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  1. F

    Disposable VS Non-disposable RAZORS

    Now that both Mister and Teen Son are shaving (with 2 more male faces growing up towards that event) I would like to reduce our expense and waste of those plastic disposable razors. Not going back to a straight-edge razor, and also not those replaceable cartridges with the double or triple...
  2. F

    Compost from kitchen to pile~what's YOUR system?

    I'm looking for a better way to manage collecting compostable kitchen scraps to take to the compost pile. There's no room under the sink and I don't want to keep a crock on the counter. The compost pile is too many steps away from the back door to run out with every used tea bag. And it's...
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    Where to get a good bargain on shampoo?

    There are 5 heads of hair in my household, myself (thin & long), Mister (thin but still full), and 3 boys. None of us need anything fancy in the way of shampoo & conditioner, right now we just use the basic Suave in all its different fragrences. I get it because it is the most economical...
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    Attitudes towards "Trash Picking"

    Hikerchick, I know what you mean, and my husband would certainly agree with you. But my perspective is more like Beekissed, I find lots of useful things to liberate from other folks' discard piles. The problem I need to work on is storing my finds neatly & less noticeably until the day I use...
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    Attitudes towards "Trash Picking"

    k0xxx, maybe the lady was giving you eggs she had bought at the store but no longer needed since her hens were now laying in abundance. But you're right, old carpet has lots of great uses, for gardening as well as laying under above-ground pools and play sets. I wish people used FreeCycle more...
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    Attitudes towards "Trash Picking"

    Trash picking. Garbage grabbing. Dumpster diving. Gleaning. Roadside rescue. Landfill liberation. Treasure hunting. What do you call it? What attitudes have you encountered about it? And how do you feel about it? I figure most of us on this particular forum feel great about it and have...
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    The type of peanut butter that separates & must be mixed...

    I have tried storing the jars upside down and it helps a little, but usually the oil rises to the bottom-side that is now up, and still must be mixed back in. Perhaps it does have something to do with the age of the product, it would be interesting to find out more information from the makers...
  8. F

    The type of peanut butter that separates & must be mixed...

    You know the type, sold in jars containing just peanuts and a bit of salt. The oil always separates and rises to the top, and must be mixed back into the ground peanuts before using. I've been eating this type of peanut butter for 35 years now, starting back in the day when you could only find...
  9. F

    Need plans to construct an A-frame swingset

    I've been wanting to make a basic sturdy wood A-frame swingset with at least 3 swings for my boys for a long time. I have 5 4X4 posts that are 8' long and finally got some gift $$$ to buy the rest. I plan to order some metal brackets from Lowes, the genuine ones designed for use with...
  10. F

    Is an extra freezer worth the expense?

    For my household, I don't think an extra freezer would be worth the expense it would require in initial purchase price and the electricity needed to keep it running. In addition to the real possibility each summer of having the power knocked out by a hurricane for days/weeks, and then having to...
  11. F

    What's your areas most likely disaster and how are you prepared?

    I'm in SE Florida and must be prepared for hurricane season, which if from June 1 - Nov 30. Though Aug & Sept are the most likely months, there have been storms at some time during most every month. We can also get tornadoes, during or outside of hurricanes. Fla still has a tropical storm...
  12. F

    Turning old into new

    I have been running much of my junk mail & old bills & statements through the shredder. Then I can add them to fluff up the compost, as bedding for the feeder mice, and nest material for the laying hens. I've heard that some of the shiny paper can be detrimental to plants so I add that in...
  13. F


    I live in Palm Beach County, Florida, and I would guess that 75% of the homeowners here have a generator as an integral part of their hurricane survival plans. Personally, I think they're great big whiny fussy babies.:hit I grew up in Miami, Fl, back in the day when each year we were advised...
  14. F

    FreeCycle, Craigslist and other helpful links: Add your own, too!

    After noticing many posts on our local FreeCycle board for plants, both offers & wanteds, I started a new Yahoo group to serve as a "FreeCycle for plants" in our community. You can check it out at and perhaps you'll want to start one for your...
  15. F

    Can you live without paper towels?

    I am trying to live with less paper towels here, but it's a struggle to reprogram the rest of the family. Teen Son will pull of 3-4 sheets just to dry his hands after washing. Mister will yank off yards of them to clean up a spill he's mad about making. Mainly it just bothers me how much of...
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    I think that the most decisive element in any child's education is the level of parental involvement. Parents can be very involved in their child's education even if they are "outschooled" (I like that term). Also, parents can homeschool in a detatched way, using videos & enrichment classes...