Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thats how i did it with the fork, i put it IN the sink first and used my silacone pot holder to get a good grip, least i know instinct was right and im not msising some secret canning society trick LOL!

Well the septic guy is comming on tuesday...means another few days of living with a puddle in my back yard but the money dad sent wont clear untill tomorrow at the earliest (and more likely tuesday because of the holiday) so hes comming Tuesday morning about 9am, will dig, pump, clean and check remove any roots ect that might be blocking the baffles/clogging the system and then we go from there...hopefully he oesnt find anything that screams OMG were all goign todie if you dont rip everything out this moment down there...and that any additional issues can be taken care of by some of the products currently on the market (ie a septic system root killer an some septic seep for the leech field) please keep those fingers crossed that this doesnt turn into a big huge affair...

puppies are doing good though, growing like weeds, trying to get the word out further afield as theyll be ready to start going home in about 3 1/2 weeks...

the linnies are going very well, the 3rd chick is tiny compared to his siblings but hes still alive and growing (hes 2 days "younger" than them but about 1/2 the size)
but shes doing a great job and very attentive :) still not getting my hopes up, its unusual for them to do this wel on a first time clutch aparently, and there still definatly very elicate.

need to strt gathering my handfeeding stuff over the next few weeks, ned a tiny syringe with a feeding tip, a digital thermometer, formular, a small tank and a heating pad.
(the undertank reptile pads ar perfect for it :) and thankfully not overly expensive for the size ill need for these guys...(glad im not raising macaws, eveythings more expensive when its bigger LOL!)
there not quite ready to pull, i usually pull when they are about 2 1/2-3 weeks old, takes a little more work to get them on the syrnge if their eyes open before pulling BUT i think they get a better start health wise is there with momma just that little bit longer...
this will be my first time with the linnie chicks though so i may pull closer to 2 weeks if i dont think the smallest chick is gainingfast enough just so i can monitor his intake...

no plans for today, going to dump the soil i dug out back into the hole today so its not a trip hazard, so that nees doing at some point today...
already di the bunny litterboxes, could do with putting fresh beding in for the ducks and geese and the goats will need a top up at the beginning of the month too.

end of september then the duck goat and geese houses will all get comepltly mucked out and started fresh for winter...i do deep litter so spring and fall are deep cleans

hoping to have the goats a brand new house for october (assuming i can find homes for the 3 pups that dont have homes yet) so im trying to hold off doing a deep clean untill then.
if i get nothing else on the list done this fall, i do need to get them a bigger house...because im hoping for spring kids and right now their current house is not big enough for them and kidding.
then im going to cut down my orchard wish list some and hopefully get a few trees in in the fall, it would at least be a start if nothing else...

Hey Cindi, how big is your truck bed?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well..the weathermen called for a 60% chance of rain and thunder...
instead weve had a 101 heat index an a bit of wind and some clouds...
so far my town is still at nothing but a couple sprinkles in agood few weeks...
whihc is kina annoying when all the towns literally just a little north and south of us have had at least a little bit of rain LOL!

mabe we'll get some through tonight...everythign sjust one big dustbowl right now around here and my septic guy said that DEFINATLy not helping the draining issues im having with the system....says hed had alot of calls of people having back up issues and thier systems are perfectly fine but the ground is so hard and dry right now that its ust not getting the drainage it should be...

the farmers locally have "harveste" what corn they could and most have replanted their corn fields with beans to go up whats left of the stalks ather than just tilling everything in...seem slike there hopgin to get some kind of harvest out of the year...none of the corn feilds ive seen locally looked healthy at all :/
cant imagine putting that kind of money into crop to have it fail so badly but i guess thats the risk of trying to do large scale crop for profit farming...1 drought could take everything...

otherwise not much going more turkey and pasta for dinner tonight, think im going to toss it under the broiler with some cheese tonight :)
and being friday, mabe theyll be something other than big bang theory reruns on TV... lol.

