Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, the guy wasn't happy with the rabbits...said they were too small and only paid us $15 each for them. He can't have it both ways...if he wants them big then he will have to wait for them to grow to the size he wants. If he wants them NOW then he has to settle for whatever size they are. GRRRRR

I'm okay with that price though...I can buy 4-5 bags of feed for that. Most of the buns have sold for $10 each so I'm good. He wants 10 whole plucked big chickens Saturday but mine are only about 5 lbs live weight now and I know he won't be happy with that size so he is just gonna have to get them somewhere else.

I'm so freaking tired....I just want the holiday madness to be over already.:th


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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gott love people like that...
its like yes sir i understand you WANTED larger...
im not mother nature, i dont own a magic wand and i dont pump my meat with steroids just so theyll grow bigger quicker...

you want QUALITY...you got it...
but theres only so much a human can do in terms of making things grow...


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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So christmas was good with a mix of ups and downs. We had a great time with family but great grandpa fell out of bed Saturday morning and spent the day in the er. He's fine, just got a bit too rambunctious with his new 87 yr old girlfriend...he also has a sinus infection and a urinary tract infection. He's 91 and apparantly thinks he's 21 :D

Got Maddie's fish, she has 2 red tipped sharks courtesy of Granny and Papa that will probably eat the 4 guppies I got her today....surprises are fun. :rolleyes:

Hubby is hunting right now and a buddy of ours got one this morning so I helped him grind it up after he got it all cut up.

I'm exhausted.

Saturday morning we also discovered that one of our rabbit does, the white and red spotted, had given birth overnight to 4 kits and they all froze to death. We didn't know she was pregnant. Suspected it but had no idea when she was bred or when she was due. I had put her with the black buck on the 18th and he tried to breed her but she was reluctant to let him. Then monday morning I got up to 7 dead kits in with the red doe that we suspected was also pregnant. I had put a nesting box in there with her a few days prior but she pulled everything out of it...I'm thinking I put it in there too soon and didn't give her enough bedding. We didn't know when she was bred either so we didn't know when she was due. I'm irritated that we lost 11 babies for no reason other than ignorance on our part and on the part of the gentleman we bought the rabbits from. He had them all mixed in together and Chad said he didn't even know what sex they all were. Oh, well...live and learn. I am going to give them both 4 weeks to rest up and rebreed them. I have put the white doe in with the spotted buck and recorded the date so I'm monitoring her closely but it has only been about a week. I want to palpate her next week to see if I can find out if he was successful. I'm just irritated at the whole dang mess.

Today was rainy and just a mess so we ate lunch with MIL and hubby at his work...he left this morning and forgot his lunch so we took it to him. We were supposed to go tonight to see the xmas lights at the botanical gardens but not with the weather the way it is now. I'm glad we aren't going tonight cause I just want to sit still for a night.

I'm also drying up Aliana, yesterday I started just milking her in the mornings so we'll see how it goes with her. She seemed to do just fine yesterday. She was irritated that she didn't get to eat twice but she'll get over it. I'm thinking she is not pregnant and we bred her during a false heat and she will need to be rebred as well. She should go into heat on the 11th if I'm right and if I'm wrong it will be the 4th. I'll check her both days for signs of heat. She had mild reactions to the buck rag last week but not enough for me to load her up drive up to the breeders the week of xmas. It was just too much so we will see how she goes in January. I'm pretty sure Bethoron is pregnant and she should be due the second week of April.

After everyone is dried up and settled I may see if I can get the neighbor to feed/water everyone for a weekend and pack up the kids and head to MIL's house for a few days after the new year. I'm so tired. :th


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Sorry he wound up in the ER, but - Great Grampa got too rambunctious with his 87 year old girlfriend! That cracks me up! :gig

A weekend get away after the holidays sounds so great! Wish I could do it, just don't know where I'd go :hu


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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This weekend Maddie wants to go stay with granny and papa to have some "time by myself....away from boys" That means she needs a break from her brother. :D

Chad is thinking that he will leave Saturday with them and take them up to granny's so they don't have to drive all the way up here again. He has to guide a hunt Saturday but then will be free to go. I forgot that it was New Year's Eve Saturday but I was gonna stay here cause Aliana isn't dried up yet so somebody has to milk her. He wants to try to get some old barnwood for a table for me and a bookshelf that I have been wanting him to make forever.

