And Now For Something Completely Different...


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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KevsFarm said:
Thanks KOxxx for explaining...I wonder though, if America really had a civil problem, and the police really needed help protecting law abiding citizens, who would we turn too, if not the Feds..? Would this be the "American Revolution" all over again...? Kinda scary isn't it...?
Depends on their definition of "law abiding citizens".........THAT'S the part that is scary.........


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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KevsFarm said:
Well, America has been under attack from south of the border invaders for yrs now..
Canada can see whats happening in the US, and would probably like to avoid the same fate.Our Fed. gov't, at least the bleeding heart liberals are letting south and central Am. invaders steal our children future.
These invaders have very diffrent value than we Americans do, and will pretty much take what they want through voter fraud, fake documents, ID thief, you name it.
The gov't. is preparing for rebellion, north american style, a bit different than the unfolding middle east mess.The illegal invaders are building a take-over army right under your noses, right now, in everywhere America...This is why the US/Canadian gov't have formed a pact.Think i'm crazy..? Why do you think all these illegal invaders drive big pick-up trucks and have a cell phone stuck to thier ear 24/7...? It's because they can be mobil quickly, fluid....I've seen a few incidents in my town where cell phones were a-ringing, trucks with human cargo on the move, none-english jabbering and suddenly a large group of ready for anything invaders on the spot...!!
No, don't trust my gov't. much at all,however i will definitly take my chances with my Canadian brothers and sisters, as opposed to whats coming at America and Canada from south of the border....MS13, The Latin Kings,diseases,
and much more unpleasant violence....
Make no mistake folks, these people are here to take whats yours and your childrens....
Ditto What he said. This is beginning to look very bad. The worst part is that our "political leaders" are financing the entire thing with "free money" for everything these invaders want; food, shelter, medical care, you name it.
Keep you head down and your powder dry boys and girls. It is just around the corner if you think about it critically. :somad

We are being sold "down the river" by the folks in Washington who think we "OWE IT" to the "POOR" to take care of them...For how long and when do they have the right to "GO HOME"?

The gangs that KevsFarm mentions are now essentially ubiquitous. If you don't believe it just go out your door and look. If you don't see it then you AREN"T looking. They are quite bold about it. They wear bandana's on their head and the color of the bandana indicates their "unit" (gang name). Currently they are fighting among themselves to assert domination in an area. They are intimately involved in the drug trade and their "turf" is the essential prize for which they fight.

We see it in large numbers in the Native American Community in SDAK. They are quite bold and EXTREMELY violent, currently to each other to ensure their form of discipline within their own ranks.

If you don't believe this, fine. But just remember you have been warned. :smack

The Canadians might just be a good choice to ensure that an armed force can retaliate against the violence these folks intend. Since many of them can "claim" citizenship of the USA, they can hide behind the posse comitatus act. This again indicates that our enemy has discovered how to protect him self from us using our laws. This is a very dangerous situation and you really don't realize what danger we are facing. If they are aware that your SS efforts have been good, they might just decide that they need what you have and take all of it. Then you might also remember "dead men tell no tales".

Do they have your attention now?


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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Oh .... my .... :th

Can you spell x-e-n-o-p-h-o-b-i-a?



Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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ORChick said:
Oh .... my .... :th

Can you spell x-e-n-o-p-h-o-b-i-a?

Can you spell "I'll bury my head in the sand and the situation will go away"?

To many of us that's the cowardly approach. But this seems to be the approach of choice for the "precious snow flakes" out there.

For some strange reason our sorry leadership for the past 18 years has decided to ignore the crisis in the inner cities which has already spread to the 'burbs and beyond. It won't be long until the real citizens of the USA have had enough and take things into their own hands. For me it won't be soon enough.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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Boogity said:
ORChick said:
Oh .... my .... :th

Can you spell x-e-n-o-p-h-o-b-i-a?

Can you spell "I'll bury my head in the sand and the situation will go away"?

To many of us that's the cowardly approach. But this seems to be the approach of choice for the "precious snow flakes" out there.

For some strange reason our sorry leadership for the past 18 years has decided to ignore the crisis in the inner cities which has already spread to the 'burbs and beyond. It won't be long until the real citizens of the USA have had enough and take things into their own hands. For me it won't be soon enough.
As opposed to the *imaginary* citizens? Or the *fake* citizens? It has always been my understanding that one is either a *citizen* or is not, not that there are *degrees of citizenship*. But, possibly I am wrong; perhaps I wasn't listening during that class, or maybe things have changes while I was looking the other way.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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ORChick said:
Oh .... my .... :th

Can you spell x-e-n-o-p-h-o-b-i-a?

Boogity said:
Can you spell "I'll bury my head in the sand and the situation will go away"?
That is exactly what happened in Germany in the late 1930's to mid 1940's.

Clearly the best approach for folks who don't believe something can go wrong is to discount what is real and pretend it won't affect them. We aren't talking about folks from other countries here. We are talking about folks who actually consider themselves US citizens who plan to do bad things to NICE FOLKS. But then "...this is the best of all possible worlds..."

