Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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poor coober :(
its such a shame when animasl come to us so mentally broken.

jack jack does the same with the linnies cage, he flies over and tries to terrorize him but they just bite his toes and pull his tail feathers lol. ive found when jack jacsk out for snuggle time if i cover the linnies cage hes not as interested in it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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blue cross blue sheild are scumbags.

i lostmy blue cross coverage (through my father) when i turned 26 in december of last year.
managed to get medicaid coverage due to my epilepsy and some other issues...

got a bill from my gyno...medicaid refused payment...
reason: i have other insurance coverage... (i do?!)

so i called my worker she changed the settings and told me to resubmit...
so i the bill back medicaid is still refusing covrage because i had alternate coverage at time of service (march of 11)

so another call to my worker.
she called the medicaid carrier
they told her that theyd called bcbs to confirm about march of 11 and bcbs told them that i had ful coverage through bcbs...
*blink blink*

then why pray tell did bcbs not pay the bill so it had to be submitted to medicaid (it was origionally accidentally sent to bcbs who denied payment based on no coverage...)

so i just had to fax the denial letter they sent me in january telling me that i had no coverage as of dec 2010 and that as of jan 19th 2011 i had been denied for continued coverage.

serious bcbs?! ive got a bill here thats now 60 days over due because you guys couldnt get your heads out of your butts and flat out LIED to a govt contract carrying agency?!
its not like there are many people in the usa with my name...and hopefully none with my social security number...(i keep a close eye on my credit report and theres nothing to suggest ive had my identity stolen...
and bcbs already denied payment based on no coverage before telling the state that i was fully covered....

*head desk*
thankfully my worker is very nice and right ontop of things so i faxed her the deinal letter, shes faxing the medicaid carrier a copy fo the denial letter and things should be sorted by the end of the week.
my gynos billing office has also put a note on the account that this is an insurance issue and currently being worked on so itll put a hold on any "unpaid bills" reporting to my credit report


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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Yep. That's the job of insurance companies. To keep from paying out.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
Sorry you're having to deal with insurance companies. No fun.
Loved the critter pics. :love
The other 2 pics barely look like the same girl. If it wasn't for the red hair- it would be hard to believe. The wedding outfit turned out really good too. Wow!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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we lost another chicken :hit
the buff orphington...
egg binding is the only thing i can think of...but this is so odd...

its been quite a while since the astralorp died i cant see this being related....but the symptoms were very similar.

this girl was fine yesterday...
today mum goes in the coop and shes in the nest box and mum said seemed to be "having contractions" shed wait for a second then her back would tense and her feathers fluff...this happend for a few mins before she got up and wandered off. about an hour later mum checked on her and she didnt run away when she whent neer her.
i whent out to take a look. unlike the australop she wasnt missing any feathers, she looked lovely, shiney feathers, nice bright wattles and clear eyes,
clean vent.
NO swelling of the vent, no swelling of the rump and no swelling of the abdomen. gave a good feel around couldnt feel any lumps or bumps in there, nothing to suggest anything stuck in the canal, i couldnt feel a bound egg anywhere, an again no swelling at all...
poops been normal as i said, vent was clean.
she wasnt panting, no signs of stress...its a little sticky here today but its not that hot...and none of the other chickens are showing any signs of any of the symptoms...

put her down she kinda half heartedly wandered away, got neer her again and she didnt even try to get away from me, didnt croush, nothing...*sigh*
none of the other chickens are acting odd, they didnt push her out, no injuries no nothing.

mum just whent out to lock them in and she was on the ground under the ramp dead.

i just dont know whats going on...

no signs of paristes or anything like that so i just dont know whats the next step...

i think im going to get a dewormer and a soluable antibiotic and just treat them with both as a just in case...
they get ground eggshell and oyster shell, a layer feed with nothing added and clean fresh water twice a day, theres nothing poisenous in either of the 2 runs...

id think if this was something contageous it wouldnt just hit 1 chicken, then wait a while and hit another, and just hit one at a time with a few weeks between...that would be insane...

the only thing that would make any sense would be egg binding but we havent had any soft shells and as i said, she didnt have any other symptoms, no swelling, no lumps or bumps ect...

this is so frustrating!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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finally a bit of a house update...

my agent put me intouch with a loca broker whos fairly certin he can get me the usda rural housing loan..
so ive spent this past week running around, got my past 2 months of bank statements together, plus all my medical stuff (to account for filling no taxes for the past 2 years due to low income)...then today ran to the local IRS walk in to see what i needed to fill in to get the exemption letters for the past 2 years.
now this i was expecting to be hell, not only did i have to talk to a govt agency...but the IRS on top of it...i figured id be sat for hours pointed to this that and the other form...and my disability makes it difficult to understand written instruction sometimes so i was worried about that.

but in there, waited no more than 2 mins, got to see a real live preson, i explained the situaton and she told me no problem. 15 minutes and about 100 questions for their forms later i walked out with my tax exemption letters for the past 2 years. yay.

so everything (all 40 pages LOL) has been faxed over to the mortgage guy who will now have to put it into some kind of order to make sense, submit the info to wherever it needs to be submitted to and hopefully by the end of next week i should have an answer...plannign to close on september 7th...

well...we NEED to close by september 7th, we have no choice, thats when usda wants it done by, thats what the seller is willing to give me till (after that hes going to accept other offers) so lets keep those fingers crossed that the info ive provided is enough...i dont have anything else i can if this isnt enough...i dont know what would be.

this is pretyt much my last all in effort for this year, if this one doesnt work out im not going to try again untill spring of next any good vibes and crossed fingers you can spare would be greatly apreciated...i want this pretty dang badly.

in other words, im doing good, dropped another 1/2 lbs...another 15 1/2 lbs before im at my ultimate goal...
dads also doing very well, been given the all clear to progress form the dr, shes happy with his recovery and hes happy he can now have mushy foods lol.


