Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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yes dishes are very patient darnit. i keep hoping the dish fairy will come to my house but no luck so far. what kind of flowers are you planting? i got some great buys on season end perennials from a couple of places (50-75%off) so i have several to plant but am keeping them watered and healthy for now. got drift roses x2, garden phlox x2, hibiscus x2, 3 kinds of cone flowers, cannas, calla lilies, sneeze weed and daylilies. now i just have to be sure and keep the goats out of the yard. we all know they go straight for the flowers when they get in.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm not sure what kinds of flowers I got. Ask me what's out in the woods, and I can pretty much tell you since that what my training is in. Ask me what flowers are growing in a flower garden, and unless it's one I'm familiar with, I don't know.

Welcome to the forum. Please, start a thread to tell us more about yourself. You sound like you'll fit right in. I could use that dish fairy here!

Didn't do the dishes last night, and I didn't get a shower. So now I can't do them. The power is out, and our generator doesn't quite do the water pump. So, unless we get power early enough, they'll both have to wait. I had been going to put eggs in the incubator yesterday, I'm so glad I didn't. And, I'm not going to be able to get stuff done this afternoon. Hubby has invited the kids out for dinner, so that means I won't get stuff done this evening. I hadn't really planned on going out. So my list for today:

1. Clean fridge (at least I can do this w/the generator running)
2. Put out trash and recyclables
3. Clean kitchen (I might have to wait to clean the floor until I get home)
4. Work in garden
5. Move more strawberries
6. Normal farm chores
7. Clean up some more in the parking area
8. Groom horses and fly spray them
9. Clean out goat pen and feed them
10. Dishes
11. Go out to dinner w/the family

I might get other things done, not sure. A lot is going to depend on when we get the power back, and how flooded everything is. I don't really have a lot that needs doing at the farm-except moving the hay around. And I don't know that I'll be able to do that today. I'd do some mowing, but have a feeling that a lot of the fields are going to be flooded. And I doubt I'll be able to ride for the same reason.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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The power was back on B4 hubby left for work, so he was able to get a shower. Once he left, I went right out and planted peas and moved strawberries. I had already cleaned out the fridge and taken out the trash and recyclables. Doing the peas and the strawberries took me longer than I was expecting, so I didn't bother w/the kitchen nor the dishes. I figured if I got to them, I got to them. If not, I wasn't going to worry about it.

My hay shelter did a pretty good job of keeping everything dry! So, once it's done, it looks like it's going to work! And, this hay shelter for the most part has been built w/used materials. We needed some screws, nails and caulk. But even paying for that was way less than it would have cost me to buy the shelter I had planned on getting. And, now that I know how to build one, if I have to build my own when we move, I can do it!

I piled up the rest of the roof panels that we weren't using. They were spread out all over the parking area. Once we're done w/the roof, everything that's left needs to get stacked where RU wants it. The place I put them isn't where they belong, but it was a place I could drag them to easily. Then I went back to getting nails out of the wood that was dumped. I don't have that many more pieces that need to be cleaned up. I get them all done, get the stuff piled up neatly, and it will be so much cleaner and safer over there. There's one other section that really needs to be cleaned out. Other than that, the rest of what's in there is basically just weeds.

Once home, I fed the goats, then cleaned up part of the goat pen. I didn't clean any around the hay feeder. I plan on doing that tomorrow. And what I clean up there will go in a bin. Then I'll put some taters in it and see if I can get some fall taters. I also was able to get part of the kitchen cleaned B4 we left.

Dinner was nice. Both of my children were there, along w/their SO's. I like both of them, and we had a good time. Hubby says we need to do this more often. I agree. The only problem I had was I wasn't crazy about the food. We went to a fairly nice restaurant. I had a steak. It was not as good as the steak I had at the diner last week, and it cost more. Plus, I didn't get as much food. I finished off DD's fries for her and would have like to have had some dessert, but there was nothing on the menu that I really wanted.

From there, we stopped at Home Depot. There was a weeder I wanted to get that they sell in HD. Well, I didn't find that one. But there was another, similar one that was on clearance! Instead of $26, it was $7! It was the last one. We figured for $7, if it didn't work, it was no great loss. This is for getting out plants w/a tap root w/out having to dig. I tried it out on a dandelion when we got home, and it looks like it's going to work. I want it out at the farm to try and get rid of the dock.

Once we got home, I was able to get the dishes done, and finish the kitchen. So in spite of going out, I was able to get my list all done!

