Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Got DH out for a walk today. That's twice in three days - some kind of record I think, lol. Wednesday we took Beau and today we took Raine. Both of them are wonderful without the bad influence of the other, lol. Silly dogs!

Been working on the raised beds and planting in them. think I'll start tucking in the in-ground gardens. I want to spread some compost and then cover it with feed bags and wood chips. In spring I should be able to sweep back the wood chips and the bags will have deteriorated enough to just plant through them. I need to take advantage of the temperate weather we're having.

Issues with the electric fence ---again! Brand new battery to replace the other battery that was less than 6 months old. ARGH! I've checked it everywhere...removed any branches/vines I found on the back fence and still not getting it going. I walked past the spot where the ground rod is this morning and ding ding ding....I think it may be that the ground is so dry and cracked that the ground rod is not in good contact with the ground. Going to try to get it soaked today and see if that's the issue. If not - I may have to restring wire to replace the old poly rope type. The itty, bitty wires that run through have a habit of breaking off with age...what a PIA.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Got out today....not a big deal for most folks lol. But it was the first time I left the house in over a week! I didn't even know they were doing road construction between my little road and the main road. Crazy!

Went to the feed store and Walmart. I hate Walmart - it's a necessary evil around here Basically no where else to shop for some things except Kroger. I generally alternate between the two. Went to the feed mill too. I'm trying to stay stocked up. Nothing I hate worse than running out of something that I need. Of course, the feed mill was out of something that I need - ARGH. That means I'll have to go back in a couple days. :(

Shored up a spot in the fence to try and keep some pigs where I want 'em instead of where they want to be. Pigs are so dang stubborn! Getting said pigs into said pen that they didn't want to be was a whole bunch of NOT fun. Got three of 'em in there - the greedy ones! Still have a couple more that I want to get separated - but that'll happen another day. Maybe...

Raised bed gardens are starting to take off - finally. Still have more to do and I keep putting it off cuz I just have so much other stuff to do. I'll get to it eventually and I'll be crossing my fingers that it's not too late.

Had to get a new battery for the tractor. Just can't live without my tractor but dang, seems like it's trying to die one part at a time. Spent a lot of money on it less than a year ago and now it needs some more work done.... argh! I really don't want to buy a new tractor, but how much fun would that be?!?! (no, no, no, no, no)

Moved some does around and put the Kinder buck out with 'em. He's been very frustrated and today he started beating on the pygmy buck so changes had to be made. This is the first rut since I sold Dusty. Dusty was definitely a better lead Buck...or at least he was more fair. He didn't throw his weight around and he kept the other bucks in line without being horrible to them. The Kinder guy better watch out or he might end up being a bad buck somewhere else! He makes beautiful babies but dang - he throws at least 75% bucklings. Ugh.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
For the first time in months and months I'm not milking. Pitched those hussies out to the pasture with the buck yesterday and I'm free from milking duties until after kidding season next year. Of course, that means we'll have to use an alternative milk source for awhile...ugh. Guess that means cow milk...I don't get it. Goat milk is so much better!

Ever try getting a bunch of pigs to go in a pen while keeping a bunch of goats out and all the while 3 LGD's are in the middle of the mix? It's a lesson in frustration for sure! Got 3 where I wanted 'em and have at least 3 to go. Ugh!

We need rain! I hate to say that, but we're dry, dry, dry!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
I have rain coming -- partly from that crappy ETA (or whoever!) Was hoping it would stay in your area! Ooooops...just not my area.

Well musical chairs used to be fun! Maybe the animals just don't know the rules of play. 😁

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