Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Our little Blue Eyed Eowyn. shes another failed disbudding...still debating on wether I want to try horned goats in the herd or band her, merry and pippin...ive always been so anti horn from everything ive experienced...but ive delt with scurs even form the best disbudding and seen disbudding fail now 3 times...I may just leave the horns be...

shes settlgin in quite nicely, LOVES Demi and ruthie is even being surprisingly nice to her lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks shes a doll, such a sweet little thing...

having a crappy time right now but she gave me kisses this helps.
I find myself falling deeper into a big black hole.

I moved here to try to accomplish a few things:
save some money, regain my health, remove some stress and have help with the farmy type stuff....
and instead
my money and food budget have been cut, my bills have increased, im not in a good place mental health wise and with the food budget cut an even worse place in terms of health, im more stressed than ever doing MORE work and getting no help...all I want to do is cry all the time right now...and I cant.

ive decided to offer ALL my angora for sale, and ill probably offer all my English lops too, I just cant afford to keep feeding them all...sales on the angora and lop are slow and there not fast enough growing to eat...I just cant keep up fininancially if I also want to bring in some profit from them...
so they all gotta go, ill keep my rex (and expand a little there since they sell well so far) and my trio of nz x flemmish does will stay for meat (with a 50cent a day food budget now im going to NEED rabbit meat)
I feel like im drowning and falling all at the same time, im going to be 40 yrs old living in my parents garage on ramen noodles...

in tn my house was faling apart, I was ill almost all the time, and I was always broke...but I had food in my pantry, good frineds and it was MINE...
here I cant even afford to go out to MAKE friends even if I had the energy or drive to do so.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
*HUGS* :hugs Warm healing thoughts for you, darlin. Hang in there, you've got a lot of folks here that love and support you, even if it is from a distance. We're all rooting for you, and I'm sure that more than just me is watching your back!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Pink - I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. I can only hope that when ya'll get all the "settling in" done that things will get easier for you. Do you still have quail? Fast growers and mighty tasty!

Hang in there. Shallow words, I know, but they are heartfelt just the same. ((Hugs))


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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dotn have quail yet, but its on the project list, I brought all the quail cages I built with me, so ive got the space to put them, just need to find a source.
good news is I did some math and as of right now, ive made a $3 profit on the rabbits after buying feed for the rest of this month...
if I can sell all the babies I have going right now I should at least be able to maintain a breaking even status until the next batch of babies...
If I can sell my angoras I might even be able to make enough of a profit to buy some quail hatching eggs.

I DID pay off the loan I took out to have the land cleared, im about 4 months early and saved myself $50 in interest by paying it off early.
that's a big yay for me since that one was a goal...
it doesn't make things as easy as I wanted (originally I was going to put that money onto the credit card payment and pay that off, instead, 1/2 of that payment makes up for the increase in the car insuarance, however it still means I can pay a little more each month on the card than usual, I was paying $50 a month (min payment is $40) gonna tyr and put an extra $25 on there each month, still gonna take about 3 yrs to pay it off but that's better than the current 4 yrs...

not much else going on realy, ive got another rex baby going home next week, and got people supposed to be taking 3 out of the 5 English lop babies...
may end up putting the older angora in the freezer, they've got till the end of august (12 weeks old) id prefer to sell them, but hey...meat!

weathers super whackadoo right now, 69 and rainy...but otherwise....lifes kinda just rolling along...not great...but not aweful right now either.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I wondered if you were getting the rain up there as well. I'll be glad when this system gets outta here!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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we def got wet, but not as bad as lots of folks got it...weathers still whacky, whent out this morning an dneeded a light was chilly!
im on the lookout officially for a doe in (or soon to com in) milk, ruthies production has halved this past few days and im just not going to be able to keep up on my cheese at this rate lol.
in her defence shes been in milk 6 months and is a first freshner...
got one of the newer meat mix buns bred today, 2 angora are bred (figure if there not sold yet and might not by that time I might as well have them give me more babies) and 1 of my rex does is bred...
gonna give my e-lops this round off to recoup (both are looking a little slim) but I do want to get all 3 meaties and all my rex bred at minimum.

