Crazy Cat Lady
I don't know as there's "knowing", as in "...and being definitely correct, in retrospect". IMO it's like any other decision in life, sometimes you're right and sometimes not. The key is to cope acceptably-gracefully with turning out to have been wrong 
For whatever it's worth, I never wanted kids. Not as in "OMG, keep them away from me!" but as in having no active interest in reproducing, certainly not any of this 'biological clock ticking' 'want to have a baby' stuff, and I always kind of figured that it would be best for me *and* for the hypothetical kids to just skip the whole thing and leave it to others who are more interested and better at it.
But, then when I got married, part of the deal was moving to Canada and leaving my career (there was no possibility of getting any sort of job in my existing career, up here), and my husband wanted to have kids (I have no idea why, I do not think he thought it through very well if at all), so I figured that if I was only going to be able to get a job flipping burgers or something, I sort of might as well go along with what he wanted and raise kids instead
I guess that sounds bad, but I figured I could adapt -- I was an unwanted late-in-career "surprise" for my mother, and although she didn't enjoy motherhood she survived and did a perfectly adequate job at it, so I figured I could probably be reasonably happy learning to be a mom and not do remarkably worse of a job than anyone else does, on average.
Well, it turns out that while I still am very neutral-to-unenthused about OTHER peoples' kids, having my OWN kids is an entirely different thing and it is just the COOLEST thing in the world and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It is, by far, the best thing to come out of this marriage. (At this point, I wrote a longish paragraph trying to explain why, then reread it and realized it sounded really really stupid and cliche', and have deleted it because I don't think it's really possible to convey how I feel about being along for the ride as the kids "unfurl" and grow. Not everything translates well into words.)
So I was completely sure about my decision to NOT have kids, and distinctly UNsure about the change of plans; and it turns out to have been not only perfectly okay, but in retrospect I'm sure glad it worked out this way
JME, I am totally not suggesting that EVERYone who thinks they don't want kids would actually be thrilled if they sprouted them anyhow

For whatever it's worth, I never wanted kids. Not as in "OMG, keep them away from me!" but as in having no active interest in reproducing, certainly not any of this 'biological clock ticking' 'want to have a baby' stuff, and I always kind of figured that it would be best for me *and* for the hypothetical kids to just skip the whole thing and leave it to others who are more interested and better at it.
But, then when I got married, part of the deal was moving to Canada and leaving my career (there was no possibility of getting any sort of job in my existing career, up here), and my husband wanted to have kids (I have no idea why, I do not think he thought it through very well if at all), so I figured that if I was only going to be able to get a job flipping burgers or something, I sort of might as well go along with what he wanted and raise kids instead

Well, it turns out that while I still am very neutral-to-unenthused about OTHER peoples' kids, having my OWN kids is an entirely different thing and it is just the COOLEST thing in the world and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It is, by far, the best thing to come out of this marriage. (At this point, I wrote a longish paragraph trying to explain why, then reread it and realized it sounded really really stupid and cliche', and have deleted it because I don't think it's really possible to convey how I feel about being along for the ride as the kids "unfurl" and grow. Not everything translates well into words.)
So I was completely sure about my decision to NOT have kids, and distinctly UNsure about the change of plans; and it turns out to have been not only perfectly okay, but in retrospect I'm sure glad it worked out this way
JME, I am totally not suggesting that EVERYone who thinks they don't want kids would actually be thrilled if they sprouted them anyhow
