Search results

  1. AnnaRaven

    Department of Labor Proposes to Stop Youth 16 or Younger from Working

    The innocently named Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation: Violations-Civil Money Penalties would prohibit children under 16 from working with livestock, driving tractors, treating injured animals, etc etc. Read more then go comment. The comment period is still open...
  2. AnnaRaven

    soaking and using beans - did I mess up?

    Okay - having read folks here mention soaking their beans overnight with a "glug" of ACV, I tried that. Today, I'm making chili with the soaked beans. I put them in about noon, and they've been in the crockpot for about 3-4 hours now. I just tasted it and the taste is great but I'm worried...
  3. AnnaRaven

    Storing Nido

    So, I can get a large can of Nido (dry whole milk). But I don't want to have a large can of dry milk - because once you open it, you have to use it up within a set amount of time. I'd like to repackage it into smaller containers that I can then store. How can I repackage it without damaging the...
  4. AnnaRaven

    Food waste

    An article in Financial Times covers how much food is wasted - most of it in households - every year. Worth reading and considering. I know I have been guilty of tossing food, especially leftovers, in the past. I made it a priority to try to can and freeze things to avoid this. And cut down on...
  5. AnnaRaven

    Investing thread

    So I'm wondering if anyone else here does investing (in the stock market). I understand a lot of folks don't. I don't want to turn this into an Occupy Wall Street thread. I'd rather discuss investing in ways that further our values here. Are there any companies that you invest in that support...
  6. AnnaRaven


    Okay - anyone heard of this? Some guy at my motorcycle shop told me. I laughed and said - yeah, that's water. He claims there's a fuel technology using water. Here's the links he sent me. Anyone know if this is for real? **********************Links***********************...
  7. AnnaRaven

    China better at regulating Walmart?

    An article on China shutting down Wal-mart stores for fraudulently labelling regular pork as "organic" and charging higher prices for it. Scary when China is regulating food labelling better than we are.
  8. AnnaRaven

    Sweet video

    Sergeant surprises daughter during spelling bee
  9. AnnaRaven

    Preparedness Drills

    I'm curious how many folks here do emergency drills (fire drills, earthquake drills, preparedness drills) in your home or with your local community. Back in Minnesota, we used to get storms knocking out power every year or so, which gave us an opportunity to regular reminder to keep our...
  10. AnnaRaven

    Raw milk

    Really interesting (to me) article on the origins of mandatory pasteurization laws in NY.
  11. AnnaRaven

    Daily routine

    So, seeing how much some of ya'll get done, I'm wondering what your daily/weekly routine is like? I realize that of course there will be crazy days and emergencies, etc, but what is your day generally like? I'm working on recovering my routines so I'm kinda off from all the travelling this...
  12. AnnaRaven


    Okay, so, with all the talk of preparedness for hurricanes and storms, I'd like to discuss how folks prefer to use generators to best effect. Assuming a short-term situation, maybe 1 week of power outtage, what size generator would you need and what would you power with it? How often would you...
  13. AnnaRaven

    Canning jar coupon

    This Sunday 6/12, Smartsource newspaper insert will have coupons for Ball canning jars and pectin.
  14. AnnaRaven

    55 gallon water barrel question

    Okay, so I bought a water barrel. A nice big food-safe water-storage barrel. Came with a pump to get water out and water treatment stuff and everything. I plan to store it in my garage in a corner where we can get to it but it's not in the way of everything. My only problem is: How do I get...
  15. AnnaRaven

    Yogurt and cream-top milk problem? UPDATE: fixed

    So, I've made yogurt for years. With regular store bought milk. Everything from 2% to whole milk, with and without powdered milk (mostly without), with and without a yogurt maker or yogurt starter. No problem. I've tried twice now to make yogurt with the cream-top milk and both times have...
  16. AnnaRaven

    Pathogen in RoundUpReady crops!

    In a letter from a Purdue professor emeritus to Tom Vilsack: A team of senior plant and animal scientists have recently brought to my attention the discovery of an electron microscopic pathogen that appears to significantly impact the health of plants, animals, and probably human beings. Based...
  17. AnnaRaven

    can I can it

    Okay, I have things I would like to can. Mostly pasta sauces. I tend to make up a new pasta sauce every other night and often in large batches. I'd love to can the leftovers in pints (or even half pints) rather than having them in the freezer taking up space. (I can't even tell you how much...
  18. AnnaRaven

    Cream-top, unhomogenized milk

    So I got some milk from Trader Joes. It's cream-top, unhomogenized, whole milk. Now - what do I do with it? I only have a half gallon cuz I wasn't sure what to do with it. EDIT: Okay, so I can separate it into cream and milk. Or I could just buy cream and milk separately...I have a gallon of...
  19. AnnaRaven

    Compost bin recommendations?

    Okay so I have an old compost bin (biostack?) that I'm replacing. I really want one that allows for easy "continuous composting". I'm considering a Soilsaver Classic. I need to have something that can "hide" and "contain" the compost (I do live in a city and want to keep the neighbors happy). I...
  20. AnnaRaven

    Bulk semolina flour?

    So does anyone know where to get semolina flour? I'm in California Bay Area, so it would probably need to be online, unless you know of somewhere cheap around here. Right now I can get it for about $.15 an ounce or around $2.40 a pound. Anyone know a cheaper source?