Dooley- Living like a pioneer!


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 14, 2009
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So much to do, so much to DO and all this rain is getting on my nerves, keeping my from my work. This is the FOURTH DAY straight of gray skies and wet ground. If I have to get wet one more time, I think I'll scream. :barnie

I have,

A 4,000 square feet of garden to weed
a freshly tilled potato patch to de-rock
a bed full of herbs to divide, weed, and plant
corn and sweet potato seedlings to harden off
a fence to put up
a lawn to mow
several stalls to clean out
a house to build for the meat birds
brush to cut down and feed to the goats
cows to move across the street
plots of ground to re-seed
a spring to re-rout (maybe)
fields full of rocks that need to be put back on the stone walls
a barn to clean
a garage to fix
machinery to service
a dog to train
peppermint to kill

Thats just off the top of my head. :rolleyes: Busy busy busy...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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OK, I have

a field to finish fencing in
stalls to clean out
stalls to finish making
a mountain of manure to remove from the field-it gets added to daily
2 chicken pens to make-one at home, one at the farm. The one at home needs to also have a section for just the goats. And, I need a chicken house for both
a lean to to build for my riding mower
a tack shed to finish on the inside
a garden to finish fencing in
a garden to weed (It's 32x52, don't feel like doing the math to figure out how many square feet that is
a ton of poison ivy and honeysuckle to pull out
2 flower beds to weed
a garden to plant
a house that looks like a tornado struck it to clean-attic space, living space and basement
a green house to clean out so that maybe next year I can actually use it
a ground hog to take care of
a small pond to clean out
a yard to rake-it's just over 1/2 an acre, but we have over 75 trees
a hay shelter to put up
a hay shelter that needs to be cleaned out
a ton of laundry to do
OK, I'm making myself tired just thinking of all I have to do, so I'm not going to list any more. :th


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Ok, my turn:

- 3 acres to mow and trim with the weed whacker/trimmer (including 400' of ditches)
- weed the blueberries
- clean the hen's coop
- finish painting and fencing for the new baby hen's coop (and move out of the garage)
- three large flowerbeds to weed
- finish the rework of the flower bed and the water feature there, including re-wiring the electric
- reset the flag pole, again
- get and spread a load of topsoil over the leach bed (repair the lawn were I had to dig up last fall)
- dig up and fix about 250' of field tile
- 8x12 garden to plant
- plant about 3/4 of the 35'x50' garden
- finish building and set up four fence segments for the new chicks' coop run
- replace the front door light fixtures destroyed by the front storm door when the 60+ mph wind blew the door so hard, it bent the screen door frame as well as the front door frame it was attached to
- get a pile of old, broken electronics to the recycler
- dig out and clean up the old, huge air hockey game from the corner of the garage for the guy who bought it
- kill all the weeds in the brick patio
- move the hen's coop to fresh grasss
- split and stack the cord and a half of fire wood my BIL dumped along the drive last November
- build my new, larger coop/outbuilding
- I haven't listed the stuff that needs done INSIDE the house.

Oh yeah, hold down a full-time job, and help the wife with the kids and everything else!!!! :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sounds like we're all busier than a one armed paper hanger w/fleas!


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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I have to work today.

And ummmm... be social for an hour. Yech and yikes.

I'd rather do real work than deal with people on phones all day though :(


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 14, 2009
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FarmerJamie, I think you won. However, I'll have to pay you in monopoly money.

You're pretty swamped too, Denim Deb. :th

I've begun the work on the meat bird structure. I'm taking an old bale ring and surrounding it with chicken wire and bird netting to make a lightweight, portable and easy-to-disassemble steel bubble. Now, to figure out how to get in and out of that thing. :idunno

I have decided I shall weed all the gardens today, and divide up the herbs. Wish meh luck! :rolleyes:


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 14, 2009
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Three days ago, I looked at a piece of land in the back pasture, and noticed it needed to be cut. So, I took out my scythe and cut it pioneer style! It wasn't bad at all. I did it wrong, so I ended up wasting a lot of it and getting sore arms, but I got about a bale's worth of hay out of it and I'm really proud of myself! I'm hoping to improve my technique so I can make more hay. :)

The next morning, I went out early to take all the rocks out of the potato field. I must've moved half a ton of stones over a period of three hours. My arms hurt like the dickens, but those trenches are just gorgeous now. Planting's gonna be so easy! :weee

Planted a load of seeds and seedlings, including onion sets. I gotta say, we're growing every plant under the sun this year. You name it, it's in the garden. What have we gotten ourselves into? :th

Moved the cattle to the summer pasture, and the goats into the old cow paddock. Put the meat birds into their movable structure, the whole stinkin' lot of 'em. Smelly birds. :sick

And then, today, I had a day off to be with friends. :celebrate