Happy to be Me--Settling In

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Can't say I blame you. I would be too.

Happy to be Me

Power Conserver
Jul 18, 2012
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Good day today! Spent it working out at the farm. Got to drink water from our well for the first time!The drilling portion is done and they are letting it just run from a pipe all weekend to make sure it is clear. When we got there today, it is running cold and clear! Didn't drink too much though, just in case!:hu We also have electricity to the house and got all the light bulbs put in--I couldn't believe how many there were!

Started on our "temporary" chicken pen in one lean-to portion of the old barn. Used some fence we had left over here at the house from their first pen and wound up deciding to use some of the old paneling from the farm house to line the barn-side wall (there are too many open spaces to just leave it). We are going to put their current coop at the back side and connect it so they will have someplace we know is dry to roost! It is actually looking pretty darn good and might end up being a permanent chicken area.

Our daughter and son-in-law were out with us and we enjoy that. They are the ones that are going to live in the farm house eventually before they build on their side of the property so they spend a lot of time working with us out there. It is going to be neat to live close to them--we have a lot of the same ideas/desires for self-sufficient things. And we can share equipment so that is a definite plus.

Tomorrow will be church and then we will probably go out and work just a bit more. We didn't have the right type of screws (actually, we didn't have anything but nails!) to attach the old tin on the barn back down so we will do that and will bring out the compressor and nail gun to attach the paneling we salvaged today.

Monday the trim crew will start work--my phone call to the dealer helped! By Tuesday, the well will be completely operational and on Wednesday our plumber pipes it all to the house. I will be SO glad to have "facilities" out there finally! :ya Still thinking we will do the move the first weekend of November since the trim team is going to take a while on the inside of the trailer, but it is looking so much closer now!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Can't blame you for being excited. I would be too!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 28, 2011
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I just found this site and am so happy for you...living close to your children is a blessing and I can see what a beautiful future you have to look forward to...Lots of work but so much to look forward and plan out....sounds great to me and am praying for you....G

Happy to be Me

Power Conserver
Jul 18, 2012
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There hasn't been much exciting going on since I last posted. The well is finished and looks good, the trim team is still working on the inside, I THINK the water got connected to the house today. I'll talk to the plumber tonight at supper and find out where that stands. (We are good friends and "out-laws". ;) Our youngest daughter is married to their son!) I have spent quite a bit of time out there this week for one thing or another. There has been progress it just seems so slow to me! But hubby and I were talking at lunch and we are just one week away from moving in and since we haven't had the property quite two months yet, it has actually been pretty fast.

Tomorrow we meet with our realtor and get this house on the market so hopefully it will sell within a reasonable time frame. She wants to come take pictures this weekend, so I guess i better get busy on hiding some of the boxes and moving mess and trying to creatively arrange things so that the pictures look good. The realtor assures me that it is not unusual to take pictures in the middle of a move and that she can get quite creative with the angles of the pictures! I'm hoping we can do that on Sunday afternoon. On Saturday we have some friends that are moving and we want to help them for a couple of hours and then we need to work out on our property too.

Well enough of a break, I need to get some stuff done! Have a good weekend, everyone!

Happy to be Me

Power Conserver
Jul 18, 2012
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This house is now officially listed with the realtor. She will come tomorrow to take pictures and put the sign out. Didn't get to go out to the property on Saturday as after we helped our friends, we decided there were a couple of things at this house that we could take care of to make it look nicer for the pictures. The kids did go out and do some work on the farm house though, so at least there was progress even if we weren't there! We did drive out today just to see if the workers had made any progress on the trailer and we have color on the walls! I think they still have another coat of paint to put on (at least I HOPE so--it didn't look very good yet) but I will run out and check on that tomorrow when they are back out there. It made it look much closer to being ready to live in! This will be an interesting week and hopefully next Sunday night I'll be posting from out there! :fl


Power Conserver
Aug 10, 2012
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Glen, Ms
I'm so glad you are getting everything together! I know you'll be happy to finally be moved into the new place. Don't forget new pictures soon. (hint, hint) :)

Happy to be Me

Power Conserver
Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
Things are still moving along! Been working on this house and going out to the new place to check on things. Telephone jacks got installed today and they will come back to do the buried lines before the end of the week. (Glad that is one thing that we don't have to pay for! Phone company handles all outside work) Second coat of paint on the house walls made a big difference and they have gotten quite a bit of the crown molding and window/door framing done. We're getting closer--they hope to be finished on Thursday so that would let me clean and hopefully move my kitchen stuff out there so we can move the big stuff on Saturday.

Realtor didn't get to come by on Monday as she caught the nasty virus that is going around. I couldn't be here at the house today because of the phone company being scheduled to be out at the property, so we will try again tomorrow. I told her thank you for not bringing that crud to my house! :lol: I don't have time for it right now!

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