Paleo diet help?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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eastern plains, Colorado
The website link given in the first post gave this list of foods on the paleo diet: "game meat, fish, vegetables, wild fruits, eggs and nuts"

Question: what about seeds, like sunflower and pumpkin?

My problem is that when I'm hot like I am these days, I don't want meat. I had 2 eggs last night for dinner and I've been sick ever since. It was just too heavy. And I don't care for much fish (tuna but only with mayo and pickle relish). But I'm hypoglycemic and need lots of protein. Can I get that by eating pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews, filberts, and seeds?

Another Question: Can I assume that the only drink acceptable is water? What about green and herb tea? What about coffee?

Another Question: Are onions, garlic and potatoes counted as vegetables?

Another Question: Are any seasonings acceptable, like basil?

I'm thinking about doing this, but I'll need to probably add beans, peas and lentils, as well as tomatoes. After all, we have lots growing here!


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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MyKidLuvsGreenEgz said:
The website link given in the first post gave this list of foods on the paleo diet: "game meat, fish, vegetables, wild fruits, eggs and nuts"

Question: what about seeds, like sunflower and pumpkin?
I think that seeds are paleo. I don't follow anything specific and eat seeds a lot. They're nom!

My problem is that when I'm hot like I am these days, I don't want meat. I had 2 eggs last night for dinner and I've been sick ever since. It was just too heavy. And I don't care for much fish (tuna but only with mayo and pickle relish). But I'm hypoglycemic and need lots of protein. Can I get that by eating pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews, filberts, and seeds?
What about cold meat? If you shred a chicken or roast and put it in the fridge? Add to salads as needed.

Another Question: Can I assume that the only drink acceptable is water? What about green and herb tea? What about coffee?
Strict paleo is water and some herbal teas, I think. Not certain, though.

Another Question: Are onions, garlic and potatoes counted as vegetables?
Potatoes are not paleo. But growing up, my dad said they were a starch, not a veggie, and couldn't count as a veggie when we made dinner.

Another Question: Are any seasonings acceptable, like basil?
I'm pretty sure any local herbs are good.

I'm thinking about doing this, but I'll need to probably add beans, peas and lentils, as well as tomatoes. After all, we have lots growing here!
Well, it's more important to find what works for you, your body and your budget, than to follow what someone else says works. I'd use paleo as a decent "eat local" guideline that removes most of the worst culprits from your diet. I eat very low carb, but am more concerned with quality of food than anything else. I buy local, cringe when I'm so broke I have to get regular store bought meat, and make everything that I can myself, so I'm not buying anything prepackaged.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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What abi said :D

Especially about the taters. Potatoes and corn are NOT VEGETABLES. They are starches.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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:rolleyes: No wonder low carb came fairly easily (other than ALL CHANGE IS BAD!!! DIE DIE DIE!!!).... grew up with "potatoes and corn are starches, not veggies. You cannot count them as a veggie portion."

We had to have a leafy green, another veggie, a starch, a dairy, and a meat. Every dinner. So whoever cooked (that would be me four nights a week) was required to balance the meal.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
freemotion said:
Ha-ha! :lol:

The research of Dr. Price into the practically disease-free and long-lived peoples and their diets/lifestyles is fascinating and very solid research, IMO.
Meh...they had a cleaner environment too though if you think about it. They had cleaner everything...not many neighbors to muck it up :lol: The diet is good, but we still won't get the same results unfortunately. Paleo people didn't have to take their kids to doctor's offices and have someone else's snotty diseased child spreading their love around. Not to mention public school, WalMart, even church.....we can try though :D
The reason we are unable to get the same results, is that we would have to have had parents with "perfect" bodies first.
Pottenger proved that it takes only 3 (might be four, need to check) generations on poor diet to bring about near complete degeneration, including the inability to reproduce anymore.
Now, we have to realize that its going to take that many generations to fully reverse that damage.

