Britesea - Living the good life in rural Oregon

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
What can I rain, grass dying! 😢 Touch of rain tonight with more predicted for tomorrow. But, there been wrong before.

So glad you hatchlings are doing well. Hope your hen has a nice batch for you. Guess you don't know the egg count she accumulated. We know how the other hens like to contribute.

I have one with 12 chicks...I count them everyday ☺️...and she's an amazing mom! Also have 9 more chicks from eggs she was setting when the 12 began walking about. Had put them into bator. Wanted to give them to her but would be waaay too many. She takes them in and out of coop every day. Teaches them "chicken" stuff. Sooo cute! 3rd year she's done this...and she was hatched here in same coop. :love


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
This is the second hen in 6 years to go broody. The first one tried... she sat on those eggs for 6 weeks... but the rooster we had at the time was too old, I think. I had also been checking the eggs we were eating and I wasn't seeing any "bulls eye". We have younger roosters now, in their prime; lots of "bulls eyes" and the excellent hatching from the incubator, so I have strong hope. I keep hoping that if one of the hens successfully raises a family it might strengthen the broody instinct. I want a self-perpetuating backyard flock.

I have another question for y'all. I have an All American pressure canner that has worked like a dream for 10 years or so; but all of a sudden the lid sticks and I have to hammer it off with a rubber mallet to get it off. I checked the metal-to-metal contact to see if there was any corrosion, but it's clean. Everything is still sealing properly, but it's a b**** to get the lid off now. Any ideas?

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
It's a fact that some breed broody out! Personally I'm old school -- hens set and hatch.
Roosters are switched out mostly. A few old guys get to stay but, others are still introduced. So new blood. While the flock is backyard, I intro a few new hens, usually heritage breed, every couple yrs. My flock is self-perpetuating, cross bred, heavy types.. I like that, overall. Eggs and meat, home grown. I don't use lights in winter and all free range. Have a couple more broody now. :love It's a farm life, right? If I want more purebred, I pen & collect eggs for a short time. Usually give any broody a nest full.

The canner. Have you called CS? They may have ideas for you. Mine is older but, I bought it never used and old. It was still #7 and had petcock, not jiggler. ☺️ Bought the valve and jiggler from all upgrade. The old owner manual has a list of parts with pictures and prices that make you laugh. Cost me $25 and a 2 hr drive to buy. The upgrade, $30. Great deal.
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Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I don't think it's overpressure- as the burner I use on the stovetop keeps it exactly at 13 pounds. I don't know about uneven heat though.
All American just says that this is a common problem and I'm supposed to give it a few whacks with a rubber mallet to loosen it up. I've been doing that, and it works; but it bothers me that this is required now. They didn't give me any clues as to WHY I suddenly have to do this EVERY time I use my canner.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
weather is heading right back to hot and dry again. we're in the middle of planting. i'm almost done with the warm weather starts from the greenhouse. once i get the last starts planted tomorrow and some melon seeds in the ground then i'll be planting everything else with as many beans varieties as i can decide i want to plant. 90F+ degree weather in the forecast for at least four days in a row and not much rain (perhaps tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night but i won't hold my breath). first though i do get a chance to get some planting done before it gets that hot again. just have to get up and out there early enough, and i'm not a morning person at all... :) it's ok. beans are worth it. :) plus have to get everything watered to get it all settled in.

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