come october the irect tv is getting shut off, tv programming is just seriously sad and the few shows i do watch just arnt worth $the money after the price goes up...i dont mind paying $40 for what i o watch, but im not paying almost ouble that for the same programming...ill pay the early termination fee, and if charter will give me internet and tve for about what im paying for them both now ill go wiht charter for awhile instead (might be cheaper to have both than just having the internet) and if not...well ive got dads netflix password add a HDMI Cable and i can watch via computer on the big screen :)

cellphone might go in october too, itll cost me a little over $100 to "cancel it" early but would save me about $350 for the year...i do however need to have an emergency phone of some kind so ive got to look into other options first...

My internets due to go up $20 so if i can save $40 a month on my cell, $40 a month on my tv, even with the early termination fees itll cover my internet increase and once those are paid off save me about $60 a month over all...thats a HUGE chunk of change when moneys tight.

Im still not reay to give up my fishtank though LOL...i consider that a medical device (helps during downs and anxiety issues, no REALY)

so yeah thats the thougths of the day...its not even 7pm and its getting dull out, dont know if its the sun sinking or the clouds or a combination of both but...

And jack jack is entertaining himself by hitting himself in the head with his bell... LOL...why are all my animals crazy?! lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im so sick of life right now...

1: neighbor confirmed he doesnt think the septic tank has ever been pupmed out and doesnt THINK theres a eeching field...
my god, there HAS to be a feild right?! even in tn the inspections cant be so lax that theyd let them put in a septic tank with o field lines...right?!
if not, say good bye to $15-20,000 YAY

2: whent to pick up my perscription today...
denied, my persctiption covereage is comming back to the pharmasist as canceled...
try to call number, phone dies, pharmasit wont call because covereage is cancelled not ust denied the mes...
dive the 16miles back home...

charge phone, call script number customer service, NOONES THERE...there closed untill wednesay due to the holiday...WTF?!
their automated system wont even tell me if i have coverage or not and puts me back through to comstomer service where i get to leave a call me back asap message...again.

checked medicare website, says my script plan IS still active...
checked the perscription plans available for my area and my current persciption plan IS available In my current zipcode.

now a little back story here.
just before i moved last october i called them, tol them i was moving gave my new adress and confirmed they were active where i was moving to.
in december mum and dad get a coverage summary statment, i call them again tell them i moved confirm my current adress

almost 3 weeks ago i get a letter TO MY CURRENT ADRESS, telling me that they belive i have reacently moved and that they MAY NOT provide coverage in my new area...
sent them the return form back in imediatly confirming the adress...

mum and dad get a ltter about a week ago, to me, telling me they think ive moved and need to confirm the current adress...(i had them shred that one as ive already responded once)

since retuning that letter i have not recived a call, email or letter sayng i was outsie of thier service area, they were cancelling my service, NOTHING..nothing to say "hey by the way find a new provider"

so yeah....
since i cant get through to my script coverage customer service since...i called medicare to find out if they ha been informed that my coverage had been canceled (because i should have then got a packet/form in orer to pick a new provider...
the customer rep at medicare says my current perscription coverage IS active and current, that my current perscription coverage also IS available in my zipcode and that theres NO reason my perscription should have been denied or comming back as canceld...

IM SOOOO pissed.

my apointment is on tuesday, thers only a small window in which they can give the deppo shot wihtout having to do all the extra lady exam junk ect...(and if i miss that window im screwed because my PCOS is severe an the eppo is what keeps the cists at bay...doesnt tak long outside that "safe" window for the cysts to start returning and major pain ensures that often requires some serious pain killers plus potential hopistal time (as i become severly (for me) anemic) (ill let you guys put the 2 and 2 for the

so i called their clinic line there closed but staye on, canceled my tuesday apointment with thier weekend message taker so there at least shouldnt be a "no show/late cancelation" fee associated with that...

the pharmacy line for my script coverage IS open but aparently cant acess any kind of member eligability so they would only be able to tell me (or the pharmasist) what theyve already told them (a big fat "no coverage")


i still need tires on my car, i need to get the septic sorted, i now owe my dad $200 for it because i dont have it right now and wont untill the pups go home, i have only 1 pup "sold" depist haveing over 40 names o the waiting list because of people backing out and changing their mind (or flat out not getting back to me), and now this?! REALY?!

way to go september, nice start...if this is a prequell for what this month is going to be like...

