Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Knowing how to do &/or having a book to guide you is really important, IMO. I have a great "do your own" house repair book and it is priceless. In general I may know what needs to be done but, this tells me! Same with some of the herbal meds, old homesteading ways -- good to know, good to have a reference -- we can't remember it all.
Today I have spent, practicing what you preach -- hurricane Mathew came thru yesterday with 40-50MPH winds from every direction, dropped over 12" of rain in 24 hrs, and power was out from 3AM until 7PM today. Soooooo, winds still 30+ @ 6AM and rain almost stopped, but I did not want to have to roll the heavy generator over 150' of water soaked ground to the meter to plug in. Besides, I thought we'd get power "soon". So, morning coffee was a need! Thought I'd just drive to McD and get some. What was I thinking??!!
Roads about 1 mile out in either direction were full engulfed in running water, about a foot deep. A couple houses further were sitting in a lake, I could see them -- I am the high point on my road, no issues with that flooding problem, just that I couldn't leave. Back home. Go to the upstairs storage and get a can of Safe Heat, a chafing dish heat. Set that and the little pedestal, put a pot on there, heated water. Used a cone coffee filter with grounds, set in cup and poured water! Nice. Had cooked a large pot of apples before going to bed, that was about 2:30AM (no sleeping with all the NOISE).....they were still warm. Some fresh French bread rounded it out. Went ALL DAY without power, not fun but, ok. Had plenty of what I needed. Left refers closed to stay cold -- all just fine! Animals were all good, blowing wind & rain had some wet areas not normally in the barns/coops but, no "problems".
We were ALL glad it was over, didn't want any more! Wet, wet, wet!!! Will catch up on news @ 10 to see how area fared. Have had some input on flooded sections. I'm home, safe, animals safe, and power for tonight!!! YEAH, don't have to move the generator back & forth. Will move it to the garage area for winter -- then it can be rolled in/out to start & run every month to be sure all ok and there's a concrete walk to the meter, so easier to move -- even if I have to shovel snow off first! Ahhhh... last night, while still had power, I did remember to put the candles & matches out & together, in case....and kept a small flashlight with me, easier to navigate a midnight with light, right? 
OH -- didn't have to worry about filling any water troughs today. All done by Mathew. only help he gave me.
Today I have spent, practicing what you preach -- hurricane Mathew came thru yesterday with 40-50MPH winds from every direction, dropped over 12" of rain in 24 hrs, and power was out from 3AM until 7PM today. Soooooo, winds still 30+ @ 6AM and rain almost stopped, but I did not want to have to roll the heavy generator over 150' of water soaked ground to the meter to plug in. Besides, I thought we'd get power "soon". So, morning coffee was a need! Thought I'd just drive to McD and get some. What was I thinking??!!

OH -- didn't have to worry about filling any water troughs today. All done by Mathew. only help he gave me.