Almost forgot, I called the vet the other day. I just wasn't happy w/how Stormy was breathing, and he was leaving feed again. So, she had me put him back on the meds I had him on B4, but at a higher dose. He is breathing much better, and is eating better. So, I should be able to cut back on the meds and maybe even increase his feed. If he continues to improve, I might start doing some light exercises w/him to try and build up the muscles in his back. That would help him to fill out.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I stayed up too late last night, so now I'm dragging. And I have a lot to do. But every little bit I get done means I'm that much closer to being done. So, my list for today:

1. Set up incubator-this will be my last batch for the year
2. Wash and hang out a load of laundry
3. Work in bedroom
4. Normal farm chores
5. Clean field and spread manure
6. Mow my field and the rest of the small fields
7. Cut poke along sides of RP
8. Work in garden
9. Move more strawberries
10. Feed goats and clean more of the pen
11. Work in front yard
12. Work on redoing rabbit cage

I don't have to do dishes today. I prefer doing them when hubby isn't home, and I got all caught up on them last night. And while I'd like to work more on cleaning up the parking area, I don't think I'm going to have time. I'd also like to work w/Licorice in the RP, but don't know how bad the footing is in there after all the rain. Getting the poke all cleaned up though, should help. Both she and Misty have been giving me a hard time about it being there. After all, we all know that poke eats horses.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I got done a lot later than I was expecting. I didn't get done at the farm until 5:00! Part of it was because of the chickens. And part of that was due to one of the farm cats. It likes my chicken pen but the chickens do not like the cat. So, if I don't grab it and take it out or hold it, they won't come in. I've been letting them all out during the day. And when I went to round up the momma and her chicks, I had trouble getting them where they belonged. Then I couldn't find the ones I hatched out. I finally found them-in their house. So I got them locked in.

I got most of my strawberries moved. I'm going to wait to move the last of them. I don't really have room. But, I also don't know if all of the ones I moved are going to survive. So I'll wait until next Friday. Then, if I lose any, I'll use these as replacements. Next year, I'm going to figure out which plants have the nicest berries. Then I'll mark them and later in the year, move them to a different spot. Then, if we are able to move, I'd take them w/me.

Other than changing my sheets, I didn't get anything done in the bedroom. But, I'm not getting on here in the morning. I'm working, so I have to leave early. If I don't get on, then I can get more done. So, my list for tomorrow is:

1. Fold and put away laundry
2. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
3. Work in bedroom
4. Work in basement
5. Normal farm chores
6. Clean poop out of parking area
7. Work
8. Trim back some stuff that's growing over my fence from outside of my field
9. Work on hay shelter-hubby's stopping on his way home from work
10. Work in garden
11. Work in front yard

I'm not planning on working on the bunny cage tomorrow. Most of the screws are either rusted in place, or break off when I try to remove them. So I'm going to wait until Saturday and see if I can get it all done then. I want to bring my bunny home on Wednesday.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Got done almost everything on my list and the one thing I didn't get done wasn't my fault. We didn't work on the hay shelter. It was too windy. I was happy to see that I'm getting some blossoms on my beans! But, I'm also a bit upset. I prefer bush beans to pole beans. I don't want to mess w/the vines that they put out. All the beans I got said they were bush beans, but some if not all are putting out vines. So I don't know if they were mislabeled, if they have short vines, or what.

My garden is doing good. So far, I've eaten eggplant, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and corn out of it. I'm hoping that next year hubby either decides not to do a garden, or have a smaller one. I'd kind of like more space, but can't really expand in any direction.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Don't know for sure what all I'm getting done today. I'm going out to breakfast this morning. I need to wash a load of shirts and hang them out-I can throw them in the washer B4 I leave, then hang them out when I get home. I need to do dishes. We need to finish the hay shelter and I want to work on the rabbit cage. If we get all this done today, then I'm hoping next Saturday we can go and do something fun.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well we didn't work on the hay shelter. Instead hubby got drunk. And, I didn't work on the rabbit cage. Those are the 2 things I really wanted to get done. It's still light out, and I forgot to take the clothes off the line, so I just might go and do that and try to do more on the rabbit cage. I don't really feel like being inside right now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I was able to get some more of the screws off the cage but have the majority of them still on. I even tried using some spray on them, but it didn't work. Guess I'll try some heat. I don't know if I could maybe cut them to get them off or what. But I think I'm still going to bring home my bunny and put it in the cage I want to turn into a brooder.

If hubby doesn't work on the hay shelter today, then I'm going to have to work on it on Monday. We could get more rain next week, and I HAVE to get it done

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