Im trying to stay positive right now...trying to tell myself that this ust means something great is going to happen...
but yeah...
im having a hard time beliveing it...

think im going to be taking my anxiety and antidepressants for the next few days just to keep me calm enough to NOT have a mental breakdown...

and to ad insult to inury, it cost me about $10 in gas just to get to walmart and back to pick up said perscription and i came home empty handed with about 1/8th a tank and no money untill tuesday.

thats how i feel right now...
Why does life hate me right now...

whatever higher power is watching over me has a wacked out sense of human and aparently has NO concept of how mantally fragile i am right knwo how they say they only give you as much as you can handle...
i think this stress is that proverbial straw that breaks the camels back...

it seems so stupid small and trivial...but its just that one more thing that sets ya off ya know...
like when your having a bad day and 1 stupid thing like the wrong color crayon just sets off the volcanic erruption and makes people thing your over-reacting...

im bipolar...with serious anxiety issues...the shere act of going to walmart to pick up my perscriptions (grocery shopping heck leaving my house) is PAINFULL mentally and doesnt make sense, its a chemcial inbalance in my brain...the shere thought of interacting with 99.9% of the population fills me with read panic and makes me want to cry, its a fight with myself just to get in the car even on a good day...
I purposly make apointments all on the same day, or do 1 big grocery shop once a monht JUST so i dont have to go through that more often...
and then to be told youve been denied, canceled ect....and all eyes are bearing into your soul and udging you (even if theres 1 person in the area you ustfeel like they made an announcemt over the loudspeaker or something...ya know?!

that stressor...yeah i think right now...just enough to make me glad it is the end of the month and i DONT have any chocolate or chips in the house...

sorry for being all down and venty, but this is realy the only place i can right now...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wow Pink.... I just thought my day started out crappy. I know I don't know you very well, but I"m sending all the long distance hugs that I can. :hugs

When I have days like that (and I've had a few lately) I find the most peace and solace outside with my animals. Hope you can too.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks...i like hugs! :)

ust one thing after another, ll get through no choice LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well last night they caled for severe thunderstorms, looked at the radar and while they looked nice and angry they were breaking up REALY quickly...
i was right...byt the time they hit me (though there was a more agresive looking cellsouth of me that might have hit WBF) we got about 8 mins of heavy rain, 3 flashes of lightning and 5 or so general rumbles....

we id get some rain on the overnight....enough that my back yar does indeed look "wet" but not enough to register much in the rain guage...
there saying rain is likley on and of today which is fine...we need it...and i have no plans for toay so it can go for it and have fun lol.

the big streetlight outside my house whent out last was LOVELY...about 5 mins later it flickers back on...
ont get me wrong, its nice ot have the light for "security" but theres 2 occuped houses (3 houses total) on my "street" (which is realy an overglorified riveway lol)
i dont realy think we "need" it...and id be plenty fine if the bulb whent out and didnt come back on...

