Search results

  1. eggs4sale

    Project ideas needed for 6yo girls

    There is this Girl Scout troop that has the great misfortune (idiocy?) to have me as their leader. The girls are 6, can mostly not read (ok, one girl can read), have very limited motor skills (sewing, making a God's-eye out of yarn, and putting those foam magnet kits together without the...
  2. eggs4sale

    So, I was thinking....

    and it hurt.
  3. eggs4sale

    The Great Laundry Experiment Results (PIC HEAVY)

    I wanted to try the homemade laundry soap on my husband's filthy jeans to see if it would get them clean. THAT would be the real test for me. He must have known my intentions because he came home for two weeks with dirty clothes (as in DIRT) but not the typical black grease and other assorted...
  4. eggs4sale

    Any vitamin help???

    Going back to how the doctor feels I should have been tied up in a pillowcase at birth and dumped in a lake.... I can't take vitamins or supplements. When I do, I get BAD headaches or leg cramps or both. It's as if it negates my thyroid medicine, and all my hypothyroid symptoms come back real...
  5. eggs4sale

    Granola recipes, what do you use?

    I was told by the Dr. that I should have been stuffed into a pillowcase and drowned promptly after birth, so the end result is I now make my own cereal, which is granola. I went to the health food store and saw bins of stuff, like quinoa and spelt. While I didn't know what they were, I was...
  6. eggs4sale

    How to grate fels-naptha without hemmorhaging?

    I used my 4-sided cheese grater with the handle on the top. I said to myself "I'll grate the whole bar and make up a triple batch!" After my eyes were bulging out quite a bit, I looked at the bar and realized I had done less than 1/4 of it. I braved on. By the time my hands were cramping and...
  7. eggs4sale

    Poll on laundry soap

    1. What is your favorite homemade laundry soap recipe? 2. What is your least favorite homemade laundry soap recipe? 3. What is your favorite store-bought laundry soap? 4. Have you ever had any of these gunk up or damage your washing machine? 5. Have you converted friends and family...