Patch Of Heaven's Journal ***new pics pg 7***


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
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In the woods with the critters
Can you explain more on your topbar bee hive?

Shanor (local bee keeper) keeps his bees on the other side of the hill, I have to hope they make their way over to my lot.

I have bears near by, so tradition hives are out of the question, I haven't ruled them out just yet. What advantages does your topbar bee hives have againist traditonal bee hives?

Do you think it would something I should consider?

Patch of Heaven Farm

Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
I believe bees will go in a 2 mile radius from the hive to gather pollen so if his is just down the hill you should not have any worries. As far as bears we have a few in the swamps but not in my area so I would not know what to do about bears raiding the hives.

I like the topbar because it is suppose to be a more natural way to keep bees but again this is my first year so I am still learning a lot and will see how the topbar does. I just want enough honey for my family and to share with friends. I am not looking to mass produce and sell it. That is why I think the topbar will be a good fit.If you would like some info on topbars try have a lot of info on the topbars and will help you with any questions and concerns.

Also does Shanor have trouble with bears and his hives? He would probally be a great person to ask since he is keeping bees in your area. Maybe he could help you get started with bees and equipment if you decided you wanted to try it out. He could show you how to handle the bees and harvest the honey etc. I wish I had a mentor to help me with this first year. If I had a local beek I would be thier shadow for a year then start my own hive. I would love to get some hands on expirence before the hive's life depended on me but unfortunately there is no one to help. So I will have to rely on my online friends and mentors.


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Patch!! :frow :hugs :hugs I covet your farm!!! :lol:
It's beautiful!! I love your journal!! I look forward to reading more in the future about your SS adventures!!

Sweet little bunnies Jess! I don't think I could butcher my own bunnies either. I think DH would do it though. He wants to eat rabbit every once in a while. I'm not terribly interested in it. Not because I think anything wrongs with it, just that I don't know what I'm missing I guess, cause I've never had it. At least not that I can remember lol

How did the babies fair that you were wondering about the other night? Did they make it?

ETA: Hey! I just realized that I kind of recruited you to SS! :lol:

Patch of Heaven Farm

Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Well today has been a long day and not much got done because we were at the Dr's all day. Dh has to go back everyday for 2wks .:th Then 3 times a week but the good news is they can help him(he has lower back problems) without surgery. :)

We did get some clover for my bees and some heirloom seeds, watermelon,corn,eggplant,squash and pumpkins. :ya I had to get feed and while we were in the store I told my dh to get the number off some local honey they had for sale and he decided to just buy it. So I called the number to see if they had bees for sale and was given another number and then directed to the state president of the Mississippi Bee Assoc and found out I live really close to him and he would be glad to mentor me!!!! :ya :ya Everyone was extremely helpful and encouraging and was really glad I wanted to keep bees. :) So I feel better that I will have some local people helping me get started that know the area and the climate here.

Oh and I have a broody!!! This is day 3!!!! :celebrate :ya :weee

Hopefully tommorrow will go much better and I can get some plants transplanted to the garden and make some sourdough bread. :)
Hey Patch!! I covet your farm!!!
It's beautiful!! I love your journal!! Hey! I just realized that I kind of recruited you to SS!
Thanks!! :hugs LOL I guess you did! :p


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! for you finding a mentor!!!!

Patch of Heaven Farm

Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score

What did I miss on SS? I have been really busy the last few days and now I am sick so I have more time to spend on the computer. :p We have been busy getting ready for spring here and almost have the garden planted. We should be getting the corn planted this week.
I have the hive set up and painted so we are just waiting on the bees. :weee

I will take some pics later to show y'all what we have done so far with the garden and the freshly painted hive.

Our next project is to get the garden and yard fenced and the chickens a pasture fenced off. I am planting clover,rape,kale and turnips for them. I still haven't figured out how I will let them all range together without ruining pure hatching eggs but I am working on it. Thinking of having a few smaller pastures instead of one large one but that means more fence. :barnie

The boys are going camping today and tommorrow with my mom and thier cousins from NC and NJ. They have only seen each other once but talk over the phone and they can't wait to see them again. So a 2-day camping trip means I get some R & R!!! :ya Ha! I wish!!

I will be prodding dh to get the fence done and thinking of the next project. Boy I almost wish winter was still here because all these SS projects are a lot of work!!! Seems most need to be done in spring and it seems there is not enough time each day to do what needs to be done. I know it will be well worth it in the end.

Now I just have to help okiemommy think of a name for her Dexter she is wanting. :plbb

Ya know I :love ya!! :lol: I couldn't resist!!! :p


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Now I just have to help okiemommy think of a name for her Dexter she is wanting. tongue2

Ya know I love ya!! lau I couldn't resist!!! tongue
HAHA!! Yer funny! :p ;)


edited b/c I can't get the stupid smilies to work!

..dramatic affect is lost. *sigh* ...... :lol:

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