on a slightly different note...theres currently a guinea trying to attack my livingroom window LOL...
the guineas have been free ranging for a few days now...theres some downsides, primarily the fact that theyve decided to expaned their tick patrol not into MY 4 1/2 acres but onto everyone elses properties to the oppositeside of my acreage...idiots)
and the whole attacking the window part...
but they KNOW where home is...and more importantly they know who I am...they see me, i shout Guineas and they all come running and if they think ive got food, theyll follow me to the ends of the earth at this point
they have realized they can FLY! dozer spoked them yesterday and 2 took to the lowest branch in the back pine tree, the branch is about 12 ft off the ground...
however they havent seeme to master i think once i can get a perimeter fence blocking them from the front itll be easier to keep them directed at MY property...
right now i go out every few hours and herd them closer to the house...
the other issue i have with them is i heard them home...if i dont lock them in and try to alk back to the house...they will follow me back to the house LOL!
silly birds!

the linnie chicks are doing VERY well, still trying to keep my expectations low, but there all 3 still alive, and the olest are both about a week now
ill get pictures tomorow to show how much theyve grown when chick #3 is 1 week old lol

pups are doing well too, ears are now taped an everynes oing well with that (sometimes there can be scratching/chewing the first few days cause it feels weird.
the ears are not cut in any way...ust posted and tapped so the crease doesnt form an you gt the uppy ears instead of the floppy ears :)
ive ha a few people assume that i tape their ears because there "cut" (cropped like a bully breed or schnauzer) but thats not the case...just giving the cartlidge a little assistance is all :)

im doing...well...ok...trying to wait it all out...think through carefully what i plan to say to the perscription coverage company ect...

todays plan involves doing some dishes...doing some laundry (not going to dry all too fast with this humidity but it needs to be done) (washing machine rains out the grey water pipe, not into the septic :)) and doing tom reserch into home improvments i can do over the next 5 or so years to increase the value of the house and property so i can make lists and plan things out

so heres aquestio to all you guys, in a 700 or so sqft house...with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom and a 30 gallon water tank...
how important would a bathtub be if you were looking at this place to buy...
I figure the "average" person looking at this property would be a young couple just starting out, a single person or oler folks whos kids have "flown the coop" given theres only 2 bedrooms not much room for an ever expanding would YOU buy a house in which the only bathroom idnt have a bathtub?

(this would deifnatly be a design choice for me...i LOVE tubs, especially soaking tubs, but ive no room to put a larger water heater in, and no room to have a seperate shower/tub...
so given the size of the water tank short of putting in an ondemand water heater (orpoint of use on demand) the tank would support a baby/toddler/YOUNG childs bath but not much more...
im currently debating between when oing the bathroom removing the tub and putting in a large walk in shower, or replacing the tub with something a little more "soak worthy" and adding a point of use on demand water heater...(or possibly scrapping the tank heater and going with a wole house on demand (this is all assuming i win the lottery of course lol)

anywho...goingto go check email and facebook...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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That's a tough call. I'm mostly a shower person, but sometimes a glass of wine and a tub full of warm bubble bath does a body good! Realistically, that happens a couple times a year at most. However; when my daughter comes to visit with grandbabies, the tubs get a major workout. I've always tried to look at any home projects with an eye turned to re-sale value - even though I never intend to sell, lol! With only one bathroom in your house, it might be important to keep a tub. But, it's your house and if you plan on staying for awhile - I'd do whatever works best for you. (cop-out answer on my part, huh?)

I'd love to have guineas, but when I tried in the past they didn't last very long. They insisted on committing suicide by flying over the fence straight into the mouths of the pack of weimers next door. :(


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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First, :hugs on the prescription fiasco. Hope you get that all sorted out on Wednesday.

I am very biased, so don't take my opinion for much, but I HATE baths. Long story, but I have a mental aversion to baths. :p When we look at property, I see a bath tub as a waste of space (unless it's a claw foot tub, then I see it as a work of art that MUST stay!). I do agree that, any remodel we do to homes we live in are geared towards resale. Even a young couple could end up with a need for the tub, although my boys loved bathing in my big kitchen sink until they were 'big boys' and could use the shower :hu I have told DH that, in my old age ( ;) ) I am thinking I want things done to suit me, not the next person to own my house - if we sell, they liked it enough to buy it and then decide it must be changed, THEY can change it! :lol:

