Aidenbaby's Anti-Suburban Sprawl


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
I just tried to boil 2 eggs for lunch. Well, I couldn't remember how long it took to boil them at this altitude and asked hubby. He says 5 minutes... he was wrong. One of the eggs had cracked so as I was shelling it I noticed it needed a tiny bit more time. I finished shelling the second egg and put the both in the microwave and set it for 1 minute. The first egg ended up popping in the microwave. No big deal. Easy clean up and most of the egg was still there. I cut it up and get ready to start cutting the second one. I picked up my butter knife and pressed it gently to the egg. KABLOOEY!!!! Egg in my hair! Egg in my eyes! Egg everywhere! I have never been so scared in my entire life. I'm glad my ticker is in good functioning order because that would have killed me otherwise.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
No, not hurt. I have a little bit of egg left in my eye but it'll work itself out.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
noobiechickenlady said:
QA listed our method almost to a T.
They have to have consistency, they have to know that you love them even if you are going to warm their bottom, or rather, that you are going to warm their bottom because you love them and can't allow them to do things that are unacceptable or dangerous.

Some kids can be raised with no corporal punishment, mine are not that kind. A warm rear end really reinforces the message we needed to get across, otherwise, there is nothing to back it up. As they get older, the spankings are getting less frequent and simple warnings about behavior are becoming sufficient.
Keep your boundaries where they are, they will test them, endlessly sometimes. But they need to know they are there and that mom is the same.
I'm with the metal peddler, though. They are your kids and you will have to determine what works for your family.
Yep, some kids need spankings, some don't....but I've never met a single child that didn't need at least one spanking in their life! I have two that required this more than my other child, who learned quickly. One cannot use a prescribed disciplinary method for every child, as they are all so different.

My father's idea of spanking was terrifying, to say the least. Every generation is beholden to improve upon the last, if they can. My methods of spanking are more disciplined, less rage-induced and were the last resort for most infractions. BUT...they were consistent and hard enough to evoke the required response.

This has been debated on here previously and each parent feels that their methods are the best way....that's just the way it is. If you do choose spanking as part of your disciplinary regimen, it needs to be an effective tool and not merely a knee-jerk reaction~not given after the child has driven you spastic, and it needs to be an attention getter....hard enough to elicit the desired result and not just make the child angry.

My kids felt more secure in their boundaries and never felt their "trust" was violated. They trusted they would get a spanking if they pushed the rules and I gave them just what they could expect. Trust formed, expected outcomes fulfilled, required response elicited. Good kids, loving sons, decent humans. Good job! :)

Aiden, everyone has those days and we feel your pain! Keep on keeping on and one day you will look around and you will have real human beings that you really like for who they are, not just because they are your kids! :hugs

Sorry about the eggs! Microwaves are dangerous for more reasons than one! :p


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
I haven't been doing much lately. I went to bookclub last week. I hadn't finished the book, "Eat, Pray, Love". I enjoyed reading it unlike several other members of the club. Admittedly, there were a few parts that got to be a bit monotonous but all in all I related TOO much with the author. I'm going to have to check the book out from the library when I get the opportunity as I was only able to read about 1/2 during the month. It was entirely my fault as I had the opportunity but i didn't put in the effort. Now, this months book is "Cold Comfort Farm". I've already finished it (in 3 days) and there were many times when I had to remind myself that it is a period spoof book set back in the 1930's. It is making fun of several other books in that era where basically the rich lead leaves the city and "tames" the country fold with their manners.

In other news, I've stalled out on the garden. Entirely my own fault but my attention was needed elsewhere. I've got a few things planned for today. I'm going to make some bread :fl, tidy up the house a bit and maybe bust out the rototiller to start working on the river rock walkway next to the driveway. I've gotten one side done already. I've just been procrastinating about doing the other because I HATE moving rocks with a passion. I have a tendency to overdo it until it is done. I have a little "Just five more minutes" mantra I say when I am doing it and just keep plugging away.

Last night, the whose child I watch called to say that he had been sick as a dog all weekend and that she may or may not be bringing him by today and that she would call in the morning. Well, here it is in the morning, he's due in about 30 minutes and I have yet to receive a phone call. I HATE depending on one family for additional income for our household. I dread looking for additional work as working with kids seems to amplify on an exponential level the volume of work I actually do. Anyway, I've got to quit whining about it now and get down to it.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
I am frustrated with my bread-making abilities... or lack thereof. I tried to make some bread today and stuck entirely to the recipe on the back of the bag with the exception that I didn't use all-purpose flour (ran out) and ended up using bread flour instead. All I have to say is that I am glad that I bought 2 loaves of bread while at the store. I almost didn't but decided to use it as back up in case I chose to make bread tomorrow instead of today. :barnie It is upsetting that so far, the only thing I can NOT bake is bread, something that used to be considered a staple for the housewife to be.

In other news, I seem to be sliding into another depressive cycle again. I don't want to do anything or be around anyone. I think I'm going to have to force myself to get into a routine again to yank me out of this. I'm not saying I don't have a few things to be irritated about but who doesn't?

On the up side, I made some really yummy tea yesterday. I took 4 family sized tea bags, added a gallon of very hot tap water, a cup of sugar and some clippings from my chocolate mint plant. YUMMY!!! Once cooled and served over ice, it was/is quite delicious. I've had this plant for years. Why have I never done this before?

DH grabbed the dehydrator from his parents yesterday. Initially, I had him ask if we could borrow it. His mom said we could go ahead and keep it. Yeah! Now, I have something to dry the herbs in the garden on. I'm not sure what to clip first the sage, the oregano or the lavender.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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I don't have any hints about making bread, but if it makes you feel any better, I always though the whole 'traditional' roles, perfect blah blah etc, was far over-rated, and slightly sickening. :p


City slicker gone rural
Jun 13, 2009
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I understand the need for routine, I have that need as well. How exciting about the dehydrator! :clap and your tea sounds delish!

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