I am not expecting perfect results in the way I am feeding my DD, but I do expect, and already have observed some reversal (severe underbite is growing out due to the extreme nutrient dense food). Lord willing she will have no issues reproducing, and if she is careful, she can have children someday with far less issues then she was born with.
When we first got her, and she was on soy formula, she picked up colds very easy.
Now I can have her around a lot of yuck (not intentionally, just what we discover at church and elsewhere after the fact) and she maintains excellent immunity.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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eastern plains, Colorado
Glad you mentioned soy. So many people are saying it's the perfect protein but I'm finding it's really horrible for my body, and my son has a HUGE behavior reaction to any kind of soy. Difficult finding "diet foods" because so many are made with soy.

Thinking I'll start this tomorrow. Yesterday at the store I bought bags of raw nuts and seeds, fruits and veggies. Gonna order those "eggies" to "boil" my eggs which are a lot cooler than eating fried eggs. And since our eggs are practically free (have 10-12 laying girls plus another 30 expected to start within the next couple of months), will do the egg route.

Don't care for most meats cold, unless they are lunchmeat. But don't want to do lunchmeat with all of those chemicals.

Can I use any mayo at all? Pickled cucumbers?


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Look around for nitrite free lunch meats. They're out there and I do use them when I need something quick! We buy uncured bacon too.
We avoid soy here as well. It messes with my thyroid numbers and DS tests allergic to it. We think it may have been affecting his behavior as well (borderline ADD issues). I just find eating it makes me feel ill.
Yay for eggs! We love our eggs here!
I use mayo and try to make my own. I use olive oil to do it so it's a funny color and definitely doesn't taste like store bought but I've gotten so I like it better. And pickles should be okay if they're not sweet. Many store bought ones, even dill, seem to have corn syrup in them so if you are looking to avoid that you'll have to read labels.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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MyKidLuvsGreenEgz said:
Glad you mentioned soy. So many people are saying it's the perfect protein but I'm finding it's really horrible for my body, and my son has a HUGE behavior reaction to any kind of soy. Difficult finding "diet foods" because so many are made with soy.

Thinking I'll start this tomorrow. Yesterday at the store I bought bags of raw nuts and seeds, fruits and veggies. Gonna order those "eggies" to "boil" my eggs which are a lot cooler than eating fried eggs. And since our eggs are practically free (have 10-12 laying girls plus another 30 expected to start within the next couple of months), will do the egg route.

Don't care for most meats cold, unless they are lunchmeat. But don't want to do lunchmeat with all of those chemicals.

Can I use any mayo at all? Pickled cucumbers?
If you start eating raw nuts, you will likely find that they cause some distress. They need to have a bit soaking to predigest them, prior to eating.
The process is very easy to do, and your body will obtain more nutrition from them as a result.
Also, these recipes imitate the way the Aztecs prepared their seeds and nuts.
Soaking and low temp drying, either in a 150 degree oven or in a dehydrator, allows all the good enzymes to grow and stay alive.

4 cups raw seeds
2 TBLS sea salt
1 tsp cayenne pepper
filtered water
Dissolve salt in water and add seeds and pepper. Soak for 7-12 hours.
Drain, spread on a baking sheet and place in a 150 degree oven for about 12 hours.
Low setting with a spoon to keep the door ajar will work.

4 cups pecans
2 tsp sea salt
Soak 7-12 hours
Drain, spread on a baking sheet and place in a 150 degree oven for about 12 hours.
Low setting with a spoon to keep the door ajar will work.

Peanuts/Pine Nuts/Hazlenuts/Almonds/Macedamia
4 cups peanuts
1 Tbls Sea Salt
Soak 7-12 hours
Drain, spread on a baking sheet and place in a 150 degree oven for about 12 hours.
Low setting with a spoon to keep the door ajar will work.

Cashews (already soaked commercially 2 time to take away toxicity, so higher temp is fine)
4 cups cashews
1 TBLS Sea Salt
Soak for only 6 hours and dry at 200 for 12-24 hours.
Drain, spread on a baking sheet and place in a 150 degree oven for about 12 hours.
Low setting with a spoon to keep the door ajar will work.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
eastern plains, Colorado
I haven't eaten a "cooked" nut or seed in ages. I prefer them raw. They don't mess with my system any more than anything else. I have IBS anyway so ... how I would I notice?!?!


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Once you start "eating clean" you may find those symptoms fade or go away completely. The soaked and toasted nuts are DELICIOUS and I used to just eat nuts raw too.