Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
There's always a first time! :lol:
You are right about that, lol!

Beeee-you-teee-fulllll weather today. I think we hit 80. I got a couple of things done. I finally started some micro greens. I've been threatening to for a week or so and finally got around to it today. Then I decided to shovel a big ol' cart of barn gold into the cart and bring it up to the raised beds. Silly puppies decided while I was trying to wrestle the cart through the gate that it would be a good time for them to go on walkabout.....argh! Good thing they are NOT LGD's because they came right back when they figured out I was NOT pleased!

It wasn't a great puppy day all around. Besides their great escape they: ate the pull rope offa the push mower, discovered how much fun it is to spread the fluff from the patio furniture cushions all over the yard and they discovered fresh chicken meat. Well, that woulda been Beau- at least he was the one that got caught with the fresh chicken that was minus a few body parts. ARGH! They're just puppie....they're just puppies...they're just puppies... But, they're still so darn sweet if I were diabetic I'd prolly die from sweetness overload, lol. I do love those puppies!

Oh - and Belle (who lives in the pasture now) discovered another spot where the fence bites! Silly girl hit that fence and ran half-way back to the far end of the pasture yipping all the way. Missy followed her all the way trying to figure out what she was crying about. But, it won't do her any good to hide out there - the electric goes all the way around, lol. Cowboy just shrugged and walked away - he's very well acquainted with the fence!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I read that out loud to BJ and we had a good laugh. :lol: So Beau is a connoisseur of fine chicken? Of course he is! All that delectable MEAT running around, what's a hungry puppy to do? :drool

Poor Belle, that mean ol' fence!

Carson and Trip were barking like idiots. I opened the door and told them to shut up, so they galloped to the house. They are asleep in the floor now....... :gig


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
It was one of those days - for sure!

So Beau - yea.... I ordered 20 new pullets. Five of those pullets were a leghorn type layer. I really wanted to try those out - and wouldn't ya know it - those are the only ones I've lost outta this batch. Grrrrr! Seems Beau is taking after his aunt Gracie. She was wonderful with all grown chickens - but itty bitty things that run fast are absolutely irresistible.

Raine spent a good amount of time inside today. The pups sleep inside every night when it's cool and they go out in the morning. A couple hours after being outside Raine was begging to come back in. She hit the puppy pillow and slept hard for at least an hour. Both Beau and Karma wallop on her pretty hard all day and she's a willing participant. But sometimes it's hard being the "middle" pup!

Really glad I've got three big dogs out in the pasture. We've had a lot of coyotes around since the weather turned chilly. They've been singing every night - long and loud. I know they've gotta eat too - but they need to find another place to scope out their next meal.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Well little feathered runners are a challenge to ignore! As to leghorns, they are great layers but also first over a fence, flighty to handle and always skinny birds. Not my favs but I have 3 now.....always out of 10' fence when I go to open that group. :confused:. In with 20 red sex links who also lay great but can be caught by anything!! Pea brains. Leghorns are very good if you have them free range and predators.....when grown. Puppy play not counted.

I generally go with heritage and first time with these red ones. Personally, not my choice for more BUT...I needed customer winter eggs and these pullets followed me home from auction. Hey, only pd $7.50 per head at 5 months...can't raise for that. They will eventually be chicken and dumplings but now lay like champs!

Your temps are sure great and I envy them right now. Been 29 & 31 last three days at wake up. Not ready for this Jan weather......would be nice if it makes a warm spring get here earlier....🤔🤔....we can hope! I'll be happy if we don't get a week of way warm in Feb, followed by normal way cold ---- which makes fruit trees bloom and then cold ruins those, so no fruit. Been that way two years now. No plums or apples! 😢
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Yes, calm....large eggs, will let you know about how long they work out, apparently in couple yrs! :lol: they would be excellent pasture birds as they really don't try to go over a fence, only thru. Any cheap fence works if no holes. That's a good thing to say about them....easily contained. They like to forage but do look for a feed dish. They do their job.

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