Are you poor? I just gotta get this out....


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Think about it. Are you really poor? I and my family are currently well below the "poverty level" according to our government. Mind you the majority of other governments around the world would disagree COMPLETELY, but that's another post altogether. My kid doesn't have all new things for school, or any of the latest gadgets. She only has a few of the trends because they were free or inexpensive, but really....are we "poor"? I don't think so. I get frustrated trying to hold onto what we have, and there are looming threats that we may lose some of it eventually if we can't get a better footing, and we are doing everything within our power to DO SOMETHING as long as it's legal :p But really, by our neighbors standards, and a lot of our family standards, probably even a lot of ya'lls standards :lol: we're "poor" FINANCIALLY ;)

Even with everything going on, bills piling up, work being scarce, constant hands out to snatch away the few bucks I just made for whatever crazy idea I just had to make an extra buck...I just don't FEEL "poor" in the least. Yet some folks, IRL recently, with their Apple Ipods and newer car, and a boat under a tarp out back, whopping mortgage, great jobs still, a 4 wheeler for each child in the house, a TV in every room, all on, all playing different channels, half of which are not even being watched, while the kids run around the kitchen snatching cookies wrapped in plastic, and or noodles out of the microwave because "mommy doesn't have time to cook, just grab a TV dinner or something." Meanwhile mommy is on the phone with a credit card company trying to trace down a check for payment her hubby never wrote in the first place but told her he did.....and on and on and on and on....THESE folks think they have got it all. :th

Yeah, I'm afraid these folks ^^^ are genetically linked to me. Some of my family that pokes fun of my raw milk and yard eggs. They "feel sorry" that we can't do such and such, with so and so, because we don't have money to go and would have to have someone take care of the animals and...well just fill in the blanks, we all have our "why" we can't/won't/aint even interested in the first place. And THEY think WE are POOR?! And FEEL SORRY for us...I just don't get it. I rant here about things that I WON'T rant about IRL, well because ya'll listen, and even when ya don't, I've got it out of my head :p But I do NOT complain IRL to very many folks because I don't feel like we're poor, or there is any reason to "feel sorry" for DD because she doesn't have a friggin I pod attached permanently to her hand. The child is BLESSED :lol: It does kind of get to the point at times that this kind of thinking grates on my last nerve though. :/

I just find it tragic that these "types" with so little compassion toward each other rushing around in their daily lives think US "poor" or whatever. I TRULY feel sorry for THEM, and can not fathom being their version of "well off" or whatever they wanna call it. The kids....have it the worst, because they are the next generation learning to be busy busy busy, grab and go, and run in circles to accomplish what? Oh WOW they can afford fast food and fuel sucking 4 wheelers to sit and collect dust in the garage because mommy and daddy "don't have time" to DO SOMETHING WITH THEIR CHILDREN :barnie

I know some folks have extra to spend, and that is not a bad thing, but it really hits home when you see the tragedy of getting too carried away with money, in your own family, because someone thought it a great idea to give the kids everything they want rather than everything they NEED. No child NEEDS a workaholic set of parents so that they can be reared by granny, nanny, teacher, pastor, peer, or neighborhood plus the latest plastic encased technological gadget that they'll have broken by next week :rolleyes:

I say all THAT to say this...I AINT POOR DANGIT!!!! :rant :rant I LOVE my life, ALL of it, because if not for the negatives the positives wouldn't be so sweet :D Know what I mean?


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Is someone telling you that YOU ARE POOR?

if so tell them to frig off big time! :lol:
seriously, tell them to back off and live their lives and you will worry about your own.

ALOT of what you said is true in your post, but also many people live great lives exactly the way THEY want, so tearing down how others' lives means you are kinda doing what someone else is saying about poor being reared by granny or whatever is what works in their household, then let those people live their lives without the ranting about how they conduct those lives.

so much of life is so many people in everyone's business and if you stick to your own biz, usually you do just fine thru least I try that mostly. My kid doesn't have the 'latest whatever' of everything and anything. Maybe she'll get it, maybe she won't...but one this is clear....I will decide what my family gets just like you will decide what your family gets, and don't let the stuff you hear or see bother you so much on that level.

Your OK gal, just some hard times and you seem very hang in there. tough times out in this country all around us.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Sure, we're 'poor' now! And never have been richer, ya know? We used to make around 50K + more a year than what we do now and had the bills and crap to go with it. Boo, Hissss.

Everytime I see some poor schmuck wearing a business suit, with that 'look' on his face - the stress, hating his job, working too many hours, etc. - that's the guy I pity. He's giving up his life to play someone else's game.

I'll never go back to that other life and be under anyone's thumb again. My kids worry about me since I rarely leave the farm. I don't want to, don't need to. I have everything that I need right here and I'm happy.

Next time they brag about their latest gadget, ask them how many hours they had to work for someone else to pay for it.

(quickly ending what could be a rant)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
FarmerChick said:
Is someone telling you that YOU ARE POOR?

if so tell them to frig off big time! :lol:
seriously, tell them to back off and live their lives and you will worry about your own.

ALOT of what you said is true in your post, but also many people live great lives exactly the way THEY want, so tearing down how others' lives means you are kinda doing what someone else is saying about poor being reared by granny or whatever is what works in their household, then let those people live their lives without the ranting about how they conduct those lives.

so much of life is so many people in everyone's business and if you stick to your own biz, usually you do just fine thru least I try that mostly. My kid doesn't have the 'latest whatever' of everything and anything. Maybe she'll get it, maybe she won't...but one this is clear....I will decide what my family gets just like you will decide what your family gets, and don't let the stuff you hear or see bother you so much on that level.

Your OK gal, just some hard times and you seem very hang in there. tough times out in this country all around us.
Under the current circumstances of the nation, I think they may have to find out how I live first hand soon enough. I guess that's why it bugs me so much that they put SO much emphasis on "stuff" rather than knowledge and family. And no, I don't judge folks who DO have "stuff" just notice those who let it run their lives and those who don't. I guess I didn't make that very clear though I was too busy ranting :lol: And yeah...I heard a few comments out of them that just annoyed me. No big deal, I just thought it was pretty arrogant. I do try to stick to my biz, just get aggravated that some can't do the same :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Marianne said:
Sure, we're 'poor' now! And never have been richer, ya know? We used to make around 50K + more a year than what we do now and had the bills and crap to go with it. Boo, Hissss.

Everytime I see some poor schmuck wearing a business suit, with that 'look' on his face - the stress, hating his job, working too many hours, etc. - that's the guy I pity. He's giving up his life to play someone else's game.

I'll never go back to that other life and be under anyone's thumb again. My kids worry about me since I rarely leave the farm. I don't want to, don't need to. I have everything that I need right here and I'm happy.

Next time they brag about their latest gadget, ask them how many hours they had to work for someone else to pay for it.

(quickly ending what could be a rant)
Hehe...yeah I get fussed on too about never leaving the house...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
finanically personally yeah im poor! very poor...(and living in ct doesnt help with that)
but at the same time i dont feel it, i have good family i have my pets, i have a roof over my head and a working vehicle and food on the table...
I have great life experience too...

so while im dirt poor in the monetary sense, i feel im much richer over all than some of my friends who have "everythign" yet arnt happy.