring, but I'm going to be needing the one soon. I'm not 100% sure what all I have that still needs to be washed. Hopefully by the end of next week, the only laundry left in the bin will be normal clothes.

I was supposed to have a lesson today, but she cancelled on me. She got her weeks mixed up. When she called me, I was in Wally World, and didn't bother to check my date book. I'm busy all next week, so I'm going to have to call her and change it to the week after! I will be going to work today. And hubby is going to try and stop at the farm today so he can finish the roof of the hay shelter. So, my list for today is:

1. Iron shirts (done)
2. Take out trash and recyclables (done)
3. Wash and hang out a load of clothes (they're in the washer now)
4. Clean kitchen
5. Normal farm chores
6. Work
7. Work on tomatoes (I may just throw them all in the crock pot B4 I leave)
8. Finish roof of hay shelter
9. Feed goats and clean pen
10. Work in garden
11. Dishes

I think that's enough for today. I'm hoping I can get done early so I can get to bed early.

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