Are we living our dreams?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Feet hurting and have a bit of swelling going on. Currently getting rid of fluid to help myself out with that. Grrr.
I understand we have one more cold spell coming. In a way, I'd want to put a rush order on my closing in project, downstairs, but I know I have money to start it, but not enough to finish, so I'll hold off. I might go buy a few more packs of insulation for the floor though. It does seem to make a difference.
Well, the water heater probably needs a new heating element, so its cold showers all around tonight. Clean thoughts and clean bodies. Amen. Makes me wonder about just putting a compost heap in back of the house and seeing if compost can heat our water, like a video I saw on permies or something. That would be so cool.....I mean hot.
So DS just walked over to me and asked if I would get the element or if he should just pick one up after work, and I told him we will be in touch and he then asks me,"Your not planning on tending to that tomorrow, are you?" I just don't know what these kids take me for. I know one thing....I am not calling DH to fix it.
I've received a call from the Louisiana Road Home Program today. They wanting some documentation which I don't have. So I have to look for a dated picture of my house before the elevation and then get a new elevation certificate to be in compliance......good grief. 8 years after Katrina????? I don't know if I have a dated picture. I can show a before and after pic, which seems like it would be enough. Obviously I was much lower and it must have occurred when the expense of elevating happened, which is easy enough to determine. I can show some receipts and expenses. Seems like they'd have asked before now though.
One good thing is the egg strike seems to be over. I picked up the weekend's allotment of eggs this morning. A nice bunch of pullet size eggs. It diffinetely came from the pullets and not the hens.
So I got my new 'friend' to put my grain in the bins and she found something that wasn't corn.....yeehaa!! I had forgotten I had millet. I let all the projects eat a bit of that, so I have a better chance at hatching out lots of females.
Also, the owner of my borrowed maran roo has some leghorn hens running around her yard. I don't know what roos she has, but I asked via facebook. Hoping she tells me she has a leghorn, because I want some eggs for the bator, but even if she mixes everything....which she does, I still need some good, cheap egg layers. Think I'll wipe her out of her white eggs.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
What happens if you can't find a picture?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Then I have to produce many thousands of dollars of receipts. I have a lot of them, but I already know, I can't find the one relating to the roofing material, which is about 4,000 or so. I can produce a lot though. I found a few pics of my house lower to the ground, but none dated. It don't make sense. If we in the pic, with our kids and its obviously our house, because these small trees will later be huge, then obviously we were much lower and I have the origional house blocks to prove it, etc....obviously it was elevated January of 2007, when the contractor was paid.
Hey......the insurance lady I used to have took a pic of my house. I wonder if its in a file somewhere. IDK.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That might help. I'd get in touch w/her and see.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
How you find it! Lots of things have been lost lately. Is an odd trend.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I did tell her that after this many years, I don't see how they expect me to have all this documentation. I do have most of the receipts because I had a folder called Katrina nightmare. I was nervous about the whole Road Home thing. It was really DH that pushed me every step of the way, insisting we were doing whatever it took to get whatever help we could. You have to sign so many things that you were afraid you were signing away your rights to have vital signs. FEMA was a big joke. They actually gave me $68 to repair my roof and $200 for structural damages. Thankyou. It was over $7000 for the roof and costed 31,000 to elevate and stabalize the house, over $7000 for the slab under the house and about $4000 for the new siding, but I really appreciated that $268. I can somehow never forget that. My Ex-SIL got over 2,000 for her trailer damage and ran away from home with it.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Ewwwwww, FEMA was a joke here after Ike too. I had major damage and got a mere pittance while we knew folks who lived in a house that was in major dis-repair because of their own laziness. The house was not damaged in the hurricane but yet they got in excess of $30K! That happened time after time. I know a co-worker right now whose house was barely damaged.... and because there's 'left-over' Fema money - they're demolishing her house and building her a new one. Right NOW - years after the hurricane. OMG!

Really hope you can get everything straightened out and find what you need!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Wow that is bad. I'm not surprised though. Your tax dollars at work! Lol


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I should send those nuts to my SIL. I have to get an elevation certificate. I'm hoping that only means someone will come here and decide where I'd need to have the bottom part of my house at, then put on the certiciate that I'm like 5feet above the level necessary. If I can turn that in with a pic......hopefully with a date, then I don't need all those receipts.
Well, I just got a new doe. Her name is Athena and she is from TX and is a year and a half old. She is half alpine, 1/4 toggenburg and 1/4 nubian. It was almost dark when I brought her home. Supposedly she is pregnant, but can't see it. She is the twin sister of the buck I borrowed last year. My doe, Dinah, was giving her hell, so I put her in timeout for now. If she is pregnant, I don't want a stillbirth, and besides, I want Athena's first night home to be calm. I was in shock that the owner asked me if I wanted her to begin with. Apparently there have been some behavior problems, but in Athena's defence, I have to say that there are a lot of goats, horses and big dogs at her previous residence. I was told that she is a greedy gut and is busting through fences to steal food from the other animals. I figure maybe she really is pregnant and is starving for extra nourishment. And maybe the behavior is the nervousness with safety issues with all those big dogs and maybe knowing baby is coming. IDK. Well, her dame gave 1/2 gallon of milk a day, but she was a pure alpine. She is a grade, but with known parentage, all from known milk breeds. I'm hoping she does about the same.
I will go check her again before I settle myself down for the night. I hope I haven't made a huge mistake. I never have heard a single bad thing about this doe before this afternoon. I paid $100 for her, which the owner felt was a lose, but she was willing to part with it because the damages she has caused lately were over $300, or so she said. My fences are higher (slightly) than their's so I hope to not have that problem.....besides, I have no big dogs running all over the place.