Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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In more ways than one!

It's warm and wet out there, but at least it hasn't really been windy. But, I'm not spending anymore time outside than I need to! I did the smart thing yesterday when I left and grabbed my muck boots. So, when I finally do go out there, at least I should stay dry. And since it's supposed to stop raining, I can probably take the blankets off the horses. I'm sure they'll be glad about that. So, my list for today:

1. Finish ironing shirts (done!)
2. Practice piano (done)
3. Clean kitchen-including dishes
4. Feed animals
5. Clean tack shed
6. Give Stormy his 2nd feeding, bag feed and take care of chickens
7. Work on living room
8. Go shopping w/hubby
9. Make and eat dinner
10. Do dishes

Hubby has off tomorrow. So since he's going to be home and it's going to be colder and windy, we are going to get this furniture rearranged. I'm tired of having the recliner where it is. We had no room for it, and he should have never brought it home. Personally, I think we out to put it on CL, but I know he won't do that. He has it sitting so that when I'm in my recliner, my feet hit in. It's hard for me to get to the piano, and when I play certain sections of a couple of songs, I'm hitting the chair w/my shoulder-which throws me off. I don't know where we're going to put all the boxes of stuff we brought home

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yesterday was a fairly relaxing day. I only did what I had to do. Of course, one of those things included cleaning out the run-in. That took 40 minutes. But I was expecting it to take awhile. After all, we had rain for 2 days, and I had hay nets in there. Today is back to a busy schedule. I'm going to be leaving early since we're decorating the church this morning, and I want time to work w/Misty B4 I go. Plus, they've gotten a new tree. I have a friend that wants the old one, so I'll have to take it w/me, then hope she's home so I can drop it off. So my list for today:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes-they're in the washer
2. Practice piano (done)
3. Feed animals and put out hay
4. Work w/Misty
5. Help decorate the church
6. Go to TSC and the feed store
7. Drop off tree
8. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of the chickens. I was going to do the boys, but don't know if I'll have the time today.
9. Work in living room
10. Do wood
11. Feed the goats
12. Do dishes
13. Send the boys to freezer camp?

I don't think I'm going to worry about making any dinner. We have plenty of leftovers.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It was cold out there this morning-like in the teens! So, I didn't even attempt to work w/Misty. It was just too cold to be taking her blanket off of her, then working her and putting it back on. And by the time it warmed up, I just didn't have time.

Got home later than I'd planned, so I didn't get all the wood done that I wanted to do. But, I got enough done for tonight, so that's good.

Hubby wasn't feeling well when he got home, so we didn't get anything done on the LR. And, I didn't feel like doing the dishes. I'll have to do them in the morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Finally have a chance to sit down. Went to church this morning, then went to the farm. Fed Stormy, then cleaned most of my field and dumped the cart. Only problem being, I got stuck! I had to unhook the cart, pull it thru the gate, then back the truck up and find a different way to get out of the field. Once I got home, I fed the goats, then filled up the wood holder in the basement. Even though I have the wood cut and split, it still takes awhile to fill the holder. And, my ankle really started to hurt. I was going to go to church tonight, but I just don't feel like it. I'm tired, my ankle hurts and I just want to relax.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Mainly stuff I'll play for special music in church. However, once I get everything done in here, I'll probably start playing for longer and add back in playing thru the church hymnal as well as some classical. I can quite honestly get lost while playing, and play for a few hours and only stop because I get tired. Right now, I just don't have the time to do that.

It's warmer today, so I'll be able to get some stuff done outside-including working w/a horse! I just wish I could ride my bike. Hubby keeps saying he's going to fix it and he hasn't. It was one thing when it was cold out, but today is warm enough for riding and I can't. Oh well, it is what it is. Of course, it's making it harder on me money wise cuz I'm having to spend more in gas. But, at least I'm not tempted to go on a ride. Which is good since I have a ton to do. My list for today:

1. Put away 2 loads of laundry (done)
2. Practice piano (done)
3. Feed animals and put out hay
4. Put boards at base of doors in run in (I had been going to wait until after I got all the stones in since I thought I'd have to drive over them, but since I'll be using the tractor, I can get them in now. It will keep the stones in the run in instead of having the horses kick them out all over the place.)
5. Work w/Misty
6. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of the chickens
7. Work on cleaning living room. (I waited all weekend for hubby to get ready to help and that never happened, so guess I'm going to have to do it myself)
8. Feed goats
9. Work on front gardens
10. Make and eat dinner
11. Dishes

