Daisy - Dawdling towards Delicious

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
Watching Monkey Werks yesterday, he said there's been some crazy flooding in Australia. Any in your area? USA, according to fire maps is headed for a major drought year, with fires reported through most of the country. As far as I know, these reports don't make it onto MSM.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 24, 2020
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Flash floods are probably the biggest risk where I am, a part from fire of course! But we havent had any like has been seen on the east coast, thankfully :) I have been building up a tin fence and sticks and soil along the drain side. It flooded up to the house on that side the first year I was here but has never come that far up again.

Kale, beetroot and parsley seedlings are up and i hope they get big enough before any frost. My watermelon got stolen by slater bugs. The pumpkin vines are still growing but with this wet weather and then sunny days, the pumpkins rot on the mulch. I have been training some of the vine up off the ground but I think its too late in the season for them now. Want to get some beans and peas in asap.

Lilly pillies are in full fruit right now. The grapes made me tire of doing cooking with berry types, so most of these I am just eating fresh and pulling down branches full to feed to the ducks. Even they are sick of them! Haha. Its good to know the fruit on this tree is good but I really cant be bothered to figure out a way to store or cook with them right now. They arent nice enough to bother preserving. I have more than enough food for me right now. A few picked fresh each day is enough.

I just got a whole heap of kitchen and cooking stuff donated to me, with more to come. Ive washed and put it all away. I just have to find an extension cord for the mircowave, or move it to another spot. So heavy for a little box. Im exhausted!