Apr 4, 2009
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That wedding dress came out fantastic- and you look great!

Good luck with the house- I will keep everything crossed for you.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Just catching up w/this.

The pics of you look great! You need to post those on your mirror so you can look at them every time you feel discouraged about yourself. That will give you a big boost.

Love the pics of the critters, especially Willow. She's such a pretty kitty. :love

Glad to hear your dad is doing better. That's always good to hear.

I hear ya about the friends. I've pretty much stopped offering advice for the same reason. I get tired of people who try to argue w/me about things I KNOW, things I've been trained in, so I don't say anything any more.

Hope to hear soon that you got the house. Waiting can be so frustrating!

Insurance cos can be a real PITB! When I had my appendix out, we had trouble getting the insurance to pay the bill. They tried to say it was elective surgery, so therefore, it wasn't covered. Oh yeah, I just got up one day, had nothing better to do, so I decided to have my appendix out. :he


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh didnt ya know, apendectomy is the new in thing to do when your having a slow day...
*blink blink* seriously, you have to wonder...
and yet without the health insurance wed be screwed if like your apendectomy, something did happen that needed serious treatment.
just cant win on either front with those guys.

oh my goodness, watching pirats of the carribbean and captain jack goes "whys the rum gone" and with no prompting with my Jack Jack the macaw replies "uh ohhhhh" LMAO
hes also expanded "uh Ohhhh" into "yo ho hooooo"
hes such a crazy bird, right now hes muttering away to himself, somthing about uhohhh, yohoho, oooooo, barking like the dog and doing his excited little squee sound...something about good boy and hi jack jack,... he just mumbles away to himself until he masters what hes trying to say, comes out with some good ones...
good boy is his newest randomly picked up word, i ask him if hes going to be a good boy sometimes when hes acting up...but never taken any time to try and teach it to him...
but i had him out yesterday and he goes 'good boy jack jack"
he also likes to tell willow shes "baaaaaaad" cause when hes out she likes to sneak up on him and bat at his tail day she managed to get close enough to try and pull one out and i told her she was bad...ever since then if she goes neer him when hes out he tells her shes Baaaaaaad! Lol.

in other news, im trying to plan my next tattoo...
i have 5 so far and every so often get a craving for a new one..but they HAVE to mean something to me.
i have plans for many so its a case of figureing out which i want most and where i want to get them.

but right now the one thats realy playing on my mind is my "transformation" tattoo...
i want something to symbolise my weight loss and physical change...but more so to symbolizemy start of a personal journey and transformation.
everyone keeps saying butterflies...always with the flutterbys for transformation...but i dont want a buterfly...
i want a dragonfly.
i preferthe symbolism behind the dragonfly.

the dragonfly symbolises transformation, entering new worlds, growth, adaptation and deep magic.
i also like the symbolism behind the lotus flower, a pure beautiful flower growing from the darkestmurkiest of waters...

so i think i want a pink and white lotus flower done very realistically with a life sized dragonfly (also very realistic) perched atop it.
and id like the quote "courage is found in unlikely places"
(for those unfamiliar, its a quote from jrr tolkien, one of my favorite authors and given that the courage to move ahead with this came from breaking up with my bf of 5 years it seems to fit the theme)

but trying to figure out where it should go...thats a tough one.
i dont have any attoos on my arms and prefer to keep it that way, i like to be able to show off my ink when I want to show it off...

so right now i have one on the back of my neck/shoulders, one on my right shoulder blade, one on my left hip, one on my right thigh and one on my right ankle.
im thinking this one would probbaly sit quite nicely on my right hip, or left shoulderblade, but it would also probably look very nice placed at the "base" of the spine.

i do have others planned so trying to figure out where it would go in the great grand scheme of things is also a big part of the "plan" i need to leave space somewhere for the tree of life tattoo i eventually want (which will have the "deep roots are not reached by the frost" quotation, also one of jrr tolkiens)

i think i probably need to draw a diagram of myself, place my current ink and play with the ones i REALY want to see where it can all fit lol. thats the problem with loosing weight...less canvas to paint lol.
ive got space on my thigh, space on the hip, lower back, mid back and shoulder blade that id be willing to dedicate to it.

well at least ive got plenty of time to think about it...planning it for mid-late september (1 year since surgery) as my surgi-versary gift to myself.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
" im thinking this one would probbaly sit quite nicely on my right hip, or left shoulderblade, but it would also probably look very nice placed at the "base" of the spine. "
Sounds pretty.
trust me- near the base of the spine realllly hurts.

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