Sustainability Master
make our own fertilzer via worm composting of all food and paper scraps.
See you are checking out all the old threads. Lot of info in them!
I do occasional feeder pig for meat, chickens for eggs & meat (+sell eggs), goats for milk (occasional meat)...and I make butter, yogurt, cheese, kefir,& soap; have plum & apple trees, wild blackberries & elderberries, garden some. Gardening plans for a larger plant this year -- if weather & work allows.Didn't last Spring ..RAIN!!!!!
Goats, chickens & a garden....you have a complete & varied food source.I can, freeze, dehydrate & store winter hardy items.
While purslane is a common garden weed, interestingly enough, I've only seen a couple of those in the last 40+ years I've been farming here! I have lots of Lamb's Quarters, and regularly add those to my salads.