MetalSmitten! - my truant journal


Lovin' The Homestead
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Bloomington, IN
I've been lurking around here for quite a while now, posting here and there, and I really like this forum :) Just wanted to maybe be a little more of active participant, and do the whole official introduction thing... I'm not so great at keeping online journals updated, but I'll try, hah.

01. Name? Jess
02. Gender? F
03. Disneyworld or Disneyland? Neither... I'm not so keen on spending lots of money just for the privilege of being surrounded by screaming crowds of children and costumey creature people.
04. What is your favorite color? Moonstone. It's not quite white, it's not quite blue, but it's flashy and I'ma call it a color because I can.
05. What is your favorite kind of gum? N/A...
06. How much do you weigh? You really don't wanna know. I'm about one Jackson less than a Benjamin.
07. How tall are you? 5'5" or so. G'head, calculate my BMI, it's fun! I used to register as "dead" but I think I've been upgraded to severe malnourished. (I'm really neither.)
08. Can you swim? Actually, no. See: previous questions. No body fat = cold, non-bouyant girl who apparently looks rather hilarious trying desperately to doggy paddle.
09. Do you like to swim? No.
10. Living arrangement? I live in a little old house in semi-rural Indiana with my partner, on what we affectionately call our "TinyFarm."
11. What's on your mouse pad? I don't have a mouse pad...
12. Favorite board game? Trivial Pursuit? Iunno.
13. Favorite magazine? Metalsmith Magazine, I suppose.
14. Favorite Actor? Uhhh. I don't watch a lot of movies/TV... uhmm. Pass.
15. Favorite Actress? Bea Arthur came to mind first. I don't really know why.
16. Do you have an accent? I'm sure someone thinks so.
17. Favorite smells? Certain peoples' scents. I'm weird.
18. Least favorite smells? Chicken poo on a hot summer's day.
19. Favorite sound? Baby animal noises. D'aww..
20. Do you prefer pools or oceans? What is it with this survey and swimming questions?! I FAIL AT WATER. :D
21. Do you watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer? No..
22. Pencil or pen? Pencil, but only mechanical ones.
23. Who's better - boys or girls? Girls, obviously :)
24. Would you like to own a motorcycle? No. I'm scared of them.
25. Do you sing in the shower? I think it's best that I just don't try to sing, ever.
26. Who's the best looking Disney character? I also fail at pop culture.
27. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? How to un-Tetris myself from multiple sleeping cats.
28. How many rings before you answer the phone? I don't keep track.
29. How do you want to die? Peacefully in my sleep sometime when I'm old.
30. Have you ever called a 900 number? Nope.
31. Gold or silver? Silver! Gold costs too much and makes me look jaundiced. I don't need to look severely malnourished AND jaundiced.
32. Would you ever go bungee-jumping? No, I don't like to tempt fate quite so much.
33. Do you like dressing up? No... I'm the least girlie girl ever.
34. Would you rather be short or tall? In between! Able to reach most items in a normal household sounds about right.
35. Do you enjoy reading? Yes! Yay! I answered a question with an affirmative!
36. What book are you reading now? Just started The Scarlet Letter... reading a bunch of "classics" right now.
37. Favorite books? Anything by Tom Robbins, Katherine Kerr is a guilty pleasure, Orson Scott Card, various others. Too many to really list.
38. What was the last movie you saw? I think Gladiator was on the TeeVee last night.
39. Favorite movies? V for Vendetta, The City of Lost Children, Dark City, 300 (so sue me, it's pretty), Amelie, some others.
40. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? My cats would kill me if I had them stuffed.
41. What is your sign? Aquarius, though I'm right on the cusp of it and something else that I always forget.
42. What are your personality traits? Sociably hermitish, no-drama, straight forward. I'm very tolerant of almost everything in other people except for egregious stupidity.
43. What's your biggest fear? Recently, it's been tornadoes.
44. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery? Only if I was (knock on wood) horribly disfigured somehow and they promised they could make my arm grow back or something.
45. Future child's name? I don't really want kids.
46. Favorite foods? Sweet things are the bane of my existence :(
47. Chocolate or vanilla? Choco.
48. Do you like to drive fast? I don't drive. Wee!
49. Storms - cool or scary? Cool, unless there's a tornado or some such.
50. Do you like to dance? Sometimes.
51. Do you do drugs? No.
53. What do you think of people who smoke? I think everyone knows the risks and if they want to take them, that's their right, as long as they're not rude about it.
54. Do you drink? No.
55. Favorite drink? Coffee, with more cream and sugar than actual coffee.
56. Do you think men and women could ever be just friends without wanting each other? Of course.
57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yes. Om nom nom.
58. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? The one I have right now (work-from-home metalsmith) but with health benefits and a steady paycheck.
59. What's your "type"? At risk of sounding like a zombie, I like brains.
60. Do you bite your nails? No, but they break often enough that it sure looks like it.
61. Any siblings? Nope, my parents learned their lesson after me.
62. What movies have you cried in? I don't remember... Frankenweenie?
63. Do you believe in God? I believe in energy, and everything else is just details. I don't knock others' beliefs as long as they don't knock mine.
64. Did you ever cry over a guy/girl? Probably. I try to shove those types of memories out of my skull, though.
65. Have you ever stolen anything? Maybe when I was a kid.
66. Do you procrastinate? Ohhhhh, my, yes. Yes.
67. Do you believe in fate? I'm a "fatalistic optimist" - it's not really fate... everything happens for a reason but the reason can change.
68. Who's your favorite Sesame Street character? I don't remember. The bird.
69. Do you organize your CD's? I like how this assumes that I have CD's :D
70. What is your favorite kind of music? Almost anything other than rap, country, gospel or R&B.
71. What are your favorite bands/artists? Pop culture fail, remember.
72. What was the last CD you got? Does Microsoft Word count?
73. MTV or VH1? Neither.
74. Who do you admire the most? My parents. They're amazing.
75. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends? Nah.
76. Are you single? Nah.
77. Favorite TV show? Does "The History Channel" count? I've been really entertained by their Ancient Aliens series recently.
78. Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads? Whoever.
79. Glasses or contacts? Glasses! I don't wanna poke myself in the eyes every day.
80. What color are your eyes? Greenish.
81. What is your natural hair color? Dirty blonde, hah.
82. But what color is it now? Also dirty blonde.
83. Have you ever been in love? Yes. :)
84. Any pets? There are more animals in my house than people.
85. Good, decent, or poor grades? I was an awesome student. Probably because my school taught to the very lowest common denominator.
86. Is the glass half empty or half full? Schroedinger's cat is AdLeIaVdE.
87. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Kinda.
88. What's under your bed? My bed is on the floor. So. Uh. Floor.
89. What is your favorite number? 3 and all multiples thereof, no joke.
90. Favorite sport to watch? N/A.

