Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Oh my goodness what a day!
ive been sick, not sure if its cold or allergies...I think col, but ive never been an llergy sufferer so I realy cant be sure.
its al sharp scratchy ball in the back of the throat and sinuses and a migrane.

but I got word from my babies breeder that vet check was done and shes been given the all clear to coe home nd she wondered if I wanted to come this weekend...
it would have been an almost 7 1/2 hour drive but she offered if we met today shed meet me close to home...cutting my trip down to 4 1/2 hours
I jumped at the chance so toay was a very long 4 1/2 hours one way to bring home the newest addition...

Id like you to meet my little lady


im not entirely certain yet on her name.
I was origionally planning to call her Rayne...but I just don't know...
for some reason it just not fitting the way I wanted...
Tallie (short for Tallulah) seems to be jumping in my mind but im going to give it a few tel me her name.
I forgot how tiny dobie puppies are at this age.
you see when you take into accout the sie of an adult dobie...Dobermans have the smallest puppies compared to full grown size of any breed...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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first night went well with little lady
she cried for about 30 mins before quiet...then started again at 6am...out to potty and then breakfast.
so far so good, though.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Smallest babies eh? That means they grow the fastest, wouldn't it?

Anyway, she is absolutely gorgeous, and I love the name Tallulah


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh yeah! shes probably gonna be around 70 lbs full grown, they say 1 lb per weeks is normal gain for a Dobe until about 1 1/2 years old, the female are generally done growing by then, males tend to grow until 2 years...
shes not from huge lines though so im hoping shell round out in the 70-80lbs range which is what breed standard calls for...too many oversized clunky ooking doies out there that look like they've been mixed with rotty...shes from some stunning lines kimbertal lies make up momas side (though NOW kimbertal is more a lage scale breeder when the lines were started they were some of the best of the best) and daddies side are Yugoslavian and German, both lines seemed to keep the true size of the dobe rather than the other euro lines which seem to breed a massive dog that's just too big for the breed.

our second night whent rlitivly well...she screeched for a good 20 mins before falling asleep, then work up about midnight then again at about 4am but tose episoes only lasted about 5 up with her when she started crying at about 6:30 and started the day.
shes DEFINATLY a Velcro dog.

got 2 kittens going home today...that should help the feed load lol, going through 2 can of wet food per day right now and it adds up quickly!
hopefully the others will go home just as quick over this coming week.
once the kittens have gone im going to paint the back bedroom and either steam clean the floor or replace it...not entirely sure...Id rather replace it, carpet harbors too much yuck with critter and clay and craft stuff lol.but itll probbay ust get a good steam clean for now...need to focus on getting the bathroom done and I do want to replace the floor in there

itsa new month so got to line up the plans.
I know I want a roll of weldd wire to finnish the quail cages, that's a must at this point, the quail are pretty much a bg key right ow to saving some money...would rather buy a bag of game bird feed and have an unending supply of fresh raw meat for the dogs, than pey .69 a lb for commercial chicken fed nothing but corn and soy.

ive also got to try and get some buns moved ad re-evaluate the rabbitry to get the best results im thinking about moving out a couple of rex and bringing in a couple of NZ's or Cali's whch would have a faster grow out time on the kits for butcher..again saving me quite abit of money on meat for both me and the dogs...

want to get my banty cochins set up properly in the back yard so I can move them out of the greenhouse...this means dismantling time of the old rabbit hutches. im going to use wire I already have ot get that done... they are flea patrol more than anything

this month id REALY like to get the bathroom done in the house too...first job for that would be removing the tile board and getting the walls prepped
and I want to at minimum paint (already have the paint) the back bedroom.

anywho...gonna run the vacume around before these folks come for their kittens, and find my nail clippers to do nails...Tallie needs hers doing too...

and yes I think im going with Tallulah (Tallie)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Well Little Miss Tallie is settling in, last night was our easiest night in terms of pre-sleep howling, and she didn't cry during thr night at all...started wailing at 6am so up and out.
she loves food, particularly raw chicken, but will have to be watched for food aggression with the other animals, shes not even grumbled at me, but growls if the cats get too close. shell be fed in her crate as she gets older and doesn't need supervising (to make sure she is chewing and not just swallowing it whole) but until then...

otherwise, life goes on as normal, rain yesterday, possibly more today.
goats need fresh straw in the barn and hay in their hay bags, and I want to get the roll of fence up into the back yard.
tomorrow I need to go get feed, and Wednesday will be grocery shopping day. so Thursday ill probably start work dismantling the rabbit hutches an setting up the coop/run in the backyard for the banties

the wood from the rabbit hutches will likely be reused to build the shelters for the ducks once I move them, to save just going to build a couple of 3 sided "run ins" for them since they ont get shut in at night anymore...

then next week will be finishing up the quail pens and getting those set up.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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You sound really busy! How's Lilly been doing? I keep hoping for an update, and don't know if I've missed something or what.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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shes actually doing gret, both eyes have cleared up1 looks clear the other hs a small scar in the center but she seems completely able to see, her coat is coming in nicely now and shes gining weight slowly but surely.
she managed to lice her foot open the other day, I don't know how but it was MEAN looking, so ive got that wrapped and ducttaped will be checking on it tomorrow and then will start heron another round of antibiotics if needed. poor girl certainly isn't having a good year but she sbck in with the herd, and seems to be happier.

managed to get their house freshly bedded down and 2 hay bags full of fresh hay, but my energy kinda dropped quick by that point.
did managed to drag the roll of fencing up to the back yard and tossed tht over the fence, and the t-posts to go with it...
so once I get the old rabbit huches dismantled I can work on the chicken pen. not entirely sure exactly how I wnt to do it yet in terms of the direction the run will go...not that they'll spend much time locked in a run, but for those "just in case" times...

its sticky out.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Ugh, I hate it when it's so sticky out that you can feel the atmosphere.