I HAVE heard of some older farmhouses up around here that have 'bare minimum septic' - We have long ago factored in repair costs on any house we buy - we've bought 4 in the past 12 years, and every one of them has had either septic or well, or both, problems. I am curious though, since you live in the 'city', do they have sewer you can tie into? Would be cheaper short term, but then you'd have that depressing reminder every three months, and they INSIST on all outlets being tied in - guess so they can make more money off you :/

I hope September gets better for you! :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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no sewer in the town, (public water though lol) seems public sewer systems here in the south are quite rare lol.

im not too worried, i can always tell them screw it and put in an alternative toilet if i have to i guess...i knowits not idea to have a composter or incinerator toilet in a house i may one day plan to rent/sell, but hey, right now...who knows.

everything i o to the house at this point needs ot be both for me AND house value...
for 2 reasons...
1: i do want to have a barn built one day, a nice one too, and thats going to mean taking out a loan, a home equity loan is MUCH better for me than a regular standar life bank loan an a home equity loan requires having equity in your home
2: i honestly dont know how long ill be here...
i love my little house, i realy do...(though this past few weeks have made me wonder if its REALY worth it all)
but im not even 28yrs old, and who knows whats going to happen over the next potentilaly 60+ years.
i still have dreams of retiring to a place of white sandy beaches, fruity drinks with umberellas and nomy cabanna boys to keep me young lol...
and mum and dad have made it clear if they were to buy a property here with a eacent amount of land theyd want me to put serious consideration into "moving home" (id have a house built or a mobile placed on the property and have my own house of course) so i coul be the farm manager since mum wont be able to do everything while dads gone with work and such and dad wil still need a good set of hands t help him out around the place...

so pretty much anything i do now has to make the place "rent/resale" worthy in the next few years but still be ME worthy incase i decide this is my forever home...

if i knew i was styaing for 25 years or so id probably build Up...add a master suite and small craft space/office into the attic (dont have any real head clearance up there o it woould mean a whole new roofline and walls inside moved to make space for stairs)
but for right now i dont knwo what the future brings...

I know adding central heat/central air is 1 think i eed to put on the "value" list, as is kitchen and bathroom...those 3 thigns could potentially sell a house on thier own...

the kitchen wil eventually need:
more cabinatry, a new stove, new window new back door new sink and new countertops...
i like to have the hardwoods that are already in 1/2 the kitchen continued (they must have gotten wet an rotted becasue 1/2 the kitchen is harwood the rest is ply to level it all out...) but if not i would like to eventually put real tile in there, the lino is GREAT for me and for now, but resale value...not so much.

the bathroom is the room that needs an feels very thrown together. cheap lino on the floor a tiny walmount sink, the mirror cabinat that SHOULD be rescced into the wall isnt and theres no storage in there... the tub surround is stained and grose (its that board stuff they typcally use in mibile homes) and the tub itself is the origional tub from 66 and LOOKS like it scrtched and damaged (now id have no qualms having it restored if it was cheaper than replacing it...
the lighting is ugly and the layout is even a little thats me "trouble room"

id like to rip it out and start again but since thats not an option the plan is...either remove or replace the tub...tile the floor and wall around the tub, replace the sink with a nice potentially "custom" built vanity and nice sink (the vanity cant be "standard' ebcause the space is too narrow, a standard vanity would be too wide)
upgrae the lighting and either sink the mirror in the wall or replace it completly (hopefully id have enough storage in the vanity and could replace it with a nice 1 peice mirror)

i think realy given its a 2 berdoom house i do need to keep some form of tub in the bathroom...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Idea UST hit me like a ton of bricks...instead of trying to use a prebuilt vanity or have the expense of custom...Kitchen UPPER cabinates are the PERFECT depth for the space i have...
I could ust use unfinnished kitchen upper cabinates at 12" and modify them with slide outs for drawers and such!

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