Yay/Nay? :)

Apologies in advance, I have a tendency to overuse emoticons (habit from so many people not understanding sarcasm via the internet) and to type with more or less correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but no capital letters. I'll probably stop using capitals any second now, but, y'know, first impressions and all. :D

And as a bid for your collective affections, I give you a short video of one of my Mama hens clucking at her new bitties:


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Sociably hermitish, no-drama, straight forward. I'm very tolerant of almost everything in other people except for egregious stupidity.
I'm a "fatalistic optimist" - it's not really fate... everything happens for a reason but the reason can change.
Holy cow! Are you related to abifae?!?! :gig
You will fit in here just fine.....other than that annoying lack of Buffy knowledge... ;)


Lovin' The Homestead
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Bloomington, IN
Wifezilla said:
Holy cow! Are you related to abifae?!?! :gig
You will fit in here just fine.....other than that annoying lack of Buffy knowledge... ;)
:D I actually did watch Buffy off and on during my teen years, but I can't remember very much of it now so I didn't think it counted. I had a couple friends in highschool who were absolutely obsessed with the show though, haha. one of my friends actually bought fake vampire teeth (the really nice ones though, not the cheapie halloween ones) and wore them to school all the time. it was amazing how many people asked her if they were real (teachers too!). 'f course, these days, she probably would've gotten expelled for trying it :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Launceston, Tasmania
Don't feel bad, I didn't watch Buffy at all until my DH introduced me to it. We just finished the season finale a few weeks ago. :p Same with the series Angel, although I was far less happy with Angel's finale.

Welcome to the Journal-verse!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Bloomington, IN
i took some quickie snapshots of some of my mutt pullets yesterday, we have 15 extras at the moment that i'm trying to sell :D i wish people weren't so weird about "mutt" chickens, they're perfectly good birds and turn out so interesting looking too, but they're always so much harder to sell. bah.

well -i- think they're pretty :)