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was a good day. The only problem I had was that even though I had a fully charged battery for my saw, it died in about 5 minutes! I couldn't even get the last board cut all the way. So, I switched to my other battery. I wasn't sure how much of a charge it had, but I wanted to get that last board cut. It wasn't much better. Get the board cut, dig out so I can put it in only to find out that w/the way the run in was made, the board I thought I was going to be nailing into doesn't go down all the way. So, the board was too short. And I couldn't cut another one. So, I got it nailed in temporarily and am hoping that it's secure enough so that the horses won't knock it out. I'll be charging both batteries up tomorrow and finishing it up on Wednesday.

A few years ago, hubby bought an inversion table. And, it was in the living room in front of the window. He said that he was going to take it downstairs, to give us more room. But, he hadn't done it. We were given 3 planters when his mom died. We have a coffee table in the living room, but we don't really use it. I wanted to put it in front of the window and put the plants on it. So today, I was able to move the inversion table and put the coffee table where I wanted it. I moved the inversion table out of the way the best I could. When he got home, he put it in the basement!

Got everything else done and also got some chocolate chip banana bread. I needed to get that done. I had bananas that were starting to get too soft to use. Now I'm relaxing. I figure I should get to bed around 10:00.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Each day, I'm getting more and more into a good schedule so that I'm able to get stuff done. While waiting for hubby to leave, I'm working on a Christmas present I'm making for someone. Then once he leaves, I do housework for awhile, including throwing any laundry I'm planning on doing in the washer. For now, I'm caught up on everything that we need, but I have a ton of stuff-like blankets, etc from when the kids were still living at home that really needs to get washed and gotten rid of. Bad thing is, I've washed most of this B4 and some how or another, it ends up back in the laundry bin. And, it almost fills the bin. I get it all done and outta here, it will go a long way towards keeping the laundry area clean. Then, I practice the piano, get on the computer for a bit, eat breakfast and read my Bible, then go to the farm. I get done there, come home, grab a quick bite to eat, then do more housework, yard work, firewood (if needed) and feed the goats. Then it's dinner, dishes and relaxing. I am finally seeing real progress on everything that needs doing. So, my list for today:

1. Clean bathroom (done)
2. Wash and hang out a load of bulk laundry (it's in the washer)
3. Work on living room (I've done some, should do more this afternoon)
4. Practice piano (done)
5. Feed animals and put out hay
6. Pick field
7. Work w/Licorice
8. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of the chickens
9. Work in yard
10. Feed goats
11. Make and eat dinner
12. Dishes
13. Go out w/my motorcycle group-CMA

Once I'm done making this gift, I'm not sure what I'm going to do while waiting for hubby to leave. It might just be more cleaning.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I took your laundry in the morning idea. :) It's great! It gets me out of bed *on time* in the morning. I know I need to get laundry started at 6:00 sharp so the machines are done before our electrical rate goes up 4x at 7:00. Good-bye massive laundry pile on the weekend!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sometimes I've even hung the clothes out the day B4.

I'm going to sleep good tonight! I got everything done on my list. And, since it didn't take me the whole time I had allowed for cleaning my field, I worked some on digging out the dock. I have one more hard section of the one front garden. And even though the other side is bigger, I don't think it's as bad.

I got the dishes done while I was making dinner. Dinner was easy, rice w/onion soup mix, left over meat, corn and peas. Once I was done eating, I left to meet my friends. Even though we're not riding much at this time of year, we still get together for fellowship (and food!). Tonight, we met in a neighboring town that has a temporary outside skating rink set up. I have not skated in years. I wasn't even sure if I still could, but decided I was going to try. I figured if I could make it once around the rink, that would be good. I'll admit to being shaky when I started. And, the rink was crowded-which didn't help. But I was able to skate. By the time I stopped for good, I felt more in balance. I did fall once, but that was when I was working on going backwards, otherwise, I wouldn't have fallen. Now I'm beat! I won't be up for too much longer.