Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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got very little one so far, put some dishes away, nee to wash more (im not entirely sure how a single person makes so many dirty dishes in such a short time LOL!)
put the flea preventative on the dogs (thats always fun lol) an boiled up 1 dozen eggs.

just checked my pickling recipie so next on the list is boil that up an then add the onions an then i can finally have a couple of jars of pickled eggs and onions in the fridge.

once thats done ive got some bulbs i got on sale at walmart while the parents where here that i completly forgot about, and turns out the best time to plant them is late summer/early fall so i might try and o that toay since theres slight chance of rain all this comming week...
some calas, glads and peonies i knwo where they are going, in the bed along the back eck that had the maters and onions, im moving my veggies into a new area for next spring so im going to use this bed for some flowers, right now theres 3 climbing roses in there (all on sale at wallyworl for $2 a peice lol)
so i figure the cala, glads and peonies wil all form a taller "back" layer...i want it to be super pretty and its a pink/red/white color scheme. once ive got ome free cash im going to take off the front boars on the bed and replace them with concrete block (which i can paint whatever color) which should give the bed a more "finnished" look for not too much money and i plan on planting creeping thyme and carpet phlox in the front of the be which will spil over the concrete blocks pretty much hiding the ugly tops. itll pretyt much be a bed spilling over with pink green red and white once its mature...or at least...thats the HOPE...

i still have work to do on the front bed too including making some kind of edging for the bed to keep mr weedwacker out of it...that one needs more going on too, mor eplantings, edging, mulching...i want vines growing up the front of the house (climbing hydrangea and clematis ideally since its shaded not much else will work there) and theres a part aroud my rose bush thats realy bear and id like to add some more later flowering stuff, right now everythigns green no pretty flowers or colors in there so i nee some fall bloomers and summer bloomers, thinking some nice mums for fal blooming and not sure what for summer...
That bed is orange and yellow form the daylillies, and purple from the hostas so im thinking a gold/purple theme with some "spots" of pink (because my rose bush is pink and so are the azeleas) so im thinking yellow mums should look happy and bright :D

obviously this is all in my head because i dont have the money to do it with...but i will have this place super pretty/cottagy to go peel some eggs :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well on the anniversary or katrina Isaac has decided to change courses and will be hitting Louisiana directly once again...
I hope everyone stays safe, this is the absolute last thing they need, there still not revovered form katrina!

it is planning on heading directly our way too, but should be seriously downgraded by the time it finds us here in west TN on its current path!
aparently rivers are the 4th lowest on record in our we could definatly do with some rain even though were not officially i an "emergency" situation
i just hope this one doesnt impact louisiana too badly...
odd that it completly skirted florida despite predictions...


not likely to be getting much done over the next week, upper 90's all times, fun times lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well ill be honest, ive spent today watching DIY network...
feling yicky today, just tired and not feeling great and its hot and sticky and ugh...

but today has given me lots of big dreams for the future.

got an iea for some artwork for both the livingroom and bedroom using paint chips :D

and for the bathroom ive decied id like to remove the tub completly,i ont use it, its not pretty, and shor tof having kids in the house i wont be using it.
i cant aford an on demand heater so its unlikely ill ever have a bath...
so id like to rip out the tub, put a shower floor, tile wall to ceiling in the shower and put in a nice walk in glass door shower
tile the floor, paint the walls, replace the sink witha narrow vanity and replace the lighting...
floor and wall tile will be white with a turquoise/blue accent, walls will be a soft turquoise blue
white vanity white trim and all the "soft" stuff will be chocolate brown :D
its pretty in my brain lol.
and because its such a small room it shouldnt cost a fortune to tile it lol. (theres only about 6x6 of floor space LOL!)

trying to figure out what im having with my chicken for dinner tonight too...

oh and the 3rd linnie egg hatched early this morning/late last night too! all 3 chicks so far look good :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Congrats on the third Linnie! Sounds like things are moving right along there. Sorry you aren't feeling the bestest :hugs I hope you have a great day today sis!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well...not so much with a good month this month...
yesteray i noticed a damp spot over where my septic tank is...
this is also where the ucks house/pool is so i didnt think much of it...
this morning however theres a small puddle over where my septic tank is...

theres no soggyness in the back field which should be my leaching feild, no puddles back there, no odd plant growth (its all fairly even in the back feild) so im pretyt cure its not a total leech fiel failure..instea im thinking hard clay no REAL rain in a while (weve had some sprinkles but nothing good enough to soak) and its just turned it into concrete, combined with prbably a complete lack of maintenence for the past lord knows how many years...

im REALY worrie right now, step 1 is to pick up some septic system "cleaner" from lowes toay and get that into the system...ive heard both positive and negative about these "biological enzyme cleaners" some say there worthless others say they work...

