Anyone have any home remedies for migraines?


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
freemotion said:
Oh, hmmm.....I don't know reflexology, and I learned that from an acupuncturist, taught in an acupressure class. The text books supported the information. So it is a different focus. That point IS for headaches, hemorhoids, and diarrhea/constipation. It will also cause a strong downward energy that will also effect the uterus. It is only a danger to pregnant woman if the body is already wanting to reject the fetus, however, but since we really don't know at any given point in time if that is the case, it is contraindicated in pregnancy until it is safe to deliver naturally, then it is indicated.

It is a very powerful point. All I know about reflexology, I admit, is from looking at a chart that I bought for my office wall! So I bow to your wisdom, and also stick by mine..... ;)
Well that is good to know, I will have to look further into that, never heard of it in terms of reflexology before, I always thought reflexology and accupressure were pretty much the same, never studied accupressure. BUT accupunture goes even deeper I would suppose, and perhaps that is where the difference lies. (maybe there's a point BEHIND that point that accupuncture would reach? Got me there. Thanks for the input though, I would never want to assist in an abortion of a fetus!


Power Conserver
Jan 1, 2009
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Boyd said:
I woke up with one at 5:30am this morning with one. After getting sick several times i laid down and fell back asleep till 1ish this afternoon. The only useful treatment I've had for these is feirocet. Problem is, being the only one that has worked, my body has built up a resistance to this drug, and it makes me incapable of operating/functioning normally.

Been to a chiropractor, I've had acupuncture, I've even seen a hypnotist. Any natural pain relievers other than chewing raw poppies :)
I used to get migraines so bad that I couldn't even curl up and cry it hurt so bad. Then my sister told me that she stopped eating MSG and that stopped her migraines. So I cut all MSG out of my diet and I haven't had a migraine since! MSG is in a lot of stuff! Good luck!
Sometimes the best medicine is prevention.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I agree, for some people migraines can be caused by eating toxins or by having allergic reactions to foods that other people can eat.

With any disease process, its a good idea to look at what you might be putting into your body that is causing difficulty.

But on the other hand, if you cannot tolerate normal things, or if there is a glitch in your bodies ability to detox the best course of action is to correct that glitch. Homeopathy can do that, as well as acupuncture as well as some herbal regimens.. Change in diet can also sometimes heal that glitch...but if the glitch returns then you know it was never healed, only pampered, or covered up and the disease still persists within.


Power Conserver
Feb 8, 2009
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North Dakota
First of all I am not making light of this--I had those crippling horrible migranes--I do think mine were related to hormones and stress. But I have heard that allergies can trigger migraines also. I tried all the home type remedies, didn't work for me--I didn't try prescription drugs, cause my ex was very very against the perscription drups for headaches, jsut for headaches, felt I should be able to have controlled the headaches :(. I am past menopause ( right after my divorce at age 44, but don't be jealous, I got my period when I was at the end of the 4th grade:rolleyes:--not fun at all) Hmm I divorced my husband, got my goats back and enjoy life--even in the most stressful times--haven't had a migraine since, --10 years, :lol: ohh I might add, he left for the love of his life (after being married to me for 24 yrs) now he has migraines--lets see she drilled holes in the hood of his car, ripped off the mirrors and smashed hie windshields, now she is in jail because he wanted a divorce SO she tried to burn up his house and had loaded guns waiting for him. She is charged with having no insurance, driving with a suspended license, DUI, in possesion of a controlled substance, drug paraphanialia (sp?) and arson. They couldn't prove that she was waiting to kill him. Oh and she stole money out of his back account, major amounts. Seriously, he has major, major migraines now. I really do feel sorry for him--

Woodland Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 16, 2008
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What causes migraines in my family is artificial scents. I am talking about air fresheners, artificially scented candles and soaps, all scented laundry products, personal care products, etc....

We have tried many remedies but it seems some work for a while then stop. Avoiding scented products and msg works best for us!


Enjoys Recycling
Jul 21, 2009
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Hi here are three suggestions that works for me and I don't get migraines anymore since I started...go alkaline, it helps oxygen get to the brain, also Qigon which is pronounced kigon with Chunyl Lin which is the art of breathing, stand and put hands in front of you now breath down to your toes as you spread your arms out to your sides as you do this slowly you think good thoughts of inhaling the positive and as you breath out pull your arms in and face your hands towards each other and think of pushing all the negative and disease this 10 times, 3 times a day and you will be amazed how good it works. and natural herbs, willowprin gets rid of migrains and last...lots of fresh water this for one week and I will bet your migrains are gone for good!:D


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 14, 2009
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FarmerDenise said:
I just checked out one of my favorite herbals: "The Family Herbal" by Barbara & Peter Theiss. They claim to have had wondefull results with a "Migraine Tea.
6 parts rosemary leaves
4 parts peppermint leaves
4 parts balm leaves
4 parts sweet violet
3 parts feverfew 1/2 part sweet violet flowers
This tea has a very fine flavor and so can be enjoyed daily for many months."
Feverfew is a medicinal plant used in headache therapy that has caused a great stir since its rediscovery in England. A few decades back there were reports of migraine sufferers who reduced their attacks by chewing one or two leaves of the plant on a daily basis. But two new double-blind studies carried out in London support the theory that taking the leaves of feverfew prophylactically can reduce or prevent migraine attacks. Today, it is used as a simple tea or in tea blends."
I have made several home remedies out of this book and found them to be valid.
where do ya'll get your herbs? I've bought a bunch of stuff from Atlantic Spice Co., but they don't have feverfew, balm or sweet violet
any suggestions?


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
I love blackberry leaf tea for migraines. Magnesium helps me sometimes with them. Giving myself a foot massage helps. I will have a coke if I feel one starting and nothing healthier is handy.