If it can't happen why then are you so concerned with SS? Do you simply think everyone in the world is a "sportsmanship and fair-play, do-gooder middle class soccer-Mom neo-hippy member of the political party who jumps out of the window or leaves the state to avoid being required to vote in a quorum" who just doesn't have time to think about such things? Obviously some folks don't believe that the Holocaust happened because it didn't affect THEM. Even the president of Iran says the Holocaust never happened so he MUST be right.

Yes, the head in the sand approach works for some, but then aren't they the ones who cry "why me" when something happens and immediately looks to the US. Gov't to "do something" to fix it?

I guess no one learned anything from history and if I remember right, didn't some bright philosopher once state "those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

But then again, no one in Oregon needs to worry. It's all just xenophobia perpetrated by folks in other areas of the world who have seen it with their own eyes?

But then "Brutus IS an honorable man...."

Joshua 6:10

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Winston Churchill

"To appeasers, rough men are coarse government tools. To rough men, appeasers are dumb delusional fools." - Russ Vaughn

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson

"Si vis pacem, para bellum" - If you want peace, prepare for war.



Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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Icu4dzs wrote

We aren't talking about folks from other countries here. We are talking about folks who actually consider themselves US citizens who plan to do bad things to NICE FOLKS.
Actually, my comment on xenophobia was directed at KevsFarm, and the following post very much concerning *folks from other countries*

KevsFarm wrote:

Well, America has been under attack from south of the border invaders for yrs now..
Canada can see whats happening in the US, and would probably like to avoid the same fate.Our Fed. gov't, at least the bleeding heart liberals are letting south and central Am. invaders steal our children future.
These invaders have very diffrent value than we Americans do, and will pretty much take what they want through voter fraud, fake documents, ID thief, you name it.
The gov't. is preparing for rebellion, north american style, a bit different than the unfolding middle east mess.The illegal invaders are building a take-over army right under your noses, right now, in everywhere America...This is why the US/Canadian gov't have formed a pact.Think i'm crazy..? Why do you think all these illegal invaders drive big pick-up trucks and have a cell phone stuck to thier ear 24/7...? It's because they can be mobil quickly, fluid....I've seen a few incidents in my town where cell phones were a-ringing, trucks with human cargo on the move, none-english jabbering and suddenly a large group of ready for anything invaders on the spot...!!
No, don't trust my gov't. much at all,however i will definitly take my chances with my Canadian brothers and sisters, as opposed to whats coming at America and Canada from south of the border....MS13, The Latin Kings,diseases,
and much more unpleasant violence....
Make no mistake folks, these people are here to take whats yours and your childrens....


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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If it can't happen why then are you so concerned with SS?
I'm sorry, you are absolutely correct. It is presumptuous of me to want to learn (and possibly teach!) anything about SS when I am only worried about my own, little, personal emergencies. Thank you for pointing that out.
I think I'll go back over to the cooking section now.


On Vacation
Sep 24, 2010
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I'm scared now. I have Xenophobe phobia.

I would guess that they might be doing this thing with Canada because they are worried about all the somewhat crazy militias that are popping up all over Montana and Idaho.

By the way. Since when are the liberals promoting illegal immigration? The current administration has done more to try to curb it than any administration before it. They are actually going after the root problem. The people that hire them. Eliminate the jobs for illegals and they will go back home. The actual bad guy illegals that are buying guns from America and importing drugs to America will always be a problem and have nothing to do with liberals or conservatives. I can see why people would complain about those people coming and working for half of what Americans will do the job for. Blame it on the employers though. Those people are just trying to stay alive like everyone else.


On vacation
Apr 24, 2010
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I stand behind my first reply to this thread.We are a nation of immigrants,my grandfather came to America as a young man
He was a law abbiding man, he was proud to learn our English langauge, he worked hard and payed income taxes.
He came to the US through Ellis Is, the Statue Of Liberity....
Whats happening now is a total, out of control free for all. Texas farmers and ranchers have been murdered on their own land by these aggressive illegal invaders..
Everyone who wants to come to America from any distant land,has to follow the laws of our land. Get in line like everyone else and wait your turn.Just because you can sneak across the border, get fake papers from other invader established in the US doesn't make it right..period..!
Even those with absolutely no ill intent, that just want a better life, sorry...get in line like everyone else that also wants a better life.They however,are not the ones peddeling violence i speak of, but they are taking my tax dollar.Ovewhelming the medical system, having their "Drop Babies" on our soil so they can get subsidized housing, food stamps, and legalize their illegal a total joke and insult to hard working US citizen...I object to the Feds giving these invaders my hard earned tax dollars.Its digusting that politicians do as little as they can because " God forbid the allinate the Latini vote" and they may not get reelected...Pitiful, whimps...Benedit Arnolds...
God Bless the Tea Party....Thank God for true Americans like the Gov. of Arizona, the Gov. of Wisconsin.They have tough battles to win, but they are the heros of the day.You gotta respect a man and a woman fighting for what is right, to try and save America...
Unions and illegal invaders must be stopped.No free illegal rides and piggy benefits for big fat unions must end.