and then i need to have a septic maint company come out, take a look and see what they think. it could be a case of it just nees a serious pump out...
the seller told me (and the USDA inspector) hed "just had it pumped out" and me knowing nothing about septic systems belived him...
but looking online i ont havean above ground acess for my septic that i know of...and there was no dug spots or anything when i moved i highly doubt its been pumped at all...
the problem with that leads to...when i get guys out here to take a look/pump it out, i have NO idea wherer the acess is...theres no hatch, no little flag, no nothing marking "ig here to pump out septic tank" and asking the neighbor leeds to nothing but more confusion.

this could end up being a serious issue that leaves me using a hole in the ground for the next 10 years because i cant afford a few thousan dollars to replace the system...
i REALY hope this is just a case of blocked leech pipes or scum build up...

the good news is whats pudling while has a slight greasy look to it is NOT smelly which leads me to think the septic isnt totally backed up...
the pudle is directly above the spot where the septic tank suposedly is...

GAH!, why does life hate me right now?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Oh Pinky :hugs I don't envy you! Hope it turns out to be something easy, but the odds are against you I'm afraid :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, i talked to a frine in ct and he things its a combination of maintenece and hardpan (sodium gets into the clay forming a waterproof barrier causing the system to not be able to work properly)
suggests getting the tank pumped then dumping a shock treatment of something called septic seep into the tank after its been pumped but before they close her back up.
says hes had realy good results with the septic seep which isnt a septic cleaner but instea a compound designed to break up the hardpan that forms in clay soil ect...
looked it up and its not cheep, $50 a gallon and for my system he suggested 1 gallon after pump out an 1/2 a gallon each week for 4 treatments...

at worst ill need to replace the entire system, which could cost up to $20,000 (ha, my house is barely worth that...)
at best the $150 septic seep will open everything back up an a good tank pumping could fix the issue completly (at which point he suggests using 1/2 a gal of septic seep every 6 months for maintenence ($50 a gal so woudlnt be too expensive as upkeep)

i looked up the septic seep and they suggest 4 gallons plus their bitic enzyme stuff, but my frined says given how tiny my system is likely to be 4 gallons would probably be overkill and that the CLR septic treatment does the same thing as their enzamtic bios stuff...
it does get lots of good testemonial on various sites too but its so hard to say...and im warey...

he id say because the seepage is directly aroudn the tank that its likely primarily a lack of mantenence and the tank probably nees a serious pump out...that unfortunatly its bvery likley that theres back up presse against the outlet causing the liquid to then back up and "escape" in the wrong irection...
says because im not having any pipe back up into the house ect that this is not likely to be a total system failure *fingers crossed* so ive got to put some calls out, find someone wholl come to my area and how much theyll charge for a pump out and check over since thats the first step...

UGH...i shoul just instal an outhouse! would be cheaper...or one of those cool incinerator nee for a septic then...

i think it also realy pisses me off because the guy who sold the house was a ocntractor and he provided a letter to the USDA inspector that the septic ha been reacenlty checpked and pumped...if that had been the case THIS wouldnt have been happening...but of course he knows people in the area and could have easily falisified documents but theres NOTHING i can do about it form a legal stanpoint as hed just turn around and say i should have had my own septic inspection done.

the GOOD news is if this does become a dire situation im not completly hopeless, i can apply for a USDA rural home improvment loan which is designed for stuff like this for low income people in rural areas, you ca only use the laon specifically for home improvments like weatherizing, septic/sewer, water ect...(couldnt use it to build a barn or another story on the house...) and since my mortage is usa rural i shoulnt have any problems...but yeah...just what i realy need this month, still nee to replace those 3 tires and now this?! fun times. all i nee now is for an eleephant to fall on me and ill be all set!

Oh well nothing i can do rright now other than keep the faith that all this junk just means somehting REALY good has got to be comming my way...because quie frankly, id realy like at least a little financial break after everything thats gone on this summer...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Make a homemade version of the septic tank cleaner. I THINK it's brown sugar and yeast...but would have to look it up to ne certain, and see if that helps.

ETA:To give your septic tank a boost in function and remove bad odors, create a mixture using 1 quart of hot water, 1 lb. brown sugar and 2 tsp. dried yeast. Add the sugar to the water until it dissolves, letting the mixture cool to a lukewarm temperature. Once this happens, add the yeast and flush it down the toilet immediately

Found it here:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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will definatly have to try that, best quote ive got is $250 if he digs $175 if i can find and uncover the acess hole...i think i found my tank, dug around the soggy spot and about 8" below ground i (gently) hit what felt and looks like a concrete slab
but finding the acress hatch it that is ideed my septic tank is going to be "fun" where its wet it was easy to dig, where its NOT wet however might as well BE concrete...

I wont have acess to $250 untill zeus goes that means i need to find a solution untill then.

Did a CLR septic tank treatment, will repeat in a week...

just what i need right now...

that $250 was my it my septic tank pump out...*sigh*
thats what i get for NOT having a septic inspection done before buying the house.

please let there be some good news comming soon?! PLEASE.