I figured that I would stay here and get all the xmas decorations down and put back up.

We are supposed to go to Lewis Ginter tomorrow now and it is supposed to get down to 27 degrees tomorrow night. :he I sooooooo don't want to go but the kids are really looking forward to it. I'm just tired and over all the christmas stuff already.

Today's agenda is getting all the present stuff organized and all the recycling to the dump. Chad went hunting yesterday evening but didn't see anything...I told him to go sit in my stand but he wouldn't listen.

Got up this morning and one of the meat birds was walking around the field. Apparantly the wind gusts we had last night picked up the chicken tractor and blew it into the goat fence and raised one corner up enough it could get out. I'm surprised that more of them didn't follow it out. We need to process some today but I don't know if we will have time once hubby goes to the dump and back.

I just want to sit still and do nothing for a day. :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's about what I'm doing-but only because I'm sick. So, that would be one way you could manage it. :D


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, my peaceful day cleaning up the house from the mountain of boxes, paper, and packages that threaten to consume me has come to an abrupt end. I got a phone call this morning from a lady that saw my flyer at the library and wants to come today to get a dozen eggs....don't know when she's gonna be here but I'll make $2.50! We also got a phone call from a buddy of ours that got his sons a tire swing and needs hubby's help putting it up tonight for them so he offered to feed us....now I have to get out of my pajamas :rolleyes:

The wind is howling and I'm out of chicken feed so hubby is gonna get it on his way home so I don't have to. I have to take the library books back tomorrow and go to Sam's Club to get diapers for hubby's nanny.

Tomorrow night we are also supposed to brave temps in the 20s to go see xmas lights at the botanical gardens....I confess, I don't want to go. I'm secretly hoping it rains or something and we have to cancel again. :hide

I hope you feel better Deb!!! :hugs

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks, I'm feeling better than yesterday but basically have no energy.

And, I don't blame you for not wanting to go and see the lights! If it's cold out, my way of seeing the lights is from a nice, heated vehicle!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Well we went...it wasn't that cold out. We had to stop on the way at Kmart and get Tyler a new winter coat. I went to put his old one on him and the sleeves were too short. :rolleyes: Luckily they were having a 60% off sale on all the winter clothing and I got him a new one for $20. We had a great time and it didn't feel near as cold as they said it was going to be.

Tonight we have a birthday party. Tyler ended up going home with one of the boys for a sleepover, his first one, and I haven't heard from S yet saying they have burnt the house down so I assume they are okay. Chad was going to call her this morning to see how it went last night. Her daughter is turning 1 and her party is tonight so we figured since we were going to be there today anyway it would be okay for him to stay over. I'm going to go over a couple hours early to help her get set up and watch the boys.

Maddie is happy to have a break from Tyler. We are taking her up to Granny's on Sunday morning so she can stay the week with them. We got her 5 new neons for her tank yesterday but 2 died overnight. So she has 4 guppies, 3 neons and 2 red tipped sharks. We got her another plant and the background paper (nemo's coral reef). We moved everything into her bedroom and she was so excited last night! I kind of miss having the tank in the living room though...I love the fish.

This morning I am doing, what else, laundry! I have at least 5 loads to do and yesterday we went to the library and Maddie checked out 12 dancing princesses so we are watching it for the second time already this morning.

We are going to finish up the chickens Monday I think. Chad is off for new years so I figure he will go hunting in the morning, then we'll do the chickens, and then I can go hunting. I have to bleach out the coolers cause we'll need both of them for 24 chickens. There are 3 or 4 that could stand to have another week but I am thinking we'll do them anyway. I need to get them done.

I sexed the extra white rabbit that was destined for the chopping block this morning and it's a girl!!! So I am thinking I will keep her for now and breed her in about a month and see how she does. She seems a little on the small side but she's young yet. I'm thinking that if I cross her with the satin male they should produce some nice babies.