ive got a batch of angora who'll be going to freezer camp at the end of this month if they don't sell...
1 rex slated to go home next week...
but that still leaves me with a few.
busy busy...
part of me hopes the cooler weather keeps up...the other part of me wants at least a few more days of pool time.
im keeping my eyes peeled for a hot tub, wondering if dad can write it off as a medical expense on his taxes lol.

not much else going on.
need to separate out the bucks from the does in the goat pen, so ive got a big hole to dig in there for a gate post and some t-posts and fencing need to go up.
ive got to get the chickens out of the barn and into the pasture, still not entirely set on where the coop is going but they are going to be mostly ranging the goat pasture (cant range the yard cause the GSD would eat them...)
and I want to re-set the rabbitry before roofing, make it a little more user friendly and a little less tarp city.

and yeah that's about all I got.
think were going to try and work on the downstairs bathroom this weekend which means got to get dad to orde the new faucet for in there (we then have everything we need except a piece of ply and trim to make a new counter top with...) since that's the bathroom I kinda throwing my weight around with it lol, its also the bathroom guests would be using primarily so...
got a new cooker coming this weekend (the top on ours shattered and it was almost as much for a new top as an entirely new cooker....ridiculous huh?!
but moving along.

im tired, im generally hurty lately and this whole robin Williams suicide has seriously thrown me out of sync...being someone whos suffered (and been in a black hole that's resulted in such contemplation) I feel...
but to see everyone now talking about it how selfish he was ect...its been a great opening for depression to be brought into the public eye...but still too many people don't want to see it as real...and once the media attention fizzles itll be all back in the dark...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so it looks like we are adding a physical pool fence to the "to do list" befor winter lol.
the pool apparently has an invisible fence around it...the previous owner had 2 big dogs...apparently that means nothing to gypsy who managed to fall in the pool a few times, once with the cover on, thankfully an elephant cover and the other when we were out...
so I hooked up a few strands of electric fence fof the goat fence...worked like a charm but mum caught her foot on it AGAIN today because she doesn't thank she can unhook it safely lol (its got a gate handle) and is sick of getting shocked...
so dad told me to measure up for a physical stuff....
I keep reminding them 2 yrs...that's the magical "calm down" age fr a GSD...apparently she turns a year old the eweek after the days until the 2 yr point, even Keira gets sick of her energy lol.

anywho...noth much happening today, took a trip into rockaway (mum wanted Christmas tree shoppe) and we stopped at the goodwill...I bought myself a pressie....a rope hammock chair...$10 and it was this weeks color so 50% off that! its in great condition too!!! even the woman at the register said she would have taken it if shed seen it!
ive been after one for..well...ever, but at $50 on amazon for a so-so one...not happening...$5 for a good cotton rope one though! MINE

otherwise, found out someones telling porkies about me on another forum I occasionally chime in on...member here too...always fun!
but the way I figure it is if they have the time to sift through my posts on multiple places and decide if im making things up/whatever based on the obvious 100% of information on my life that I post here and the occasional answer ona forum (just so you folks know while it may SEEM like I tell yall everything...I don' thankful for that lol) then I must be much more interesting and/or entertaining than I thought...or they are just well and truly seriously BORED...
I feel kinda sorry for folks like that.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
side note:
chicken sexing help anyone?!

these are our rhodebars...
the 3 at the back are the hens, when hatched they had chipmonk stripes like they should...
the other 3 are least they are assuming they are all rhodebarrs/autosexing, all 3 hatched red with a cream headspot...


This is our keeper "big boy" hes got a nice red comb coming in, red on the wattles, hes a good size, and beautiful barring and color

but the other 2 bosy confuse me..

this is pecky.

like bigboy he was hatched red with a white bigboy he has some spotting on the wings but nothing remotely close to barring...but unlike bigboy he has no wattle or comb development...

then theres Red

Hes got pretty barring/spotting on his feathers and again was hatched red with a head spot, but as you can see form the very deifnate hen behind him...hes got no more comb/wattle development than her...

they are all 12 weeks old...and supposed to be from greenfire farms rhodebars...
id kinda like it if red was a girl...sooo sweet, but right now im treating this one for a sour crop, think red got into some hay or something and got impacted) sems to be doing better...

thoguhts?! do I have not rhodebars? do I have boys? do I have late bloomers?! lol. id be MORE than happy if pecky and red were girls LOL!