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    so i have been making butter for a while now, but all done in my mixer. today i made a smaller batch, so i just shook it... i think that was alot of fun!!! a great project for kids.... i may have to do this with my 3yo... lol
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    so i didnt want to hijack the other cheese threads, but where do i find the citric acid crystals??? i would love to make some ricotta and mozzerella for lasagna/shells, but i dont know where to find all the stuff i need. could someone help??? btw i have a great natural food store about an hour...
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    pink eye??????

    is there any way to treat/prevent other than washing hands? my 3yo has it, and i am worried that my 1yo will too.... the 3yo was very touchy before we knew what it was....
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    need help with my grocery budget...

    ok, so we make our soap, laundry soap, and will be making shampoo soon... yet our bill for monthly is close to 600 for 4 people and 2 dogs!!! i need ways to bring this down... i now i need to cut my meat alot... i am not a big fan of red meat, but dh is... yet we have it like 8 times a...
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    hey there from nc! i am ashleigh, and have 2 boys, connor, 3 and logan 9mo. i am married to luke who is in the usaf... we are slowly crossing over to natural and self-sufficiency...(being on base doesnt help anything :rolleyes: ) so there is only so much i can do!!! someday i would love to have...
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    not sure where to put this... rabbits for food???

    i saw someone raises rabits for food... how do you do this? what type of rabbits are they? and where do you get them???? where i live i would love to have chickens, but the more reasearch i do, the less likely it seems that i will be able to...(we are military on base and cant technically have...