Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Hope you get everything done. The wreath making workshop sounds cool! I've always wanted to learn to make them. I suspect its not hard... My hope is that one day I'll have a property that will have evergreens of various types on it so that I can make my own garland and wreaths.
Hope your lesson goes well. It is still crazy windy here. I'm praying that the wind is being useful and drying things out even though its not very sunny. Last I looked at the forecast and there is no rain until NEXT Saturday!! WAHOOOO!!! I hope they're right! Of course, its supposed to be warmer and a lil sunny, and I'm stuck in the office ALL next week! I can't win!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Lesson went well. Then, we got snow! There's not a lot out there, but I can't do wood. And I got cold and wet.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I kind of wish it had snowed earlier. I've never ridden in the snow and want to try it one day. Hopefully, I'll be able to do it this year, even if it's just at the farm in the riding arena.

Today is going to be fairly nice out, so I'm hoping I can get a lot done outside. I want to give my tack shed a thorough cleaning. And, I'll be bringing home my generator. I don't know when or if hubby is ever going to finish the work he said he was going to do, and I'm tired of tripping over it. I'll also be using an old tarp to cover the bottom of the overhang as well as make a "ceiling". I think that by doing that, I'll be able to keep it fairly warm if I have my heater going.

Normally, I'd be cleaning my field. But, the ground is so saturated that I'm not going to attempt it. I think I'd get stuck w/the mower. So, that will have to wait until next week. I have my lesson on Monday next week and I'm hoping to go to the hay auction on Tuesday. So that leaves Wednesday. The weather is supposed to be fairly good next week, so I'm hoping everything dries up! And, I should then be able to get rid of Mt. Manure on Thursday! I'm also going to see if I can't do some work in the chicken area done as well as maybe making my round pen.

By New Year's week, I want to have nothing to do at the farm other than daily chores and working some w/the horses. I'm wanting to work at least 2 days a week during the winter since the amount I have towards lessons is getting low. I had planned on taking lessons every other week, but taking them every week is paying off in spades! I can see a big improvement not only in my riding, but in Misty. I'm so looking forward to doing a lot of trail riding next year. EH and I might go on some rides together. If gas prices stay as low as they are now, I'll be more willing to go longer distances to get to good places to ride. Until the gas prices got so high, I loved to ride at Fair Hills, MD. I've been there once lately and was a bit upset. We went w/a group of people. I hauled one other horse. The person who rode w/me gave me nothing for gas, didn't pay the tolls, and didn't pay the parking fee. Then, she took off at one point. Her horse was the only horse that Misty knew. Misty was already a bit spooked because we had just gone across a bridge, the like of which she had never seen B4. So, when her horse took off, Misty got upset, and took of running and bucking after him. I came off about half way across the field. I haven't gone back since. But I also think that when we do go back, I won't have the same problem.

OK, it's getting later and later and I need to get off of here. So, my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Laundry
3. Normal farm chores
4. Clean tack shed and get it ready for winter
5. Clean chicken house
6. Wood
7. Goat pen
8. Garden/yard/orchard/greenhouse
9. Dinner
10. Dishes
11. Gift

That's enough for today and I need to get started.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Bummer you had a bad experience at fair hill. It's an amazing place! Those are serious bridges too! I have no idea how storm would feel about that!
We had snow here, a dusting is about it. The wind has blown for 2 days, which I think is making the house colder. I wish it would stop!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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So do I! I'm so tired of the wind. I wouldn't mind it as much if it didn't make everything feel so cold. Because of the cold, wind and mud, I made some changes to my plans for today. I didn't want to be outside more than I had to. So, I left later for the farm then I'd planned. I spent the extra time at home working on the present, and taking care of a chicken. I don't know if she's egg bound, or has become crippled. So I wanted to try soaking her butt in warm water. For lack of any place else to put her, I stuck her in my bathroom sink. Only problem being, then my sink stunk. I tried using baking soda and vinegar followed by boiling water to get rid of the smell. Didn't work. So then, I decided to see if I could take part of the plumbing off. I figured it out and was able to do it! That pretty much took care of the smell.

While I was doing that and the laundry, I had the chicken in the kitchen. She did do a good poop, so I'm thinking she's not egg bound, but has become crippled. For now, she's in my greenhouse. If she is crippled, I'll take her back to the farm. I had a crippled chicken B4. But, she still laid eggs, was still able to get around, and was an excellent mother. And since this is one of my broodies, I'm willing to take the chance. If she doesn't do good, I'll put her down.

At the farm, I only did part of my tack shed. I was able to get some tarp up where I wanted it. But, the tarp was in worse condition than I'd realized, plus it was dirty! So, I didn't even think about putting it in the shed. What I am going to do is get some of the board insulation and put that up. And for now, I may even put it inside as well. It will make it so much warmer in there.

I would have liked to have gotten more of the shed clean, but since I had to take stuff out, that meant I had to keep opening and closing the door. Therefore, having the heater going made no sense since it never got warm enough in there. I'll finish cleaning it next week since it's supposed to be warmer.

At home, I decided not to do anything outside other than feed and bring in enough wood for overnight. It's finally supposed to get sunny tomorrow, so I'll spend more time outside.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I hid inside today too. I wrestled with wrapping paper most of the day. I think the wrapping paper mostly won. :hide

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Did you ever try to wrap a present w/a cat around? That can be quite an adventure!

Right now, it's cold out there! So, I'm doing some stuff inside until it warms up some. Then I'm hoping to get a lot done outside. I've already gotten a load of clothes in the washer, got a good fire going, worked some on the Christmas present and got a shower. Hubby is working today, and he's not sure when he's getting done. At least the sun is out and it's warmer! I may be able to ride the bike to the farm this afternoon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Got some done today, but not as much as I wanted to. Even though the sun was out, it was still windy and felt cold. Plus hubby got home from work about the same time I got home from the farm, so we went shopping. I brought wood in again w/out doing any. But, it's supposed to be nice next week, so I should get a lot done.

Got quite a bit done on the present I'm making, but it's taking longer than I expected. And, I'm not sure I have enough of the one part. While we were out, I tried to get more, but they didn't have it in the stores we were in. If I have to, I'll run to Hobby Lobby on Monday. I know I can get it in there.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Not sure what all I'm doing today. Hubby's working this morning. But, he might get done early. And if he does, he's talking about putting the other window in my tack shed. I noticed when I was cleaning in there the other day that the floor was wet underneath of it. I don't need my floor to rot.

They're calling for really nice weather this week. There's a chance of some rain on Tuesday, but I'm hoping it won't be until later in the day, like after dark. I'm hoping to go to the hay auction and won't if there's going to be rain. I'm also hoping the rain isn't heavy and that there's not much. There is still a lot of mud out at the farm. I have a bag of feed in my truck that I need to put in my tack shed, but w/as wet as it is, I haven't done so. It's just so muddy that it's hard to pull my wagon over to the feed stall. Wednesday is supposed to be gorgeous. I should be able to ride the bike then.