Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And tomorrow I plan on riding Misty! I'm trying to spend more time just messing w/her so I'm not just grabbing her out of the field to ride. I took a shedding blade to all the horses today.

I got half of my last kitchen wall clean. I have to move stuff in order to get to the wall and it took a lot longer than I was expecting. Hopefully, I can get the rest of it done tomorrow. I also ironed some shirts and threw a sleeping bag in the washer B4 heading out.

At the farm, I worked w/Licorice in the RP for a bit, then worked in chicken pen #2. I filled in some holes there and got the post in for the door to the broody area. Of course that meant that I had to pull out more baling twine. I've gotten out almost a whole feed bag full of twine in the past 2 days! I may take the post back out. I couldn't get down as deep as I want, so it's a couple of inches high. But, I need my chainsaw in order to cut it. I still had a bit of time left when I was done, so I cut some of the boards I need for my first broody house.

When I got home, I got some more of my flower garden weeded. It's taking longer than I wanted but that's because it hasn't rained in a bit and the ground is hard. But, I got most of it finished. I also got the clothes down that I hung out yesterday and put the sleeping bag out. Then, I came in, did dishes and made dinner. I think I'm going to go to bed early.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We need the rain as well. They're calling for some over the weekend. I hope they're right.

Had another good day today. I got the last wall in my kitchen clean! It wasn't that dirty since there's a metal cabinet and my china cabinet in front of it. What took the most time was taking everything out of them so I could move them, then putting it all back in. When I put stuff back in the metal cabinet, I sorted thru it all. I tossed a bunch of stuff that was old. In fact, I'm not sure how long it's been in there. Plus I had some stuff that had been destroyed by grain moths. Tomorrow if I have time, I'll be working on scrubbing the floor and washing cabinets. I may not get it all done, but at least I'll have more done when I go to bed than when I get up. I also got a load of clothes in the washer.

I've decided that I'm going to leave Thursday free this summer if at all possible. That's the day that I'm going to clean and mow fields. LF was still there, so she helped me clean them both. She's not allowed to do much. But, she could rake the stuff into piles, plus run the mower. I loaded it into the bucket and dumped it into the spreader. I also put up some welded wire fence for her. She wants to bring her dogs out, but can't for now. I've been working on getting this done for awhile. It was just hard to find the time. I need to get another, smaller roll. I'm not sure when she'll be down again, but I told her that unless the weather is bad, it will be finished next Thursday. I also put a quick latch on her one gate, and put a screw eye and a double ended snap on for another. I have to put a quick latch on another gate, but in order to do it that, I need to rehang the gate-it's crooked.

At home I finished weeding my flower garden! I'm not sure when I had it all weeded at this time of year last. So, I should be able to get my flowers in over the weekend. I also got the clothes out on the line.

I was going to do dishes after I ate dinner, but hubby fell asleep on the couch. So, I'll have to wait to do them until tomorrow.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
No rain for us today, at least not yet. Well, enough rain to rearrange the pollen on my car :(
Sounds like you're making awesome progress. I so need to wash my cabinets, too. They are gross with splatters of all kinds...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The reason I'm finally making progress both at the farm and at home is because I told RU I wanted LS out of my field. I was trying to rearrange my life to fit into her schedule. I never knew when she was going to be there. She works crazy hours. Sometimes she tell me when she was going to be there, sometimes she wouldn't. And since she was supposed to be helping me, it made it impossible to schedule anything. Plus, she's lied to me several times. And quite often, when I was working, she'd be standing there playing w/her horse. She could have done that after I left. Of course, now I'm a liar and a beech. Her horse is still in my field since they don't know where to put her. LS has been there 2 days this week, and other than putting some water in the stock tank, I know of nothing else that she's done. In the meantime, I cleaned the field 2x and have been feeding and haying her horse every day. It's almost laughable. She called when I was on the phone w/someone else. So she left me a message to call her back when I had the time and to tell me that she was going to be at the farm and I was to stay away from her. Sorry. It's the other way around. It's my area. If you don't want to talk to me or be near me, then wait until you know I've left.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Well, there's always a slacker..... hope it all works out.

So how do you move your broody hens? At night & they awake in a new pen?

I now have 2 and will get pens ready for this weekend as well as some fertile eggs -- they are sitting on "nest" eggs now, bless their hearts. They'll growl when I check under them but, mostly ok with me. In past years my broodies were off in a hidden corner, thought victim to predators and found as chicks hatched, etc. I want these 2 out of the hen house nests.

We are to get some rain here tonight, as you all say there, too. Haven't had any in a week or so, an little would be good.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've tried moving them at night and it didn't work. The only time I was ever successful in moving a broody was by making it impossible for her to get out of the house I put her in. So, since she didn't have anything else to do, and no place that she could go, she settled down and hatched out the eggs for me. I'm making a broody house right now. It's bigger than any of the others I've ever made, but it should fit (I hope) in the new area w/room to spare. I don't know if I want to make a smaller one as well that can be moved from pen to pen as needed. Then, once they hatch out the chicks, I can put them in the bigger house.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Busy day today. I was able to get half of my kitchen floor scrubbed and some dishes done. Then I left earlier than normal. I had errands to run. I went to Lowes, Dollar Tree, got gas then went to TSC b4 heading to the farm. I was a bit late, but not too bad.

Got everyone fed, then started working on making a broody house. I forgot my chainsaw and needed it to cut the legs. I had to cut them halfway thru, then flip them over and cut the rest of the way. I get the floor cut and realize that I didn't bring any clothes to put on while painting. I managed to get the bottom painted w/out getting paint on myself. Then I started trying to find my snips so I could cut the hardware cloth B4 putting up the dividing fence. I tried looking in my hay stall, but had no luck. So, I gave Storm his lunch, then put together what I had, then started looking in my feed stall. It's clean, but I didn't find my snips.

While I was working, I heard RU's horses start running. So I looked up to see why. I see KN's horse, Honey, and the mini mule on the wrong side of the fence. There was a rope halter left on my trailer that I knew would fit her, so I grab it, jump some fences, and head towards the house. I didn't really want to go in. LS's car was there. But, CU was outside. I told him there were loose animals and he told me he'd tell her. I had no problem catching Honey. And there was also a mini out. I walk her back home. No sign of RU. I try calling her. She left her phone on the tractor. There was a wheelbarrow in the way of putting her in the barn, but I finally was able to get it moved and get her in the barn. Then I got a scoop of food and got the other 2 in there as well. Still no sign of RU. But, while I getting stuff put away, I saw both of them out in the field. They both pretty much ignored me. And, the horses were back in the field. I don't know if they checked for breaks first or not, but it's not my problem.

LS called Willow out of the field and let her in the back for awhile. When I left, she was in RU's RP. So, I don't know if she'll be back in my field tomorrow or not. So, it's still a mess out at the farm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I candled the eggs in my incubator. They all look to be developing! And, I candled the eggs from my home broody. One was no good, so I got rid of it. The eggs should all hatch around the same time. So, I plan on sneaking the 4 from my bator in w/her so she can raise them.